工作职位:清华大学 电机系 教授,博士生导师,电力系统国家重点实验室副主任
1982年和1985年分别在湖南大学电气工程系获得学士和硕士学位,1991年在清华大学电机工程与应用电子技术系获得工学博士学位,留校任教至今。其中于1994-1997年在美国俄亥俄州立大学和美国加州大学欧文分校从事博士后研究工作,1998-1999年先后在加拿大哥伦比亚大学和香港大学进行高级访问学者和研究教授工作。现任清华大学电机工程与应用电子技术系教授,博士生导师,电力系统国家重点实验室副主任。兼任IEEE 电力电子学会(PELS)执委会委员,IEEE 电力电子学会(PELS)会员发展委员会主席,IEEE 电力电子学会(PELS)北京分部主席,中国电工技术学会电力电子学会副理事长,北京电力电子学会副理事长,国家科技部风力发电总体项目专家组成员,国防科工局太空太阳能发电站系统与总体专家组成员,世界工程组织联合会(WFEO)-能源委员会太阳能专家工作组成员,英国工程与技术学会会士(IET Fellow)等职,担任多种国内外重要学术期刊副主编、编委和助理编委。主要研究方向包括:大功率高压电力电子技术、光伏并网发电及其应用、电机及其控制、无线电能传输等。先后负责承担完成多项国家攻关课题、国家863课题、国家自然科学基金重点和面上课题以及多项大型横向科研课题和国际合作项目。在国际学术刊物上、国际会议以及国内核心刊物上发表360多篇有关学术论文,其中EI源刊200余篇,SCI源刊30余篇;编著和参编8本科技书籍。已获授权国家发明专利27项、软件著作权15项。先后获得省部级科技成果奖10余项,多次获得国际学术会议优秀论文奖。所指导的博硕士有6人获得清华大学优秀博士论文奖,3人获得清华大学优秀硕士论文奖。
1999.10-至今 | 清华大学电机工程与应用电子技术系,教授 |
1993.10-1999.09 | 清华大学电机工程与应用电子技术系,副教授 |
1991.03-1993.09 | 清华大学电机工程与应用电子技术系,讲师 |
1998.09-1999.06 | 加拿大哥伦比亚大学和香港大学,高级访问学者和研究教授工作 |
1994.04-1997.05 | 美国俄亥俄州立大学和加州大学欧文分校,博士后研究工作 |
1987.09-1991.03 | 清华大学电机系电机及其控制专业,获博士学位 |
1985.11-1987.08 | 湖南大学电气工程系,助教 |
1978.08-1985.10 | 湖南大学电机及其控制专业,分别获学士、硕士学位 |
2014年IEEE ECCE优秀论文三等奖
2010年IEEE PEDG优秀论文奖
电力电子与电机集成系统(双语课程), 2001起,每逢秋季学期开课,全系研究生(研究生精品课)
出版专著和教材6部,发表论文360余篇,其中SCI收录30余篇,EI收录200余篇。2014年获ICEMS国际会议优秀论文奖,2014年获ECCE优秀论文三等奖,2011年获ICEMS国际会议优秀论文奖,2010年获首届《中国电机工程学报》百篇杰出学术论文刊物优秀论文奖,2010年获IEEE PEDG优秀论文奖,2008年获中国自动化网优秀论文奖。
1) 赵争鸣,刘建政,孙晓瑛,袁立强. 太阳能光伏发电及其应用,科学出版社,2005.10
2) 赵争鸣,袁立强,杨晟. 可控电源供电电机的设计与分析(双语),机械工业出版社,2012.8
3) 赵争鸣,陈剑,孙晓瑛. 太阳能光伏发电最大功率点跟踪技术,电子工业出版社,2012.4
4) 赵争鸣,袁立强. 电力电子与电机集成分析基础,机械工业出版社,2009.8
5) 袁立强,赵争鸣,宋高升,王正元. 电力半导体器件原理与应用,机械工业出版社,2011.1
1) 中国电工技术学会电力电子学会,赵争鸣(编委),袁立强(参编). 电力电子设备设计和应用手册(3版)——第11章高压大容量电力电子器件及其装置,机械工业出版社,2009.1
2) 赵争鸣(副主编),孙晓瑛(参编). 电气工程师手册——第16篇第三章-太阳能光伏发电,中国出版社,2008.4
3) 教育部高等教育司、北京市教育委员会,赵争鸣(编委),王雪松(参编). 高等学校毕业设计(论文)指导手册-电工篇——调研评估型毕业设计(论文),高等教育出版社,2007.11
4) 国际铜业协会(中国),赵争鸣(参编). EUEEP中国终端能效项目系列培训教材-电机系统节能培训教材——第三章电动机调速驱动系统,2007.10
5) 王正元,戴林,赵争鸣,李崇坚. 中国电机系统能源效率与市场潜力分析,机械工业出版社,2001.11.
