Dialogue 情景对话知排行榜培训春路1A: What are you listening to? Is that Beethoven or Mozart.B: It’s Beethoven, do you like him?A: I think Beethoven’s music is incredible. I’ve heard that listening to that can make you intelligent too. Do you believe that?B: I don’t know about that. But I do think it helps people relax.A: What other kinds of music do you listen to?B: Actually I mostly just listen to classical music. What about you?A: To be honest, I think classical music is too complicated for me.B: What kind of music do you prefer then?A:I like pop music. Do you?B: Not really. I don’t think pop music catch much that.A: I see what you mean.I think that’s why I like it so much.B: Have you always been into pop music?A: I’ve always been into it. Have you always been in classical music?B: Not really. When I was little, I did not usually listen to music at all?A: So, How did you become interested in it?B: When I about ten years old I started to play the piano. I think that’s how it started.A: Do you still play piano?B: Yes, it’s one of my hobbies.Dialogue 情景机构对话2A: What did you think about the song on the radioB: That was all right. He was a musician.A: He was Jay Chou.B: I know who he is. He is amazing and so is his band.A: Do you have any his cds?B: I’ve got all his cds except his newest one. Do you have it.A: Actually my friends just bought it for me for my birthday.B: Do you think we could listen to it?A: Sure. I’ll put it now. There is superb piano at the right beginning.B: Cool,A: which cd is your favorite?B: It’s hard to say. I guess I’ve had to say his album fantasy is my favorite.A: Do you know he ‘ll go a tour on the theater?B: I heard he’ll go on a tour on until late of the summer. I think he supposed to be here in august.A: Do you want to see his perform alive.B: Definitely, it’s nothing better than the live gigue.A: I’ll look for the tickects for us.B: Should we say anyone else to go with us?A: Sure, let’s ask our friends.B: That’s true. It’ll be a good wait in the summer.以上就是听力课堂托福频道为大家整理的托福口语对培训知春路话排名排行榜之贝机构多芬知春路托福培训机构排名与周杰伦,希望对大家有帮助,更多资托福排名讯、资料请访问听力课托福知春路托福培训机构排行榜堂托福口语频道