学分高考 留学 英语培训


发布时间: 2022-12-25 21:46:36


今天早上不到七点就起床了. 难得不用上课, 所以把笔记本端到厅里的玻璃圆桌上, 再拿几本口译的书, 认真地看了起来. 一看两个多小时就过去了. 突然想起上次BEC班上的学生提交的作业我还没看完, 于是就放下手中的书, 把没有看完的作业看完了.
这次教的BEC班可以说是我所教的BEC班中最辛苦的. 这里的 “辛苦” 并不是指当老师的我辛苦, 而是指学生辛苦. 以前我教的BEC班是完全为了应付考试而进行的, 而这次的班却是另一番景象. 完成BEC教材的学习只是这个课程任务的冰山一角, 学生需要做的东西远比仅仅学习BEC的那两本教材要多得多, 比如说要写6篇案例总结(每篇400词), 要写4篇期刊论文的摘要和评论(每篇800词), 要写学习日记(2000词), 要做小组的presentation和小组案例分析报告(1500词), 每次课要准备两分钟的演讲等等. 这里面的每一项任务都不简单, 甚至对英语专业的人都有相当的难度. 班上的学生水平也是不一样的, 有些同学基础比较好, 有些则稍微逊色一点, 但是不管是基础好还是基础差的同学, 要完成我每周布置的作业都不容易. 而且我对他们的要求可以说是严格到不能再严格的地步了, 连提交作业的字体和行距都要严格按照我的要求来做, 否则就当不及格处理, 要受到 “惩罚”(买饮料给全班同学喝).
上周日第一个小组的两位同学, 何干英和蔡色凤, 做了第一个案例的presentation. 这个案例是关于蒙牛如何进行企业管理的. 当这两位同学站在讲台上一边演示PPT一边做演讲时, 站在课室后面的我突然感到非常的感动, 因为作为高中毕业就出来工作的她们, 居然可以用英语对案例进行分析, 这已经让许多大学本科的同学感到惭愧. 虽然由于缺乏经验以及英语水平的关系, 她们的presentation存在着不少问题, 可是作为老师的我, 已经对她们的表现非常满意了! 特别是当她们做完演讲王辛庄零后, 我让其他同学对他们的演讲发表评论时, 我深深地感受到, 其他同学也从她们的演讲中学到不少东西. 我深信, 后面进行案例分析的同学会做得更好更精彩! 当然, 由于第一小组当 “先锋”, 所以她们的案例比较短, 才六页. 后面的小组案例都很长的, 比如说这周日即将要演讲的第二小组的案例就长达36页, 就像读一本小书一样. 这个案例是关于沃尔玛的.
上次课是我们第二次课. 可能由于我布置的作业太多而且有点复杂, 所以很多同学没有听清楚, 所以我得再讲一次作业的要求. 我每讲一个作业要求, 大家都惊讶得瞪圆了双眼, 面露惊恐, “如临大敌”. 每一个学生都觉得这门课不好应付. 我想, 这可能是他们有生以来上过的最 “恐怖”的英语课基王辛庄零基础英语培训础了. 上周交作业的最后期限是周五晚上十二点, 逾期的当不及格处理. 结果大部分同学都是拖到临近最后一刻才发到我的邮箱的. 很多学生发短信或者QQ信息给我, 说做我的作业要花很多精力和时间. 比如说有一个学生发短信和我说, 她单是看案例都看了好几个小时, 中途要不断地查词典, 然后写案例总结又写了几个小时, 整整忙了一天才完成了一个作业. 另外还有无数的单词要记, 真的把他们给折腾疯了.
虽然我很同情他们, 可是我还是不能放松对他们的要求. 我一直觉得, 英语的进步, 从某种程度来讲, 是逼出来的. 既然你报了我的班, 我就有义务教好你, 你也有义务要学好. 而且这门课的总课时才32个小时, 为期差不多两个月, 时间并不多, 所以英语我想让学王辛庄零生们在这短短的两个月中学到尽可能多的东西, 让他们在课程结束以后回想起这门课的点点滴滴而不会感到有任何的后悔与遗憾. 而且这门课在很大程度上是和国外的课程相仿, 这也可以让他们体验一下国外的教育是怎样的, 以后要是他们有机会出国留学或者参加培训也可以更快地上手.
看到学生有进步, 我真的很快乐. 这是一种发自于内心深处的快乐. 每当听到学生对我赞赏和支持, 我都会感动良久. 前两天世纪雅思来了两个广州分部的负责行政管理的老师, 听说他们是来视察一下深圳市场的. 当时黄校长介绍我给这两位老师认识时, 她说:” 赖老师是我们这里的 ‘金牌老师’, 很受学生欢迎的.” 听了这句话, 我既感到惭愧, 又感到理所当然. 我感到培训惭愧基础是因为我的水平其实还远不能和真正的”金牌老师” 相提并论, 而我感到理所当然则是因为我的确有 “金牌老师” 的精神, 那就是对学生负责到底. 我觉得, 真正的”金牌老师”, 英语水平固然重要, 但是更重要的, 是要有对学生负责以及关注学生学习情况的心.