1) L. Ting,Zhao Zhengming,Y. Hualong,J. Shiqi,Y. Liqiang,and H. Fanbo,"Parameter Design of a Three-Level Converter based on Series-Connected HV-IGBTs," Industry Applications,IEEE Transactions on,vol. 50,pp. 3943-3954,2014-01-01 2014.
2) L. Ting,Zhao Zhengming,J. Shiqi,Y. Hualong,and Y. Liqiang,"Active Clamping Circuit With Status Feedback for Series-Connected HV-IGBTs," Industry Applications,IEEE Transactions on,vol. 50,pp. 3579-3590,2014-01-01 2014.
3) S. Ji,T. Lu,Zhengming Zhao ,H. Yu,and L. Yuan,"Series-Connected HV -IGBTs Using Active Voltage Balancing Control with Status Feedback Circuit," in Power Electronics,IEEE Transactions on. vol. PP,2014,p. 1-1.
4) Z. Yiming,Zhao Zhengming and C. Kainan,"Frequency-Splitting Analysis of Four-Coil Resonant Wireless Power Transfer," Industry Applications,IEEE Transactions on,vol. 50,pp. 2436-2445,2014-01-01 2014.
5) Yiming Zhang,Zhengming Zhao. Frequency Splitting Analysis of Two-Coil Resonant Wireless Power Transfer. Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters,IEEE,2014,13:400-402.(EI:20141317521451)
6) Shiqi Ji,Ting Lu,Zhengming Zhao,Hualong Yu,Liqiang Yuan,Sheng Yang,Secrest C. Physical Model Analysis During Transient for Series-Connected HVIGBTs. Power Electronics,IEEE Transactions on,2014,29(11):5727-5737.(SCI:EI:)
7) Yiming Zhang,Zhengming Zhao,Kainan Chen. Frequency Decrease Analysis of Resonant Wireless Power Transfer. Power Electronics,IEEE Transactions on,2014,29(3):1058-1063.(SCI:273BK;EI:20134016794767)
8) Zhang Y.,Zhao Zhengming,Chen K. Frequency Splitting Analysis of Four-Coil Resonant Wireless Power Transfer. Industry Applications,IEEE Transactions on,2013,PP(99):1.(SCI: EI:20140117154090)
9) Yin L.,Zhao Zhengming,Lu T.,Yang S.,Zou G. An Improved DC-link Voltage Fast Control Scheme for a PWM Rectifier-Inverter System. Industry Applications,IEEE Transactions on,2013,PP(99):1.(SCI:297AT;EI:20140717304469)
10) Eltawil Mohamed A.,Zhao Zhengming. MPPT techniques for photovoltaic applications. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews,2013,(25):793-813.(SCI:236WT;EI:20133216581243)
11) Kainan Chen,Zhengming Zhao. Analysis of the Double-Layer Printed Spiral Coil for Wireless Power Transfer. Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics,IEEE Journal of,2013,1(2):114-121.
