姓名: 周 俊
性别: 男
出生: 1971
政治面貌: 中共党员
专业方向: 溶液物理化学
毕业学校: 中南大学
学位,学历: 博士,博士后
职称: 副教授
Email: zhouj_cn#163.com
1989,9—1993,6: 原中南工业大学冶金系有色冶金专业学习,获学士学位。
1993,9—1996,6: 原中南工业大学冶金系有色冶金专业学习,获硕士学位。
1996,9—2003,6: 中南大学化学化工学院物理化学研究所学习,获冶金物理化学博士学位。
2003,12—2005,12: 中南大学化学工程博士后流动站从事博士后研究。
1993,9—1996,6: 参加研究原国家科委研究项目可控形貌粉末的制备研究。
1993,9—1996,6: 硕士课题合金熔体雾化氧化法制备压敏电阻用掺杂氧化锌粉的研究。
1996—2000: 参加九五国家重点科技攻关项目专题氧化铝生产中种分机理及强化新技术的研究。
1999,11—2003,12: 参加研究国家973项目中课题铝土矿溶出与铝酸钠分解界面作用强化理论。
1999,11—2003,7: 博士课题活度系数的等压法测定及铝酸钠溶液体系组分活度性质的研究。
[1].Zhou,Jun (2003) Isopiestic Determination of Osmotic Activity Coefficients and Its Application in the Sodium Aluminate Solution System. Ph. D. Dissertation,Central South University,Changsha,the People’s Republic of China,225 pages. (written in English)
[2]. 周俊 (1996) 合金熔体雾化氧化法制备压敏电阻用掺杂氧化锌粉的研究。硕士学位论文,中南工业大学,中国湖南长沙 ,116页。
[3]. Zhou,Jun; Chen,Qi Yuan; Fang,Zheng; Liang,Yi Zeng; Liu,Shi Jun; Zhou,Yong (2005) The error analysis of the determination of the activity coefficients via the isopiestic method. the Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics,37(7),pp743-753. (EI) (SCI)
[4]. Chen,Qi Yuan; Zhou,Jun; Yin,Zhou Lan; Li,Jie; Liu,Shi Jun; Zhou,Yong; Zhang,Ping Min (2005) A study on the equilibration processes in the isopiestic experiment. the Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics,37(4),pp305-321. (EI) (SCI)
[5].Zhou,Jun; Chen,Qi Yuan; Li,Jie; Yin,Zhou Lan; Zhou,Xia; Zhang,Ping Min (2003) Isopiestic measurement of the osmotic and activity coefficients for the NaOH-NaAl(OH)4-H2O system at 313.2 K. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta,67(18),pp3459-3472. (SCI)
[6]. Zhou,Jun; Chen,Qi Yuan; Zhou,Yong; Yin,Zhou Lan (2003) A new kind of isopiestic apparatus for the determination of osmotic coefficients. the Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics,35(12),pp1939-1963. (EI) (SCI)
[7]. Chen,Qi-Yuan; Zhou,Jun; Li,Jie; Yin,Zhou-Lan (2003) Transformation of monomer aluminate ions from tetrahedron to octahedron Transactions of Nonferrous metals Society of China,13(4),pp972-976. (EI) (SCI)
[8]. D.Zeng; Zhou,J. Thermodynamic Consistency of the Solubility and Vapor Pressure of a Binary Saturated Salt + Water System. 1. LiCl + H2O,J. Chem. Eng. Data,51(2006)315-321. (EI)(SCI)国际会议
[9].Chen,Qi-Yuan; Zhou,Jun; Zhou,Yong; Yin,Zhou-Lan; Liu,Shi-Jun; Li,Jie; Zhang,Ping-Min (2004) A theoretical study on the equilibration processes in the isopiestic experiment. The 18th IUPAC international conference on chemical thermodynamics and the 12th national conference on chemical thermodynamics and thermal analysis,August 17-21,2004,Beijing,China,pp149.
[10].Zhou,Jun; Chen,Qi-Yuan; Zhou,Yong; Fang,Zheng; Liang,Yi-Zeng; Liu,Shi-Jun (2004) The error analysis of the determination of activities via the isopiestic method. The 18th IUPAC international conference on chemical thermodynamics and the 12th national conference on chemical thermodynamics and thermal analysis,August 17-21,2004,Beijing,China,pp76.