姓名:李静蓉 性别:女职称:教副授
学院:机械与汽车工程学院 最后学历:博士
1999年5月-2002年5月: 新加坡南洋理工大学机械与航空工程学院,博士研究生;
1996年9月-1999年4月: 南京航空航天大学机电学院,硕士研究生;
1992年9月-1996年7月: 南京航空航天大学机电学院,精密机械设计专业,本科。
2004年6月–2007年11月,Autodesk Vault 研发部门首席工程师(Autodesk新加坡研发中心);
《Computers in Industry》、《IEE Transactions》、《International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology》等多家国际学术期刊长期审稿人。
计算技术:粗糙数学(rough set theory),模糊数据处理(uncertain data processing);
[1] 面向维修与再循环的复杂机电产品的设计分析及其评估验证技术,华南理工大学百人计划科研启动项目(项目负责人);
[2] 2008年度广东省科技计划工业攻关项目,支持协同的开放式CAD平台的研究与开发(参与);
[3] 2008年度广东省教育部产学研合作专项,新一代CAD支撑平台的关键技术研究与产业化开发(参与);
[4] 企业委托项目:支持复杂曲面与精确实体建模的数字化平台的研究(项目负责人);
[5] 2008年度教育部博士点基金,面向节能的机电产品优化设计理论与关键技术研究(项目负责人);
[6] 2008年度广州市服务业发展专项,新一代CAD支撑平台的产业化研发与技术服务体系建设,(非牵头单位)(项目负责人);
[7] 2009年度广东省自然科学基金,面向高效制氢的多尺度表面功能结构的主动设计基础研究 (参与)。
[8] 2009年度广州市科技计划项目,面向国际市场的数字化设计平台软件的技术攻关与产业化,(非牵头单位)(项目负责人)。
[9] 2011年度国家自然科学基金,微犁削成形表面热功能结构的多尺度形貌协同设计方法研究,(项目负责人)
[1] Khoo,L. P.,Tor,S. B. and Li,J. R. (2001). A rough set approach to the ordering of basic events in a fault tree for fault diagnosis. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology,17,pp.769-774. (SCI: 438TZ).
[2] Li,J. R.,Tor,S. B. and Khoo,L. P. (2002a). A hybrid disassembly sequence planning approach for maintenance. ASME Transactions,Journal of Computing Information Science in Engineering (JCISE),2,pp. 28-37. (注:美国机械工程师学会会刊,2003年起被列入SCI索引) .
[3] Li,J. R.,Khoo,L. P. and Tor,S. B. (2002b). A novel representation scheme for disassembly sequence planning. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology,20,pp.621-630. (SCI: 617MK).
[4] Li,J. R.,Khoo,L. P. and Tor,S. B. (2003). A Tabu-enhanced genetic algorithm approach for assembly process planning. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing,14(2),pp.197-208. (SCI: 659EA) .
[5] Li,J. R.,Khoo,L. P. and Tor,S. B. (2003). Desktop Virtual Reality for Maintenance Training: An Object Oriented Prototype System (V-REALISM). Computers in Industry,52(2),pp.109-125. (SCI: 722WZ) .
[6] Wang Q.H. and Li J.R. (2004). A desktop VR prototype for industrial training applications,Virtual Reality,7: pp.187-197.
[7] Wang Q.H. and Li J.R. (2004). A rough set-based fault ranking prototype system for fault diagnosis,Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence,17,pp.909–917. (SCI No: 881NI).
[8] Li,J. R.,Khoo,L. P. and Tor S. B. (2005). An object-oriented intelligent disassembly sequence planner for maintenance. 56(7),pp.699-718 Computers in Industry,(SCI: 964PY) .
[9] Li,J. R.,Khoo,L. P. and Tor,S. B. (2006). Generation of possible multiple components disassembly sequence for maintenance using a disassembly constraint graph,International Journal of Production Economics. (SCI: 030HW).
[10] Li,J. R.,Khoo,L. P. and Tor,S. B. (2006). RMINE: A rough set based data mining prototype for the reasoning of incomplete data in condition-based fault diagnosis. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing,17,pp.163–176. (SCI: 003NE).
[11] Wang Q.H.,Li J.R. and Gong H.Q (2006). A CAD-linked virtual assembly environment,International Journal of Production Research,44(3),pp.467-486. (SCI: 002AO).
[12] Wang Q.H. and Li J.R. (2006). Interactive visualization of complex dynamic virtual environments for industrial assemblies,Computers in Industry,57(4),pp.366–377. (SCI: 034WN).
[13] Wang Q.H.,Li J.R. and Gong H.Q. (2007). Graphics-assisted cutter orientation correction for collision-free five-axis machining,International Journal of Production Research,v13:2875-2894.(SCI: 168UQ);
[14] Wang Q.H.,Li J.R. and Zhou R.R. (2006). Graphics-assisted approach to rapid collision detection for multi-axis machining,International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology,30,pp853-863. (SCI: 111XB).
[15] Li J.R. and Wang Q.H. (2010) A rough set based data mining approach for house of quality analysis,International Journal of Production Research,v48:2095-2107.(SCI: 580RO)
[16] Li JR,Wang QH,Shen HZ,Huang P. (2010) A novel connector-knowledge-based approach for disassembly precedence constraint generation,International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology,v49:293-304.(SCI:607SL)
[17] Wang QH,Li JR,et al . (2010) Live parametric design modifications in CAD-linked virtual environment,International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology,v50:859-869. (SCI:662UY)
[18] Wang QH,LI JR,et al. (2011). Synthesis of fractal geometry and CAGD models for multiscale topography modeling of functional surfaces,J. Cent. South Univ. Technol.,18:1493−1501 (SCI:829VF)
[19] Li JR,Wang QH,Huang P,(2012) A CAD-Integrated disassembly constraint generation approach for product design evaluation,International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing,v25:565-577. (SCI:962PA)