姓名:余卫宇 性别:男职称:副教授
学院:电子与信息学院 最后学历:博士
主要研究方向: 图像处理与模式识别
[1] 2009,1-2012,12 数字家庭网络安全管理关键技术研究 ,国家自然科学基金重点项目U0835001.
[2] 2009,7-2011,7图象感知语义信息的研究,苏州大学江苏省计算机信息处理技术重点实验室. 负责人.
[3] 2007-2008,一种视频的感知信息和情感内容的分析和模型的研究,广东省自然科学博士启动基金,负责人.
[4] 2006-2007,视频情感内容建模的研究,北京大学视觉与听觉信息处理国家重点实验室开放基金,负责人.
[5] 2004-2006,一种图象/图象序列语义与感知信息的表达与分析模型的研究,国家自然科学基金.
[7]2010-2011,蜂群算法的理论研究及在图像处理中的应用,华南理工大学 中央高校课题.负责人.
选择性的论文(*通讯作者) 已发表文章六十多篇,其中三大索引共33篇
1.Zhiding Yu,OscarC.Au,RuobingZou,Weiyu Yu,JingTian. An adaptive unsupervised approach toward pixel clustering and color image segmentation. Pattern Recognition,Vol.43,Iss.2,p:1889–1906,2010,2. (SCI)
2.Yun-fei Cao,Wei-yu Yu*,Yong-hao Xiao ,Yong-chang Chen and Jiu-chao Feng. Image Segmentation Using Artificial Bee colony and Fast FCM Algorithms. Advanced Science Letters.(SCI) (accepted)
3.Yonghao Xiao,Cao Yunfei,Weiyu Yu*,Jing Tian. Multi-level threshold selection based on artificial bee colony algorithm and maximum entropy for image segmentation. Int. J. Computer Applications in Technology.(accepted) (EI)
4.J. Tian,W. Yu,L. Chen,and L. Ma,Image edge detection using variation-adaptive ant colony optimization,LNCS Transactions on Computational Collective Intelligence,Vol. 6960,2011.(EI)
5.Cao Yunfei,Weiyu Yu*,Yonghao Xiao,Jing Tian Multi-level Threshold Image Segmentation based on PSNR using Artificial Bee colony Algorithm. Applied mechanics and materials. (accepted)(EI)
6.Tian Jing,Chen Li,Ma Lihong,Yu Weiyu. Phase-driven spatially variant regularization for image resolution enhancement. AEU-International Journal of Electronics and Communications.2011.in press (SCI)
7.Tian Jing,Ma Lihong,Yu Weiyu. Ant colony optimization for wavelet-based image interpolation using a three-component exponential mixture model. Int. J. of Expert Systems with Applications,2011. in press(SCI)
8.Tian Jing,Chen Li,Ma Lihong,Yu Weiyu. Multi-focus image fusion using a bilateral gradient-based sharpness criterion. Optics Communications,v 284,n.1,p:80-87,Jan.2011. (SCI)
9.Yonghao Xiao,Weiyu Yu,Yongchang,Chen Jing Tian. An effective approach for removing heavy salt-peppers noise based on bee colony optimization. International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering.2011.(EI)
10.Riming Wang,Jiuchao Feng,Yu Weiyu. Uniform and Orthogonal Evolution Algorithm with Powell Local Search,Proc. Of 3rd International Conference on Computer and Network Technology (ICCNT 2011),Taiyuan,China.
11.Hu Zhi-hui,Feng Jiu-chao,Yu Wei-yu. Blind channel equalization algorithm for chaotic MIMO communication systems,天津大学学报 (英文版,已录用,EI).
12..Jing Tian,Weiyu Yu*,LihongMa. AntShrink:Ant colony optimization for image shrinkage.Pattern Recognition Letters,Vol.31,Iss.1,p1751-1758,2010.10 (SCI)
13.谭世恒,余卫宇. 一种新型的全局优化算法—细胞膜优化算法.计算机应用研究,2011,02.p455-457.
14.肖永豪,余卫宇*. 基于蜂群算法的图像边缘检测. 计算机应用研究,第27卷,第7期p:2748-2750,2010,7.
15.余卫宇*,邹若冰,禹之鼎,田菁. 基于局部蚁群算法的图像分割. 计算机应用,第30卷,第5期,2010,p:1344-1346.
16.Jing Tian,WeiyuYu*,LihongMa. Color filter array color reproduction using cycle-spinning. AEU-International Journal of Electronics and Communications,Vol.64,Iss.6,p:584-587.2010,5. (SCI)
17.Yu weiyu*,Jing Tian. Rate-oriented perceptual image coding using contrast-based quantization. Chinese Optics Letters.Vol. 8,Iss.4,p:381-383,2010,4. (SCI)
18.(Book) Image Analysis: From Theory to Applications. New York,USA.
