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发布时间: 2022-12-25 21:55:04


Namibia was inhabited since early times by Bushmen, Damara, Namaqua, and since about the 14th century AD, by immigrating Bantu who came with the Bantu expansion. The region was not extensively explored by Europeans until the 19th century, when the land came under German control as South-West Africa -- apart from Walvis Bay under British control. South Africa occupied the colony during World War I and administered it as a League of Nations mandate territory until after World War II, when it unilaterally annexed the territory, albeit without international recognition.
In 1966 the Marxist South-West Africa People"s Organisation (SWAPO) guerrilla group launched a war of independence, but it was not until 1988 that South Africa agreed to end its administration of Namibia, in accordance with a United Nations peace plan for the entire region. Independence came in 1990, and Walvis Bay was ceded to Namibia in 1994.
The Republic of Namibia is a country in southwestern Africa, on the Atlantic coast. It is bordered by Angola and Zambia to the north, Botswana to the east, and South Africa to the south. It gained independence from South Africa in 1990, and as such it is one of the youngest nations in the world. Its capital is Windhoek.
The landscape consists primarily of central highlands, of which the highest point is the Brandberg at 2,606 m. The central plateau runs from north to south, bordered by the Namib Desert and its coastal plains to the west, the Orange River to the south, and the Kalahari Desert to the east. A remarkable strip of land in the northeast, known as the Caprivi Strip is the vestige of a narrow corridor demarcated for Germany to access the Zambezi River.
Political System
The Namibian head of state is the president, elected by popular vote every five years. The government is headed by the prime minister, who, together with his cabinet, is appointed by the president. Namibia"s bicameral parliament consists of the National Council with 26 seats, occupied by two members chosen from each regional council to serve six-year terms; and the National Assembly of 78 seats, of which 72 members are elected by popular vote, and 6 non-voting members are appointed by the president. All 78 serve five-year terms. The Assembly is the primary legislative body, with the Council playing more of an advisory role.
Education System
Education is officially compulsory between the ages of 6 and 16. The government has initiated programs to improve adult literacy, which stands at only 92%. In 1998 some 400,300 students attended primary schools and 115,200 attended secondary schools. Modern education and medical care have been extended in varying degrees to most rural areas in recent years.
Namibia has an estiamted population of 1.9 million. The majority of the Namibian population is Black (84%) - mostly of the Ovambo tribe, which forms about half of the population, concentrated in the north of the country. The other Black ethnic groups includes Kavango, Damara, Herero, Caprivians, Nama, Bushmen, etc. There are two smaller groups of people with mixed racial origins, called "Coloureds" and "Basters", who together make up 8%. Whites of Dutch, German, British, French and Portuguese ancestry make up about 8% of the population ― which is the second largest proportion in sub-Saharan Africa, after South Africa.
Capital Windhoek
English (7%) is the official language, but Afrikaans (60%) and German (32%) are widely spoken. In addition, each African ethnic group has its own language. Indigenous languages include Oshivambo, Herero, Nama
The white population and a majority of black population are Christian, 80% to 90% (Lutheran 50% at least), indigenous beliefs 10% to 20%.
纳米比亚早期有布什曼族(Bushmen), 达马拉族(Damara), 纳马族(Namaqua)居住,大约公元14世纪班图人移民到这里。直到19世纪,这地区被德国人统治为西南非洲亦庄桥 C 除了培训沃尔维斯湾(Walvis Bay) 被英国控制 - 欧洲人才在这里广泛地探索。一战期间,南非受到国家联盟的授权占领了该殖民地并管理直到世界第二次大战, 南非在没有受到国际英语的认可下费多少钱用,将之吞并。
纳米比成人亚位于非洲西南部,西濒大西洋,北连安哥拉、赞比亚,东、南两面毗邻博茨瓦纳和南非。1990年从南非取得独立,是世界上最年轻的国家之一。首都是温得和克。大部分国土是中部高山,高点Brandberg有2606米。中央高地横跨南北,与Namib 沙漠相邻,西部沿海是沙漠性平原,东部为卡拉哈里盆地的一部分。最显著的大陆带是Caprivi Strip,是方便德国人到赞比西河(Zambezi River)的狭道。
总统是国家元首、 政府首脑和武装部队亦庄桥英语总司令,由普选产生,每届任期5年。总理是政府首脑,总理和内阁由总统委任。纳米比亚两院制国会包括26席位的国家委员会,每个区域委员为选两位代表,任期 6 年;国民议会由78名议费用员,包括72个由普选产生,总亦庄桥成人英语培训多少钱统指定不超过6名议员,任期5年。大会是主要的立法机构,委员会起顾问的角色。
6 和16 岁之间的儿童须接价格受强制性教育。政府实行各项目来提高只占92%的成人识字率。在1998 年,大约400,300 名学生上小学和115,200学生 上中培训成人学。现代教育和卫生保健近年来在多数乡区在不同程度上被扩大。
首都 温得和克
宗教信仰 白种人和大多数黑人信仰基督教,约80%-90%,其余10%-20%信奉原始宗教。



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