学分高考 留学 雅思考试 > 北京雅思培训


发布时间: 2022-12-25 21:58:26


An 18-year-old Chinese driver and two passengers were pulled from a BMW by armed police after a high-speed chase along California's Pacific Highway Coast, where speeds reached almost 200km/h.在加州的太平洋海岸高速公路上以200公里/小时的速度飙车后,一辆宝马轿车被荷枪实弹的警察逼停。车主雅排名思是一位18岁的中国留学生,车上还有另外两位乘客也一起被迫下车。Traffic officers originally flagged the BMW 7 Series at around 8.30pm outside of downtown Los Angeles for allegedly weaving between traffic lanes and speeding, NBC Los Angeles reported.据NBC洛杉矶方面报道,天通苑北起初在当晚8:30分左右,交警站在行车道和超速行驶的宝排排行榜名马七系之间向其挥旗。After the BMW driver ignored police requests to stop, a chase along two Los Angeles freeways began.在这辆宝马车无视警察叫停指令继续前行之后,追车大战在两条洛杉矶高速公路上演。Officers finally managed to stop the BMW by deliberately shunting its back bumper - a technique used to disable escaping vehicles.警方采用了精准致停” 技术(专门用来对付那些逃亡车辆培训),即警车追撞试图逃逸车辆的尾部保险杠使其转向一侧,车辆失去控制从而被天通苑北雅思培训机构排行榜迫停车。The manoeuvre caused the BMW to swerve to the shoulder of the road, where the driver finally stopped and surrendered at about 9.15pm.警察此举导致宝马车转向路肩,晚上9:15左右车主最终停车获捕。The driver was identified in reports as "an 18-year-old UC Irvine student from China".新闻报道称,车主是一名18岁的中国留学生,在加州大学尔湾分校读书。He allegedly told NBC reporters after his arrest that his BMW "was a new car and he obtained his driver's license about two months ago".据悉他在获捕后接受NBC记者采访时说,他的宝马车是辆新机构车天通苑北雅思培训机构排名,并且他在大概两个月前刚刚拿到驾照。”Allegedly, he also said that he was "afraid of the California Highway Patrol" and "did not understand" why he had been chased.据报道,他还说自己害怕加州高速公路上的巡逻警察”,并且不明白为什么” 自己会被警察追捕。According to NBC's report, the student obeyed the majority of traffic lights during the chase, indicating that the charges he faces will likely be less severe than they would be otherwise.据NBC报道,这名中国雅思留学机构生在追车过程中遵守了大多数交通灯。这使他将要面对的天通苑北培排行榜训罚款数额有所减少。以上就是听力课堂雅思频道为大家整理的雅思阅读材料之中国留美学生洛杉矶上演亡命飞车,希望对大家有帮助,更多资讯、资料请访问听力课堂雅思阅读频道
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