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发布时间: 2023-02-22 01:50:02

叶永浩 老师个人简历:
1997年9月-2001年7月 南京大学基础学科教学强化部,获学士学位;
2001年9月-2006年6月 南京大学生命科学学院,获博士学位;
2006年6月-2008年12月 南京农业大学植保学院,讲师;
2009年1月至今, 南京农业大学植保学院,副教授。
1. 基于固定化酶技术的植物内生菌杀虫活性物质研究(KYZ201107,11.7-13.12,中央高校基本科研业务费自主创新重点研究项目,负责)
2. 银杏内生菌杀虫、杀菌活性代谢产物研究(30901854,10.1-12.12,国家自然科学基金,负责)
3. 内生真菌Irpex lacteus 抗菌活性次生代谢产物研究(10.10-12.09,江苏省农药学重点实验室开放基金,负责)
4. 分子靶标导向的绿色化学农药创新研究(2010CB126100,10.1-14.12,国家‘973’研究计划,课题骨干)
5. 内生真菌Phomopsis sp.Bya02抗菌活性次生代谢产物研究(KJ08007,08.8-10.7,南京农业大学青年科技创新基金,负责)
6. 植物内生菌杀虫、杀菌活性代谢产物研究(20070307023,08.1-10.12,高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金,负责)
7. 粘质沙雷氏菌XY21在番茄根围的定殖研究(BK2007578,07.7-09.12,江苏省自然科学基金,负责)
8. 微生物源具农药活性先导化合物的发现与优化(020803028,06.7-08.6,南京农业大学人才引进基金,负责)
1. Li D.D,Lv P.C.,Zhang H.,Zhang H.J.,Hou Y.P.,Liu K,Ye Y.H.*,Zhu H.L.*,2011. The combination of 4-anilinoquinazoline and cinnamic acid: A novel mode of binding to the epidermal growth factor receptor tyrosine kinase. Bioorganic Medicinal Chemistry,19,5012-5022.
2. Fu J.,Zhou Y.,Li H.F.,Ye Y.H.*,Guo J.H.*,2011. Antifungal metabolites from Phomopsis sp By254,an endophytic fungus in Gossypium hirsutum. African Journal of Microbiology Research,5,1231-1236.
3. Li J.,Ye Y.H.,Huang H.W.,Dong L.Y.,2011,Kaempferol-3-O-D-glucoside,a potential allelochemical isolated from Solidago canadensis. Allelopathy Journal,28,259-266.
4. Shi H.Y.,Zhang B.H.,Ye Y.H.,Zheng Z.T.,Wang M.H.,2011. Development of an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the pyrethroid fenpropathrin Food and Agricultural Immunology,22,69-76.
5. Wang F.W.,Ye Y.H.,Ding H.,Chen Y.X.,Tan R.X.,Song Y.C.,2010. Benzophenones from Guignardia sp. IFB-E028,an endophyte on Hopea hainanensis. Chemistry Biodiversity,7,216-220.
6. 李海峰,叶永浩,郭坚华. 2010. 枯草芽孢杆菌7Ze3环二肽的分离与鉴定. 江苏农业科学,2. 107-109.
7. Bao H.J.,Fang S.,Liu Z.J.,Shi H.Y.,Ye Y.H.,Wang M.H.,2010. Development of an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the rapid detection of haloxyfop-p-methyl. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry,58,8167-8170.
8. Chang H.,Li X.,Fu J.,Cheng K.,Ye Y.H.*,Guo J.H.*,2009. Crystal structure of (3R,4S)-6,8-dihydroxy-3,4,5-trimethy l-1-oxoisochroman -7- carboxylic acid,C13H14O6. Zeitschrift für Kristallographie – New Crystal Structures,224,425-427.
9. Wang J.D.,Shi H.Y.,Ye Y.H.,Wang M.H.,2009. An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for detection of fenoxaprop-p-ethyl. Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry,37,82-86.
10. 付静,叶永浩,王瑞,郭坚华,2009. 一株拟茎点霉属内生真菌脂肪酸成分分析. 安徽农业科学,37,13492-13494.
