学分高考 留学 雅思考试 > 北京雅思培训


发布时间: 2023-03-12 02:20:01


想得越多, 越会发现,
风雨过后, 不见得就有彩虹顺义城区雅思培训;
痛苦过后, 不见得就会拥有幸福.
有时努力争取, 最后可能会换来一个惨淡的结局;
有时去留无意, 最后却会有一个意外的惊喜.
平时城区的培训忙碌, 已经让我丧失了思考的能力.
只有在漆黑的夜晚, 你的灵魂才会在我的脑顺义海里, 如此的清晰.
父母, 情人, 还有好的朋友,
你们都曾深深地爱过我, 我也曾经深深地爱过你们.
可是顺义城区雅思英语培训机构机构悲剧的是, 我无法只爱你们其中一个.
于是, 我走到了今天这个样子.
蓦然回首, 感觉一切都是宿命.
我唯培训一不能机构爱城区的, 只雅思有自己.
Human activities have negative effects on plant and animal species. Some people think it is too late to do anything about this problem. Others believe that effective measures can be taken to improve this situation. Discuss both views and give our opinion.
The increasingly diversifying human activities stemming from our advancing civilization have caused numerous problems, one of which is the declining of plant and animal species. Quite a number of plant and animal species have been dying out in the past decades at an ever-staggering speed, posing a great threat to our ecosystem and the long-term well-being of humans. Therefore, there is a pressing need to take effective measures to tackle this issue before it is too late.
Some people may deem it too late to act due to the reason that the extinction of plant and animal species is very severe for the moment and deteriorating continuously. They hold a pessimistic attitude towards the earth’s future based on their perception of human beings’ endless lust for and over-exploitation of resources that fuel the advancement of our modernization. From their perspective, human beings will never slow down their pace a bit for the sake of preserving the ecosystem.
While assertions made by the pessimists mentioned above hold some truth, I am among the optimists arguing that it is not too late to save our ecosystem. Plenty of measures can be adopted to improve the current situation such as prohibiting over-deforestation and over-hunting by enacting relevant laws and regulations to be strictly reinforced. Another feasible solution of this issue is to set up natural preserves that provide a sound habitat for the wild animals and plants from any human involvement. Actually, a great many countries have taken the above measures and harvested decent results. Many countries also combat the issue with joint effort such as holding international conferences involving experts from different countries on a regular basis.
Rome was not built in a day. So is the current issue we are facing. To solve this problem needs our strong determination and commitment. Rather than bothering to think about whether it is too late to protect our plants and animals, we should act promptly.
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