19.Yu weiyu,Yu yinglin,Xie shengli. Representation on Image Semantics Structure Information. The 8th world conference on System. Cybe. And Information.SCI2004,pp353-356,U.S.A. Jul.2004 (ISTP)
20.L. Ma,J. Tian,W. Yu. Visual saliency detection in image using ant colony optimisation and local phase coherence. Electronics Letters. Vol. 46 No. 15,July 2010. (SCI)
21.Yonghao Xiao,Weiyu Yu*,Jing Tian. Image Segmentation based on Fuzzy Entropy and Bee colony Algorithm. 6th International Conference on Natural Computation,ICNC 2010,v1,p 340-343,2010. 8. (EI)
22.张涛,肖永豪,余卫宇*. 基于鱼群算法的图像阈值分割.计算机应用研究.2011,3.
23.Weiyu Yu,Jing Tian,Yonghao Xiao. Color Reproduction for Noisy CFA Data Using Directional Cycle-spinning. Journal of systems engineering and electronics. 2011,6. (SCI)
24.Miao Chengliang,Xie Shengli,Yu weiyu. Image semantics segmentation using watershed algorithm. 2006 IEEE International Conference on Service Operation and Logistics,and Informatics,SOLI2006,2006,6. (EI)
25. 余卫宇,陈敏,余英林.一种从边缘图重构图象的新方法.华南理工大学学报.2002,30(2):41-44. (EI)
26.Zou Ruobing,Yu Weiyu,Yu Zhiding,Yu Xiangyu. Image segmentation based on local ant colony optimization. 5th International Conference on Natural Computation,v3,p:35-39,ICNC. (EI)
27.Yu Zhiding,Yu weiyu,Xie shengli. Color Image Segmentation based on Ant colony Algorithm with FCM Algorithm. USA. ANNIE’2008,11.
28.余卫宇,曹燕,谢胜利. 视频摘要的现状和研究进展. 计算机应用研究.2008,7.
29.Tian jing,Yu weiyu,Xieshengli. On the kernel function selection of non local filtering for image denosing.IMCLC,Kunming,2008,7. (EI)
30.Tian jing,Yu weiyu,Xie shengli.An ant colony optimization algorithm for image edge detection,2008 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence.Hong Kong,China,2008,6. (EI)
31.Yu weiyu,Tian jing,Xie shengli. Image Fusion Over Distributed Video Sensor Network: A Wavelet Domain Bayesian Approach Using A Three-state Exponential Mixture Model. IEEE the third International Conference on Innovative Computing,Information and Control,Dalian,China.2008,6 (SCI)
32.Yu weiyu,Tian jing,Xie shengli. Spatial Relationship of Image Semantics Objects.2008 IEEE International Conference Information and Automation,Zhangjiajie,Hunan,China,2008,6. (EI)
33.Xiangyu Yu,Yu weiyu. A Novel Segmentation-based Mutual Information Image Registration for SAR Images. International Conference on Image and Signal Processing,Hainan,China,2008,5. (EI)
34.Tian jing,Yu weiyu,Xie shengli. Wavelet-based Image Interpolation Using A Three-state Exponential Mixture Model.International Conference on Image and Signal Processing,Hainan,China,2008,5. (EI)
35.Yu weiyu,Cao Yan,Xie shengli.Extracting semantic video object using morphology watershed algorithm. 12th International Workshop on Combinatorial Image AnalysisSpecial Track on Application.2008,4.
36.余卫宇,余英林,谢胜利.人对图象感知信息响应的初步研究. 电路与系统学报. 2007,12(6):64-69.
37.Yu weiyu,Xie shengli,Li guohua.a wavelet-based image interpolation approach for vertical pixel mixture CCD.6th International Conference on Information,Communication and Signal Processing,Singpore,12,2007. (EI)
38.Qin wei,Yu weiyu ,Wei gang. Bimodal Speech Recognition based on Hierarchical Parallel Boosting,2007 IEEE International Conference on Control and Automation,ICCA2007,pp1752-1755,GuangZhou,China.2007.(EI)
42.Du juan,Yu yinglin,Xie shengli,Yu weiyu.A New Blind Image Quality Assessment based on HVS. The 9th world conference on System. Cybe. And Information. SCI2004,pp361-364,U.S.A.Jul.2004 (ISTP)
43.余卫宇,余英林,谢胜利,曹燕. 图象语义结构信息的理论分析.中山大学学报(自然科学版).2006,45(5):34-37.(EI).
44.Yu weiyu,Jiang yuanjiao,Yu yinglin. A model of structural semantics of image. Second IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics,and Informatics,pp931-935. June,2006. (EI)
45.Yu weiyu,Yu yinglin,Cao yan. A Mathematical Model of Structure Information for Image Semantics. Intelligent engineering systems through artificial neural networks. Vol.16. pp557-562.USA.Nov.2006. ASME Press. (Book)
46.余卫宇,余英林,谢胜利,潘晓舟.几种图象结构模型的分析. 华南理工大学学报(自然科学版).2005,33(1):1-5.(EI)
47.余卫宇,谢胜利,余英林. 语义视频检索的现状和研究进展. 计算机应用研究,2005.22(5):1-7.
48.Yu weiyu,Yu yinglin,Xie shengli. Extracting semantic object based on color feature using ISODAT algorithm. SPIE-MIPPR’,Vol. 6043,pp60432F1-9,Wuhan,China,Oct.2005.(EI)