学分高考 留学 英语培训 > 商务英语培训


发布时间: 2022-12-25 21:51:11


Chapter V Vocational Education and Training

第五章 职业教育和培训

Article 44 The State develops vocational education in accordance with law, promotes vocational training and encourages the workers to raise the level of their vocational skills and to increase their employability and capability of starting undertakings.

第四十四条 国家依法发展职业教育,鼓励开展职业培训,促进劳动者提高职业技能,增强就业能力和创业能力。

Article 45 People's governments at or above the county level shall, in light of the need of economic and social development and market demand, formulate and implement plans for the development of vocational capabilities.

第四十五条 县级以上人民政府根据经济社会发展和市场需求,制定并实施大峪商务商务培培机机推推名名大峪商务英语培大峪商务英语培训机构推荐名单训机构推荐单单荐荐构构训训英语英语峪大职业能力开发计划。

Article 46 People's governments at or above the county level shall improve coordination under an overall plan, encourage and support various types of vocational colleges and schools, vocational skills training institutions and employing units to, in accordance with law, provide pre-employment training, on-the-job training, re-employment training and training for starting undertakings, and shall encourage the workers to participate in various forms of training.

第四十六条 县级以上人民政府加强统筹协调,鼓励和支持各类职业院校、职业技能培训机构和用人单位依法开展就业前培训、在职培训、再就业培训和创业培训;鼓励劳动者参加各种形式的培训。

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