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发布时间: 2023-01-26 06:45:03

1980.7-1985.7 上海医科大学公共卫生学院 学士学位
1985.8-1993.12上海医科大学公共卫生学院 助教和讲师
1994.1-1996.4 瑞典Karolinska Instititute 访问学者
1996.5-2000.10瑞典Karolinska Instititute 博士学位
2001.1-1006.10瑞典Karolinska Instititute 博士后
2006.11-2008.1 美国NIH 博士后
2008.2-2009.2 美国哈佛大学 博士后
1.Zhu C,Johansson M,Permert J and Karlsson A.,Enhanced cytotoxicity of nucleoside analogs by overexpression of mitochondrial deoxyguanosine kinase in cancer cell lines,J Biol Chem.1998 Jun 12;273(24):14707-11 (PubMed)
2.Zhu C,Johansson M,Permert J and Karlsson A,Phosphorylation of anti-cancer nucleoside analogs by human mitochondrial deoxyguanosine kinase,Biochem Pharmacol.1998 Oct 15;56(8):1035-40.(PubMed)
3.Neyts J,Balzarini J,Andrei G,Zhu C,Snoeck R,Zimmerman A,Mertens T,Karlsson A and De Clercq E,Intracellular metabolism of the N7-substituted acyclic nucleoside analog 2-amino-7-(1,3-dihydroxy-2-propoxymethyl)-purine,a potent inhibitor of herpesvirus replication,Mol Pharmacol.1998,Jan;53(1):157-65.(PubMed)
4.Hagen K,Zhu C,Melefors O and Hultcrantz R,Susceptibility of cultured rat hepatocytes to oxidative stress by peroxides and iron.The extracellular matrix affects the toxicity of tert-butyl hydroperoxide,Int J Biochem Cell Biol.1999 Mar-Apr;31(3-4):499-508.(PubMed)
5.Wettin K,Johansson M,Zheng X,Zhu C and Karlsson A,Cloning of mouse mitochondrial thymidine kinase 2 cDNA,FEBS Lett.1999 Oct 22;460(1):103-6.(PubMed)
6.Zhu C,Johansson M and Karlsson A,Differential incorporation of the anti-leukemic nucleoside analog 1-Beta-D-arabinofuranosylcytosine and 9-Beta-D-arabinofuranosylguanine into nuclear and mitochondrial DNA,FEBS Lett.2000 Jun 2;474(2-3):129-32.(PubMed)
7.Zhu C,Johansson M and Karlsson A,Incorporation of nucleoside analogs into nuclear or mitochondrial DNA is determined by the intracellular phosphorylation site,J Biol Chem.2000 Sep 1;275(35):26727-31.(PubMed)
8.Zhu C,Johansson M and Karlsson A,The subcellular location of nucleoside analog phosphorylation is a determinant of synergistic effects of hydroxyurea,Biochem Biophys Res Commun.2000 Sep 16;276(1):179-82.(PubMed)
9.Balzarini J,Zhu C,De Clercq E,Perez-Perez MJ,Chamorro C and Karlsson A,Novel ribofuranosylnucleoside lead compounds for potent and selective inhibitors of mitochondrial thymidine kinase 2,Biochem J.2000 Oct 1;351(Pt1):167-71.(PubMed)
10.Balzarinia J,Degreve B,Zhu C,Durini E,Porcu L,De Clercq E,Karlsson A and Manfredini S,2-O-acyl/alkyl-substituted arabinosylnucleosides as inhibitors of the human mitochondrial thymidine kinase.Biochem Pharmacol.2001 Mar 15;61(6):727-32.(PubMed)
11.Curbo S,Zhu C,Johansson M,Balzarini J and Karlsson A,Dual mechanisms of 9-beta-D arabinofuranosylguanine resistance in CEM T-lymphoblast leukemia cells,Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2001 Jul 6;285(1):40-5.(PubMed)
12.Sanda A,Zhu C,Johansson M,Karlsson A,Bystander effects of nucleoside analogs phosphorylated in the cytosol or mitochondria,Biochem Biophys Res Commun.2001 Oct 12;287(5):1163-6.(PubMed)