我不知道我做老师的日子还有多久, 很有可能明年我就转行到某个公司任职了. 但是我只想在我还在担任雅思和BEC老师的期间, 用心地教好每一个学生, 包括用心地倾听他们在学习中遇到的困难以及为他们提供建议与鼓励. 我也学习英语很多年了, 因此我深深地明白要学好一门外语是多么的不容易, 中途会遇到多么多的困难. 所以一般学生目前遇到的困难, 我都可以说以前我基本都碰过. 不过, 要想成功英语, 你就必须比常人付出多得多的艰辛与努力. 这是亘古不变的真理, 学外语也不例外. 所以当我前几天在广州拿到心仪已久的国家二级翻译证书时, 我内心的激动是难以用言语表达的. 那种心情除了兴奋外, 更多的是一种沧桑与动容! 那本薄薄的像护照一样的证书, 凝聚了我十年的心血, 让我一看到它就回忆去过去十年自己的刻苦与努力, 试问我如何能不激动难抑呢? 我总感觉, 学习英语的这场战役打得太久太久了, 从我十三岁读初一时喜欢上英语开始, 一直打到了现在. 从学习英语的这十年里, 我深深地感受到坚持和毅力对一个人的成功有多么重要! 在这里我衷心祝愿所有热爱英语以及在学习英语路上不断奋斗的朋友们可以早日凭借自己的努力取得成功!
下面是两个学生培训写的Case Summary:
The importance of Management
By 杨丽萍
Mengniu Group is the leading dairy product manufacturer in China. This sustainable business case study tells us about the foundation of Mengniu and how it grew explosively to be the top seller of milk and one of China’s best-known brands. This article will talk about the importance of management to a company by analyzing the management of Mengniu and how it made the group successful.
The management of Mengniu focuses on the four aspects as follows:
1.Commitment to supply chain. Mengniu created a new way to deal with supply chain. It offered a “fair” price and established contracts with farmers guaranteeing to purchase their milk at fair market value. It also assisted the farmers in obtaining loans from local banks to purchase farmettes and more cows. Furthermore, it helped them with technical support and training to optimize their production. By doing this, Mengniu obtained its steady supply of high-quality raw milk.
2.Commitment to workers. Mengniu created an elaborate campus environment at its headquarters. The workers would feel more comfortable and work more effectively at such a beautiful workplace. Besides, it created a large U.S. suburban style neighborhood development for those workers with families. It made its workers consider the group as their home. All these contributed to building the workers’ satisfaction and dedication to the company.
3.Implementation of international quality standards and certifications. This provided the company an advanced working system, so it could handle the things like food safety and quality well.
4.Continual improvement and innovation. This was reflected in Mengniu’s purchase of state-of-the-art equipment and business liaisons with leading international companies in the dairy industry. The two helped Mengniu to build an automatic production system and cut the cost of the company.
In my opinion, without any factor described above, Mengniu can’t be as successful as it is now. All of its managerial skills are impressive, especially the way it deals with supply chain, which is a win-win. In a word, management is very important to a company, just like bones to human body.
The Summary of Case Study-Mengniu
By 王佳勉
Mengniu, the leading dairy product manufacturer in China,mainly produces liquid milk, ice cream and other dairy products. Mengniu sticks to its principle and keep the high demanding quality as well as promote innovation, which help it enjoy lots of popularity worldwide.
Speaking of Mengniu’s tremendous success, there are three crucial factors: position, strategy and business culture. Firstly, position is an important point for the corporate operation. Almost Mengniu’s products are produced in Inner Mongolia, renowned for grassland and one of the traditional dairy region of China. And its supply chain is consisted of small farmers, which enable the company to obtain a steady supply of high quality raw milk. Each farmer contracts to supply abundant milk to Mengniu through the third-party collection center and is paid in cash. It is the commitment to such a supply chain that drives the company’s success.
In terms of the strategy, Mengniu consists on its supply chain and is greatly influenced by the CDH China Fund. The fund helps the company restructure its ownership and shareholding, improve internal corporate governance and crate a sustainable platform to effectively compete in the highly competitive market. Besides, development of stock option plan, execution of an IPO and increase board-level activity, which support corporate profitability, raise its reputation and increase access to market intelligence.
It is well-known that Mengniu has unique business cultures, which not only the commitment to the workers, but the continuing improvement and innovation through joint ventures and the utilization of state-of-the-art equipments. Since its founding, the company has taken measures to indoctrinate its mission and sense of dedication to the workers, encourage learning atmosphere and financial performance incentive to stimulate workers better themselves and move upward. In addition, the company places premium on the innovation and quality of the dairy industry. This is reflected in its aggressive adoption and certification program for quality standard as well as its purchase of the latest equipments and strategic liaisons with international companies.
In conclusion, the success of Mengniu can be attributed to its supply chain: long-established contracts with the farmers, adoption and implementation of internationally accepted management, systems for quality assurance as well as the high value on workers and continuing improvement and innovation.
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