学分高考 考试问答 > 导师介绍


发布时间: 2023-02-12 17:35:04

姓名:张斌 性别:男出生年月:1979年11月
职称:副教授学院:岭南学院 最后学历:管理学博士


2009.06- 中山大学岭南学院物流工程与管理系,副教授,硕士生导师;
2008.02-2009.05 中山大学岭南学院物流工程与管理系,讲师;


2002.09-2008.01 中国科学技术大学管理科学与工程专业,管理学博士;
1998.09-2002.07 中国科学技术大学信息管理与信息系统专业,管理学学士;
1998.09-2002.07 中国科学技术大学计算机应用专业,工学(双)学士;


2010.01-2010.06 美国麻省理工学院斯隆管理学院;
2007.05-2007.12 香港科学技术大学工业工程与物流管理系;





Multi-tier binary solution method for multi-product newsvendor problem with multiple constraints. European Journal of Operational Research,2012,218(2),426–434. (SCI)

Simple solution methods for separable mixed linear and quadratic knapsack problem. Applied Mathematical Modelling,2012,36(7),3245–3256. (SCI) (with Z Hua)

Capacity-constrained multiple-market price discrimination. Computers Operations Research,2012,39,105–111. (SCISSCI)

Optimal policy for a mixed production system with multiple OEM and OBM products. International Journal of Production Economics,2011,130: 27-32. (SCISSCI)

Heuristic and exact solution method for convex nonlinear knapsack problem. Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research,2011,forthcoming. (with B Chen) (SCI)

Optimal policy and simple algorithm for a deteriorated multi-item EOQ problem. American Journal of Operations Research,2011,1(2),46-50. (with X Wang)

A portfolio approach to multi-product newsboy problem with budget constraint. Computers Industrial Engineering,2010,58: 759-765. (with Z Hua) (SCISSCI)

Combined trust model based on evidence theory in iterated prisoner's dilemma game. International Journal of Systems Science,2011,42(1):63–80 (with B Chen,W Zhu) (SCISSCI)

Multi-product newsboy problem with limited capacity and outsourcing.European Journal of Operational Research,2010,202:107-113. (with S Du) (SCI)

A binary solution method for the multi-product newsboy problem with budget constraint. International Journal of Production Economics,2009,117:136-141.(with X Xu,Z Hua) (SCISSCI)

A unified method for a class of convex separable nonlinear knapsack problem. European Journal of Operational Research,2008,191:1-6.(with Z Hua) (SCI)

Improving density forecast by modeling asymmetric features: an application to SP500 returns. European Journal of Operational Research,2008,185(2): 716-725.(with Z Hua) (SCISSCI)

A new approach of forecasting intermittent demand for spare parts inventories in the process industries. Journal of the Operational Research Society,2007,58(1): 52-61. (with Z Hua,J Yang,D Tan) (SCISSCI)

An approximate dynamic programming approach to convex quadratic knapsack problems. Computers Operations Research,2006,33(3): 660-673. (with Z Hua,L Liang) (SCI)

A new variable reduction technique for convex integer quadratic programs. Applied Mathematical Modelling,2008,32: 224-231.(with Z Hua,X Xu) (SCI)

A hybrid support vector machines and logistic regression approach for forecasting intermittent demand of spare parts. Applied Mathematics and Computation,2006,181(2): 1035-1048.(with Z Hua) (SCISSCI)

Heuristics to convex quadratic knapsack problems in sorted ADP. ICIC2006,Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg,Lecture Notes in Computer Science,2006,4113: 907-912.(with Z Hua)




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