11. Wang M.,Ye Y.H.*,2008. 6,6"-Oxydichroman.Acta Crystallographica Section E-Structure Reports Online,E64,o308.
12. 单承莺,叶永浩,姜洪芳,张玖,2008. 灯心草化学成分研究. 中药材,31,374-376.
13. Liu C.H.,Xue Y.R.,Ye Y.H.,Yuan F.F.,Liu J.Y.,Shuang J.L.,2007. Extraction and characterization of antioxidant compositions from fermented fruit juice of Morinda citrifolia (Noni). Agricultural Sciences in China,6,101-105.
14. Shen L.,Ye Y.H.,Wang X.T.,Song Y.C.,Li H.,Xu C.,Zhu H.L.,Tan R.X.,2006. Structure and total synthesis of aspernigerin,a novel antitumor endophyte metabolite. Chemistry - A European Journal,12,4393-4396.
15. Shen L.,Jiao R.H.,Ye Y.H.,Wang X.T.,Xu C.,Song Y.C.,Zhu H.L.,Tan R.X.,2006. Absolute stereochemistry of new cytotoxic and other bioactive trichothecene macrolides. Chemistry - A European Journal,12,5596-5602.
16. Wang F.W.,Ye Y.H.,Chen J.R.,Wang X.T.,Zhu H.L.,Song Y.C.,Tan R.X.,2006. Neoplaether,a new cytotoxic and antifungal endophyte metabolite from Neoplaconema sp. IFB-E016. FEMS Microbiology Letters,261,218-223.
17. Liu J.Y.,Huang L.L.,Ye Y.H.,Zou W.X.,Guo Z.J.,Tan R.X.,2006. Antifungal and new metabolites of Myrothecium sp. Z16,a symbiotic fungus in Argyrosomus argentatus. Journal of Applied Microbiology,100,195-202.
18. Wang S.F.,Ye Y.H.,Zhang Z.,Tan R.X.,2006. Regioselective sonochemical synthesis of genistein derivatives. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry,13,28-31.
19. Ye Y.H.,Zhu H.L.,Song Y.C.,Liu J.Y.,Tan R.X.,2005. Structural revision of aspernigrin A,reisolated from Cladosporium herbarum IFB-E002. Journal of Natural Products,68,1106-1108.
10. Liu J.Y.,Ye Y.H.,Wang L.,Shi D.H.,Tan R.X.,2005. New resveratrol oligomers from the stem bark of Hopea hainanensis. Helvetica Chimica Acta,88,2910-2917.
21. Wang S.F.,Jiang Q.,Ye Y.H.,Li Y.,Tan R.X.,2005. Genistein derivatives as selective estrogen receptor modulators: sonochemical synthesis and in vivo anti-osteoporotic action. Bioorganic Medicinal Chemistry,13,4880-4890.
22. Ge H.M.,Song Y.C.,Shan C.Y.,Ye Y.H.,Tan R.X.,2005. New and cytotoxic anthraquinones from Pleospora sp. IFB-E006,an endophytic fungus in Imperata cylindrical. Planta Medica,71,1063-1065.
23. Song Y.C.,Li H.,Ye Y.H.,Shan C.Y.,Yang Y.M.,Tan R.X.,2004. Endophytic naphthopyrone metabolites are co-inhibitors on xanthine oxidase,SW1116 cell and some microbial growths. FEMS Microbiology Letters,241,67-72.
24. Huang J.,Yao Y.,Lin J.,Ye Y.H.,Sun W.Y.,Tang W.X.,2004. The solution structure of rat A β-(1-28) and its interaction with zinc ion: insights into the scarcity of amyloid deposition in aged rat brain. Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry,9,627-635.
25. 叶永浩,王剑文,化感物质 (2003) 谭仁祥 主编. 植物成分功能. 北京: 科学出版社. pp35-63.
26. 王剑文,孙诚,叶永浩,有毒植物成分 (2003) 谭仁祥 主编. 植物成分功能. 北京: 科学出版社. pp682-707.
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