12) Shiqi Ji,Zhengming Zhao,Ting Lu,Liqiang Yuan,Hualong Yu. HVIGBT Physical Model Analysis During Transient. Power Electronics,IEEE Transactions on,2013,28(5):2616-2624.(SCI:086QA;EI:20124915770141)
13) He Fanbo,Zhao Zhengming,Yuan Liqiang. Impact of inverter configuration on energy cost of grid-connected photovoltaic systems. Renewable Energy,2012,41(5): 328-335.(SCI:902HQ;EI:20115214638511)
14) Zhao Zhengming,Zhong Yulin,Gao Hongwei,Yuan Liqiang,Lu Ting. Hybrid selective harmonic elimination PWM for common-mode voltage reduction in three-level neutral-point-clamped inverters for variable speed induction drives. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics,2012,27(3):1152-1158.(SCI:945GK ;EI:20120814783939)
15) Yongchang Zhang,Jianguo Zhu,Zhengming Zhao,Wei Xu,Dorrell D. G. An Improved Direct Torque Control for Three-Level Inverter-Fed Induction Motor Sensorless Drive. Power Electronics,IEEE Transactions on,2012,27(3): 1502-1513.(SCI: 945HM; EI:20120814783971)
16) Wang Xuesong,Bai Hua,Zhao Zhengming,Yuan Liqiang. Mathematical Models of the System-Level Safe Operational Areas of Power Electronic Converters in Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles. Vehicular Technology,IEEE Transactions on,2011,60(9):4288-4298.(SCI:860JZ;EI:20115114618669)
17) Yi Lei,Zhengming Zhao,Shuping Wang,Dorrell D. G.,Wei Xu. Design and Analysis of Star–Delta Hybrid Windings for High-Voltage Induction Motors. Industrial Electronics,IEEE Transactions on,2011,58(9):3758-3767.(SCI:807SP; EI: 20113414250489)
18) Sideng Hu,Zhengming Zhao,Hua Bai,Liqiang Yuan. An Enhanced DC Preexcitation With Effective Flux-linkage Control for the High-Power Induction Motor Drive System. Power Electronics,IEEE Transactions on,2011,26(9):2375 – 2380 . ( SCI:847OA; EI:20120114658749)
19) Yongchang Zhang,Zhengming Zhao,Jianguo Zhu. A Hybrid PWM Applied to High-Power Three-Level Inverter-Fed Induction-Motor Drives. Industrial Electronics,IEEE Transactions on,2011,58(8):3409-3420.(SCI: 804WT; EI: 20112914157249)
20) Eltawil Mohamed A.,Zhao Zhengming. Grid-connected photovoltaic power systems: Technical and potential problems-A review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews,2010,14(1):112-129.(SCI:512VJ; EI:20094012363792)
1) T. Lu,Zhengming Zhao ,Y. Zhang,L. Yuan,and F. He,"Decoupled direct power control based on improved sector selection algorithm for three-level grid connected inverter," in IEEE ICEMS 2014 Hangzhou: IEEJ-IAS, KIEE,NFSC,IAS,2014.
2) L. Sizhao,Zhao Zhengming,Y. Liqiang,L. Ting,J. Yang,M. Mingkai,and F. C. Lee,"Modularized high frequency high power 3-level neutral point clamped PEBB cell for renewable energy system," in Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE),2014 IEEE,Pittsburgh,PA,2014,pp. 2594-2599
3) T. Lu,Zhengming Zhao ,Y. Zhang,L. Yuan,and F. He," Design of voltage balancing control circuit for series connected HV-IGBTs," in IEEE ICEMS 2014 Hangzhou: 中国电工技术学会,浙江大学,IEEJ-IAS, KIEE,NFSC,IAS,2014.
4) L. Fang,L. Ting,Zhao Zhengming,W. Shusheng,L. Kai,Y. Lu,and Y. Liqiang,"Impact of reduced common mode voltage PWM and common mode inductor on EMI characteristics of an inverter-driven motor," in General Assembly and Scientific Symposium (URSI GASS),2014 XXXIth URSI,Beijing,2014,pp. 1-4.
5) Y. ZHANG,T. LU and ZHENGMING ZHAO ,"Impact of source internal resistance on efficiency of four resonant wireless power transfer topologies," in IEEE ICEMS 2014 Hangzhou: 中国电工技术学会,浙江大学,IEEJ-IAS, KIEE,NFSC,IAS,2014.
6) Z. Yiming,L. Ting and Zhao Zhengming,"Reducing the impact of source internal resistance by source coil in resonant wireless power transfer," in Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE),2014 IEEE,Pittsburgh,PA,2014,pp. 845-850.
7) J. Shiqi,L. Ting,Zhao Zhengming,Y. Hualong,and Y. Liqiang,"Series-connected HV-IGBTs using active voltage control with status feedback circuit," in Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE),2014 IEEE,Pittsburgh,PA,2014,pp. 710-715.
8) L. Fang,Zhao Zhengming,L. Ting,W. Shusheng,and L. Kai,"A combined PWM algorithm to eliminate spikes of common mode voltages," in Transportation Electrification Asia-Pacific (ITEC Asia-Pacific),2014 IEEE Conference and Expo,Beijing,2014,pp. 1-6.
