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发布时间: 2022-12-25 21:24:07






A gym teacher is retiring after a 40-year career - and taking his trademark yearbook outfit with him.一位教龄40年的体育老师即将退休——他具有标志性的服装也将淡出学校年鉴。Dale Irby, 63, accidentally wore the same 学校clothes - a brown v-neck sweater and groovy white patterned shirt- for the school yearbook photo in both 1973 and 1974.63岁的Dale Irby,在1973年和1974年不小心穿着同样的棕色V领毛衫和时髦的白色花纹衬衫出现在了学校年鉴上。When his wife Cathy, also a teacher, dared him to wear the outfit for the third-year running at Prestonwood Elementary in Texas, Mr Irby accepted the challenge - and ran with it.Dale在德州的普斯顿沃小学教书。他的妻子Cathy也是老师,就问他敢不敢第三年还穿同样的衣服出现在学校年鉴上,他接受了这个挑战,然后这个传统就继续下去了。Each time英语培训学校如何选择好 his picture was taken during his 40-year career, he reached for his old favorite threads.在40年的职业生涯中,每次拍照时他都穿他喜欢的这套衣服登上学校的年鉴。He told the Dallas Morning News: 'I was so embarrassed when I got the school pictures back that second year and realized I had worn the very same thing as the first year... After five pictures, it was like: ''Why stop?'''他对《达拉斯早间新闻》表示:怎么选第二年拍完照后,看完照片后我才意识到自己穿着和去年一样的衣服去拍照,我感到很尴尬。但是连续五次之后,我想:干嘛不继续?”He said that怎么选英语培训学校 he wore the outfit because he had been instructed to smarten up instead of wearing his u怎么选sual gym shorts for the school picture.他说他之所以穿这套衣服拍照,是因为学校要求他穿漂亮一点的衣服去拍照,而不要穿那些难看的运动短裤。With each passing year, the frames change, the mustache gets a little bushier and the hair begins to grey - but the outfit stays the same.每一年照片的框架都会改变,他的胡子变得越来越蓬松,头发渐渐变白——唯一不变的就是他身上的那套衣服。Mr Irby added that it is the same sh怎么选英语培训学校irt he学校9;s been using for every photograph which he c英语培训学校如何选择好an still get into - as long as he sucks his stomach in a little.他还说每张照片里他穿的都是同一件衬衫,只要他把大肚子缩一缩,就都还是能穿得进去。The school principal said Mr Irby's legacy would be that he taught all his school children the value of good sportsmanship and to respect others. The school gym has been renamed in his honor.该学校的校长说,他给学生留下的遗产就是教会了孩子们运动精神的价值以及如何去尊重他人。为了纪念他,学校以他的名字来重新命名学校里的体育馆。以上就是生意地雅思频道为大家整理的雅思阅读材料之美国体育老师40年穿同样衣服出现在学校年鉴上,希望对大家有帮助,更多资讯、资料请访问生意地雅思阅读频道
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