13.Hammarsund M,Corcoran MM,Wilson W,Zhu C,Einhorn S,Sangfelt O,Grander D,Characterization of a novel B-CLL candidate gene--DLEU7—located in the 13q14 tumor suppressor locus.FEBS letters.2004 January 2; 556(1-3):75-80.(PubMed)
14.Corcoran MM,Hammarsund M,Zhu C,Lerner M,Kapanadze B,Wilson B,Larsson C,Forsberg L,Ibbotson RE,Einhorn S,Oscier DG,Grander D,Sangfelt O,DLEU2 encodes an antisense RNA for the putative bicistronic RFP2/LEU5 gene in humans and mouse.Genes Chromosomes Cancer.2004 Aug; 40(4):285-97.(PubMed)
15.Hammarsund M,Lerner M,Zhu C,Merup M,Jansson M,Gahrton G,Kluin-Nelemans H,Einhorn S,Grander D,Sangfelt O,Corcoran M,Disruption of a novel ectodermal neural cortex 1 antisense gene,ENC-1AS and identification of ENC-1 overexpression in hairy cell leukemia,Hum Mol Genet.2004 Dec 1;13(23):2925-36.(PubMed)
16.Eskandarpour M,Kiaii S,Zhu C,Castro J,Sakko AJ,Hansson J,Suppression of oncogenic NRAS by RNA interference induces apoptosis of human melanoma cells,Int J Cancer.2005 May 20; 115(1):65-73.(PubMed)
17.Kazi M,Zhu C,Roy J,Paulsson-Berne G,Hamsten A,Swedenborg J,Hedin U,Eriksson P,Difference in matrix-degrading protease expression and activity in thrombus-free and thrombus-covered wall of abdominal aortic aneurysm,Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol,2005,July,25:1341-1346. (PubMed)
18.Hemdahl A-L,Gabrielsen A,Zhu C,Eriksson P,Hedin U,Kastrup J,Thor�n P,Hansson GK,expression of neutrophil gelatinase associated lipocalin in atherosclerosis and myocardial infarction.Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol,2006 Jan;26(1):136-42.(PubMed)
19.Zhu C,Odeberg J,Hamsten A,Eriksson P,Allele-specific MMP-3 transcription under in vivo conditions.Biochem Biophys Res Commun,2006,Sept 29;348(3):1150-6.(PubMed)
20.Bu D-X,Hemdahl A-L,Gabrielsen A,Fuxe J,Zhu C,Eriksson P,Yan Z-Q,Induction of neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin in vascular injury via activation of NF-kB,American Journal of Pathology,2006,Dec;169(6):2245-53.(PubMed)
21.Wågsäter D,Björk H,Zhu C,Björkegren J,Valen G,Hamsten A,Eriksson P ADAMTS-4 and -8 are inflammatory regulated enzymes expressed in macrophage-rich areas of human atherosclerotic plaques.Atherosclerosis.2008 Feb;196(2):514-522.(PubMed)
22.Folkesson M,Kazi M,Zhu C,Silveira A,Hemdahl AL,Hamsten A,Hedin U,Swedenborg J,Eriksson P.Presence of NGAL/MMP-9 complexes in human abdominal aortic aneurysms.Thromb Haemost.2007 Aug;98(2):427-433.(PubMed)
23.Wågsäter D,Zhu C,Björck HM,Eriksson P.Effects of PDGF-C and PDGF-D on monocyte migration and MMP-2 and MMP-9 expression. Atherosclerosis.2009 Feb;202(2):415-423 (PubMed)
24.Li Y,Zhang F,Nagai N,Tang Z,Zhang S,Scotney P,Lennartsson J,Zhu C,Qu Y,Fang C,Hua J,Matsuo O,Fong GH,Ding H,Cao Y,Becker KG,Nash A,Heldin CH,Li X.VEGF-B inhibits apoptosis via VEGFR-1-mediated suppression of the expression of BH3-only protein genes in mice and rats. J Clin Invest.2008 Mar;118(3):913-923.
25.Wågsäter D,Zhu C,Björkegren J,Skogsberg J,Eriksson P.MMP-2 and MMP-9 are prominent matrix metalloproteinases during atherosclerosis development in the Ldlr(-/-)Apob(100/100) mouse.Int J Mol Med.2011 Aug;28(2):247-253




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