9) W. Xudong,Zhao Zhengming,C. Guanhua,and H. Fanbo,"RF energy harvesting with broadband antenna," in Transportation Electrification Asia-Pacific (ITEC Asia-Pacific),2014 IEEE Conference and Expo,Beijing,2014,pp. 1-5.
10) S. Yu,L. Ting,Zhao Zhengming,and J. Shiqi,"Behavior model for series connected high voltage IGBTs," in Transportation Electrification Asia-Pacific (ITEC Asia-Pacific),2014 IEEE Conference and Expo,Beijing,2014,pp. 1-5.
11) Sizhao Lu,Zhengming Zhao,JunjieGe,Liqiang Yuan and Ting Lu,"A New Power Circuit Topology for Energy Router," The 17thInternational Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems,2014,vol.,no.,pp.1921-1925.
12) Junjie Ge,Zhengming Zhao Junchao Ma. A Damping Injection Control of Isolated Bidirectional DC-DC Converters based on the Load Parameter Identification The 17th International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems,2014,vol.,no.,pp.314-317.
13) Gaohui Feng,Zhao Zhengming,Liqiang Yuan,Shiqi Ji,Jincheng Zhao.Research on HVIGBT transient mixture model and parameter extraction method. Transportation Electrification Asia-Pacific (ITEC Asia-Pacific),2014 IEEE Conference and Expo,Beijing,China,2014:1-6.
14) Junjie Ge,Zhao Zhengming,He Fanbo,Yuan Liqiang,Lu Ting. Transient power balance based control for buck converters. Transportation Electrification Asia-Pacific (ITEC Asia-Pacific),2014 IEEE Conference and Expo,Beijing,China,2014:1-5.
15) Ge Junjie,Zhao Zhengming,Ma Junchao,He Fanbo,Yuan Liqiang,Lu Ting. Phase-shift control of isolated bidirectional DC-DC converters for unidirectional power flow. Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE),2014 IEEE,Pittsburgh,PA,USA,2014:1099-1104
16) Gaoyu Zou,Zhengming Zhao. Research on impacts of different parameters on transient power loss of IGBT. Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS),2013 International Conference on,Busan,2013:490-495.(EI:20140817340461)
17) Liqiang Yuan,Guangyu Li,Zhengming Zhao,Ting Lu,Fanbo He,Fei Kong. Safe stop-pulsing strategy for IGCT-based three-level neutral point clamped inverters. Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS),2013 International Conference on,Busan,2013:1776-1781.(EI:20140817340644)
18) Fei Kong,Fanbo He,Zhengming Zhao,Ting Lu. Series connected photovoltaic power inverter. Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS),2013 International Conference on,Busan,2013:273-275.
19) Ge J. J.,Zhao Zhengming M.,Li J. J. Back stepping control for active power filter with LCL filter. Renewable Power Generation Conference (RPG 2013),2nd IET,Beijing,2013:1-4.(EI:20140517255206)
20) He F.,Zhao Zhengming,Yuan L.,Lu T. Control of parallel grid-connected photovoltaic inverters with common DC bus. Renewable Power Generation Conference (RPG 2013),2nd IET,Beijing,2013:1-4.(EI:20140517255318)
21) Jingjing Li,Zhengming Zhao,Junjie Ge,Liqiang Yuan,Ting Lu. Implementation of a novel source current detection control strategy for LCL filter-based shunt active power filter. Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS),2013 International Conference on,Busan,2013:1624-1629.(EI:20140817340675)
22) Ting Lu,Zhengming Zhao,Shiqi Ji,Hualong Yu,Liqiang Yuan,Fanbo He,Yingchao Zhang,Fei Kong. Design of voltage balancing control circuit for series connected HV-IGBTs. Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS),2013 International Conference on,Busan,2013:515-518.(EI:20140817340455)
23) Ma Junchao,He Fanbo,Zhao Zhengming,Kong Fei,Li Chongjian. A novel power management strategy for single phase storage-equipped grid-connected PV generation system. Future Energy Electronics Conference (IFEEC),2013 1st International,Tainan,Taiwan,2013:812-815.(EI:20142717879011)
24) Ting Lu,Zhengming Zhao,Liqiang Yuan,Fanbo He,Yingchao Zhang. Uncoupled direct power control based on improved sector selection algorithm for three-level PWM rectifier. Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE),2013 IEEE,Denver,CO,2013:1364-1370.(EI:20140117153971)
