1、As I know that your company has good reputation,best chance for personal development and working environment。
就我所知, 贵公司有良好的声誉和工作环境, 尤其能为员工提供个人发展的绝好机会。
2、In my opinion,if you want to be XXXXX,you have to think independently,being cooperative,creative,outgoing etc。依我看来, 要想做XXXXX, 你得学会独立思考, 善于合作, 创新并且性格开朗。
3、I believe “Time is money and efficiency is life” 。我坚信 “时间就是金钱, 效率就是生命”。
4、As for salary,I leave it to you to decide after experience of my capacity。至于薪水, 我觉得还是等你们考察了我的能力之后再决定吧。
5、You can reach me any time at your convenience by dialing XXX。你可以在任何方便的时候拨打XXX(电话) 联系我。