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发布时间: 2023-02-10 00:40:03

任Journal of Raman Spectroscopy,Plasmonics等杂志审稿人.
[1] C. L. Du,Y. M. You,Z. H. Ni,J. Kasim,and Z. X. Shen,Confocal white light reflection imaging for characterization of nanostructures invited book chapter,Photonics,ISBN 978-953-307-927-1,Intech,(proof corrected).
[2] C. L. Du,Y. M. You,T. Chen,Y. Zhu,H. L. Hu,D. N. Shi,H.Y. Chen,and Z. X. Shen,Individual Ag nanowire dimer for surface-enhanced Raman scattering,Plasmonics Plasmonics,6 (2011) 761-766. (SCI,IF: 3.526) .
[3] C. L. Du,Y. M. You,and Z. X. Shen,Polarized SERS study of an individual Ag nanowire with bulb humps,Optics Communications,284 (2011) 5844—5846. (SCI,IF:1.517).
[4] C. L. Du,C. J. Du,Y. M. You,Y. Zhu,S. L. Jin,C. J. He,and D. N. Shi,Numerical investigating the enhanced Raman scattering performances of individual Ag nanowire-tips,Applied Optics,50 (2011) 4922-4926. (SCI,IF:1.703).
[5] C. L. Du,J. Kasim,Y. M. You,D. N. Shi,Z. X. Shen,Enhancement of Raman scattering by individual dielectric microspheres,Journal of Raman Spectrascopy,(minor revsion). (SCI,Impact factor: 3.526) .
[6] T. Chen,C. L. Du (corresponding author),L. H. Tan,Z. X. Shen,and H. Y. Chen,Site-selective localization of analytes on gold nanorod surface for investigating field enhancement distribution in surface-enhanced Raman scattering,Nanoscale 4,1575-1581,2011.
[7] Q. Yuan,Y. F. Zhang,Y. Chen,R. Wang,C Du,E. Yasun,and W. Tan,Using silver nanowire antennas to enhance the conversion efficiency of photoresponsive DNA nanomotors. PNAS. 108 (23),9331-9336,2011.
[8] C. L. Du,Y. M. You,J. Kasim,X. J. Zhang,Z. X. Shen,Near-field coupling effect between individual Au nanospheres and their supporting SiO2/Si substrate,Plasmonics,on line,DOI: 10.1007/s11468-009-9122-2. (SCI,Impact factor: 3.488) .
[9] C. L. Du,Y. M. You,J. Kasim,T. Yu,Z. X. Shen,Polarization-dependent confocal photoluminescence imaging of Ag nanorods and nanoparticles,Plasmonics,4 (2009) 217-222. (SCI,Impact factor: 3.488) .
[10] C. L. Du,M. X. Yang,Y. M. You,H. Y. Chen,Z. X. Shen,Individual polymer-encapsulated Ag nanoparticles for Surface enhanced Raman scattering,Chemical Physics Letters,473 (2009) 317-320. (SCI,Impact factor: 2.169) .
[11] C. L. Du,Y. M. You,J. Kasim,Z. H. Ni,T. Yu,C. P. Wong,H. M. Fan,Z. X. Shen,Confocal white light reflection imaging for characterization of metal nanostructures,Optics Communications,281 (2008) 5360-5363. (SCI,Impact factor: 1.552) .
[12] C. L. Du,Z. B. Gu,Y. M. You,J. Kasim,T. Yu,Z. X. Shen,Z. H. Ni,Y. Ma,G. X. Cheng,Y. F. Chen,Resonant Raman spectroscopy of (Mn,Co)-codoped ZnO films,Journal of Applied Physics,103 (2008) 023501. (SCI,Impact factor: 2.201) .
[13] C. L. Du,Z. B. Gu,M. H. Lu,J. Wang,S. T. Zhang,J. Zhao,G. X. Cheng,H. Heng,Y. F. Chen,Raman spectroscopy of (Mn,Co)-codoped ZnO films,Journal of Applied Physics,99 (2006) 123515. (SCI,Impact factor: 2.201) .
[14] C. L. Du,S. T. Zhang,Z. B. Gu,G. X. Cheng,J. Wang,M. H. Lu,J. Zhao,Y. F. Chen,Raman study of anharmonic phonons in SrBiTi4O15 thin films. Journal of Applied Physics,99 (2006) 094101. (SCI,Impact factor: 2.201) .
[15] C. L. Du,S. T. Zhang,M. H. Lu,Z. B. Gu,G. X. Cheng,J. Wang,Y. F. Chen,Raman spectroscopic study of ceramic Sr2Bi4Ti5O18,Chinese Physics,15 (2006) 854. (SCI,Impact factor: 1.68) .





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