25) Yiming Zhang,Zhengming Zhao,Kainan Chen. Frequency splitting analysis of magnetically-coupled resonant wireless power transfer. Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE),2013 IEEE,Denver,CO,2013:2227-2232.(SCI: EI:20140117154090)
26) Yiming Zhang,Zhengming Zhao,Kainan Chen. Load matching analysis of magnetically-coupled resonant wireless power transfer. ECCE Asia Downunder (ECCE Asia),2013 IEEE,Melbourne,VIC,2013:788-792.(EI:20133816745443)
27) Kai Li,Ting Lu,Zhengming Zhao,Lu Yin,Fang Liu,Liqiang Yuan. Carrier based implementation of reduced common mode voltage PWM strategies. ECCE Asia Downunder(ECCE Asia),2013 IEEE,Melbourne,VIC,2013:578-584.(EI:20133816745407)
28) Kainan Chen,Zhengming Zhao,Yiming Zhang,Lu Yin. Analysis of structure and parameters in wireless power transmission system with consideration of losses in source. Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC),2013 Twenty-Eighth Annual IEEE,Long Beach,CA,2013:2575-2581.(EI:20132716459124)
29) Gaoyu Zou,Zhengming Zhao,Liqiang Yuan. Study on DC busbar structure considering stray inductance for the back-to-back IGBT-based converter. Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC),2013 Twenty-Eighth Annual IEEE,Long Beach,CA,2013:1213-1218.(EI:20132716458918)
30) Ting Lu,Zhengming Zhao,Shiqi Ji,Hualong Yu,Liqiang Yuan. Parameter design of voltage balancing circuit for series connected HV-IGBTs. Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (IPEMC),2012 7th International,2012,2:1502-1507.(EI:20124015497012)
31) Shiqi Ji,Ting Lu,Zhengming Zhao,Liqiang Yuan. Modelling of high voltage IGBT with easy parameter extraction. Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (IPEMC),2012 7th International,2012,2:1511-1515.(EI:20124015497014)
32) Lu Yin,Zhengming Zhao,Ting Lu,Sheng Yang,Gaoyu Zou. An improved DC-link voltage fast control scheme for a PWM rectifier-inverter system. Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE),2012 IEEE,2012:1669-1675.(EI:20125115806673)
33) Hualong Yu,Liqiang Yuan,Ting Lu,Zhengming Zhao,Shiqi Ji. Structure design and analysis of high voltage IGBTs series connection experimental platform. Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (IPEMC),2012 7th International,2012,3:1828-1832.(EI:20124015497133)
34) Liqiang Yuan,Zhiping Chen,Xianlai Hu,Junjie Ge,Zhengming Zhao. Design and implementation of photovoltaic lighting system with high luminous efficacy LEDs. Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (IPEMC),2012 7th International,2012,4:2914-2918.(EI:20124015497323)
35) Yuan Liqiang,Yu Hualong,Wang Xuesong,Zhao Zhengming,Lu Ting. The Large-size Low-stray-parameter Planar Bus Bar for High Power IGBT-based Inverters. ICEMS 2012,2012:(EI:20130716015699)
36) Chen Zhiping,Yuan Liqiang,Zhao Zhengming,Sun Xiaoying. Power Losses in Two- and Three-Level Three Phase Photovoltaic Inverters Equipped with IGBTs. ICEMS 2012,2012:(EI:20130716015868)
37) Lu Ting,Zhao Zhengming,Yu Hualong,Ji Shiqi,Yuan Liqiang,He Fanbo. Parameter design of three-level converter based on series connected HV-IGBTs. ICEMS 2012,2012:(EI:20130716015854)
38) Li Xiaoxiao,Zhao Zhengming,Ju Zhenhe. Calculation and experiment research of improving generated energy in grid-connected PV power station based on manual adjustment of angle. EESD 2012,2012:(EI:20130215879047)
39) Lu Ting,Zhao Zhengming,Ji Shiqi,Yu Hualong,Yuan Liqiang. Active clamping circuit with status feedback for HV-IGBT. ICEMS 2012,2012:(EI:20130716015853)
40) Bai Lingyun,Zhao Zhengming,Lei Yi,Wang Shuping. Study on the loss reduction of high-efficient high-voltage series induction motors. ICEMS2011,2011: (EI:20115014604689)
