学分高考 精选问答


发布时间: 2025-01-19 11:09

1、First, learning Chinese will meet the needs of people's daily speech communication.Speech activity is a way of interpersonal communication. People are social people. In daily life, everyone needs to communicate with others in general thoughts, emotions and affairs. Such as understanding common sense of life, want to apply for a job, look through advertisements, etc.What requirements do you need to let others know and share your thoughts and feelings with othersAll these need to be communicated through conversation, letter writing, phone call and other ways.第一,学习语文将满足人们日常生活中的言语交际的需求。


2、Second, learning Chinese is good for people's physical and mental health, and improve the quality of their spare time life and spiritual life.Speech activity is a way of self entertainment, sometimes it is also a way of self psychotherapy.Reading and writing is an important way of recreation, leisure and catharsis. For example, in your spare time, you can relax and adjust your mind by reading all kinds of works you are interested in.第二,学习语文有益人的身心健康,提高人的业余生活、精神生活的质量。言语活动是一种自我娱乐的方式,有时还是自我进行“心理治疗”的方式。读、写活动是人类一种重要的消遣、休闲和宣泄的方式。如在业余时间,阅读自己感兴趣的各类作品,可以放松心情,调整心态。

3、Third, learning Chinese makes people have a tool to improve learning efficiency.In its report entitled "learning to survive - today and tomorrow in the educational world", the International Commission for educational development of UNESCO put forward the educational concept of "learning to learn, learning to do things, learning to live together, learning to survive".All of these four aspects are inseparable from language activities. Among them, "learning to learn" has been placed in the first place of education.第三,学习语文使人拥有一种提高学习效率的工具。联合国教科文组织国际教育发展委员会在题为《学会生存——教育界的今天和明天》的报告中,提出“学会学习,学会做事,学会共同生活,学会生存”的教育理念,这四个方面都离不开言语活动。其中,“学会学习”被摆在了教育的首位。扩展资料:学语文好处:从现实的角度来说,学语文能够提升阅读能力,即从各种书面材料中获取信息的能力,能提高书面表达能力,这两样是以后走向社会可以说比较常用的技能;再现实一点,一次又一次的升学考试,这是一块敲门砖。从提升的角度来说,学好语文,可以拓宽人的视野,提高个人素养,甚至能够获得好口才,提升个人魅力。听别人说什么,怎么说,想表达什么。说出想表达的意思,让别人赞同或了解。字正腔圆,自己读着开心,他人听着也舒心。写得一手好字,字如其人,抒发心事,工作需要

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