41) Zou Gaoyu,Zhao Zhengming,Yuan Liqiang,Wang Xuesong,Lu Ting. Optimal Design of the Back-to-Back IGBT-based Converter with the Concept of Systematic Safe Operating Area. ICEMS2011,2011:(EI:20115014604351)
42) Lei Yi,Zhao Zhengming,Xu Wei,Zhu Jianguo. Modeling and analysis of MW-level grid-connected PV plant. IECON 2011 - 37th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society,2011:890-895.(EI:20120614744829)
43) Ji Shiqi,Zhao Zhengming,Yuan Liqiang. HVIGBT physical model analysis during transient. ICEMS2011,2011:(EI:20115014604501)
44) Yousif H. A.,Zhao Zhengming,Lu Ting. Elimination of High Temperature and High Humidity Effects on Three-level high power PWM Power Electronics Converter. ICEMS2011,2011:(EI:20115014604677)
45) Ting Lu,Zhengming Zhao,Yingchao Zhang,Liqiang Yuan. Design of Energy Storage Component Parameters for Three-level Grid-connected Inverter. ICEMS2011,2011:(EI:20115014604844)
46) Liu Chao,Zhao Zhengming,Lu Ting,Yuan Liqiang. Design and Implement of an Active Damping LCL-filter for Three-level Voltage Source PWM Rectifier. ICEMS2011,2011:(EI:20115014604358)
47) Lei Yi,Zhao Zhengming,He Fanbo,Lu Sizhao,Yin Lu. An improved virtual resistance damping method for grid-connected inverters with LCL filters. Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE),2011 IEEE,2011:3816-3822.(EI:20114814552892)
48) Lu Yin,Zhengming Zhao,Ting Lu,Fanbo He,Liqiang Yuan. A predictive DC voltage control scheme for back-to-back converters based on energy balance modeling. ICEMS 2011,2011:(EI:20115014604710)
49) He Fanbo,Zhao Zhengming,Yuan Liqiang,Lu Sizhao. A DC-link voltage control scheme for single-phase grid-connected PV inverters. Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE),2011 IEEE,2011:3941-3945.(EI:20114814552990)
50) Zhao Zhengming,Yin Lu,Sun Xiaoying,Yuan Liqiang,Lu Ting. Recent development of technology and market of grid-connected PV system in China. 2010 International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems,ICEMS2010,2011:1-6. (EI:20110313590673)
51) He Fanbo,Zhao Zhengming,Lu Ting,Yuan Liqiang. Predictive DC voltage control for three-phase grid-connected PV inverters based on energy balance modeling. Power Electronics for Distributed Generation Systems (PEDG),2010 2nd IEEE International Symposium on,Hefei,China,2010:516-519.(EI:20103713233446)
52) Ting Lu,Zhengming Zhao,Liqiang Yuan,Yingchao Zhang. Elimination of power control coupling in direct power control based on switching table for three-level PWM rectifier. Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS),2010 International Conference on,Incheon,2010:275-280.(EI:20110313590587)
53) Hu Sideng,Zhao Zhengming,Lu Ting,Yuan Liqiang. DC pre-excitation application in three-phase induction motor drive system. Power Electronics for Distributed Generation Systems (PEDG),2010 2nd IEEE International Symposium on,Hefei,China,2010:389-393.(EI:20103713233435)
54) Xuesong Wang,Zhengming Zhao,Liqiang Yuan. Current sharing of IGBT modules in parallel with thermal imbalance. Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE),2010 IEEE,Atlanta,GA,2010:2101-2108.(EI:20105113495989)
55) Wang Xuesong,Zhao Zhengming,Yuan Liqiang. Conducted EMI reduction in IGBT-based converters. Electromagnetic Compatibility (APEMC),2010 Asia-Pacific Symposium on,Beijing,2010:230-234.(EI:20103113107159)
56) Ting Lu,Zhengming Zhao,Fanbo He,Liqiang Yuan,Yingchao Zhang. Compensation of control delay and discrete control error in predictive direct power control for three-level PWM rectifier. IEEE PEDG’ 2010,2010:829-834.(EI: 20103713233401)
57) Sideng Hu,Zhengming Zhao,Liqiang Yuan,Ting Lu,Xuesong Wang. Approaches to enhance discrete control algorithms serving for motor drive system. Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE),2010 IEEE,Atlanta,GA,2010:1041-1046. (EI:20105113495658)
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