学分高考 留学 雅思考试 > 北京雅思培训


发布时间: 2022-12-25 22:14:54

北京雅思在线培训,快速提升北京雅思一对一哪里好,雅思口语一对一哪个好,雅思的学习 大致也是可以分三个阶段的第一个阶段,基础积累阶段,这个阶段针对于没什么基础,需要考雅思的同学,这个阶段帮助学员创建英式思维,纠正发音,学会英式表达,积累基础雅思词汇;第二个阶段是雅思扫盲阶段,就是让同学了解雅思考试特点,题型特点,通过这个阶段的学习,在进一步积累英语基础的同时,更熟悉雅思考试,第三个阶段是保分提分冲刺阶段,雅思老师会带领学员更针对性的提分,会教授学生、一些实用考试技巧,这个阶段学生应该对自己听说读写四个单向的薄弱环节应该有比较清楚地认识,一般不建议在第一第二阶段用一对一学习,首先是因为一对一价格高,必要性不强,前两个阶段,更需要是学生的知识积累,如果您属于提分阶段,需要立即获取一对一价格请直接在线获取报价。

Dear John, I am very glad to know that you’re to take part in an international conference in Kunming. I sincerely ask you to come to Beijing to join us after the conference. I have talked about you to my patents and they also want to see you. We have recently moved into a big flat with four bedrooms which is well decorated. You can stay with us when you are in Beijing. My parents are both retired. In case I don’t have time to take you out to the scenic spots here, they are happy to be your guide. My father has moderate English knowledge, so he is capable of communication with you. The Forbidden City, the Heavenly Temple and the Great Wall are the places you ought to see. Before you come, please give us a call. Our telephone number remains unchanged, but I think I’d better tell you once more. It is 010-88886666. I will pick you up at the airport. Please do come. We look forward to your early arrival. Yours sincerely, Luis Li (178 words) 邀请信开井头常用培训句式 * I would like to see your presence at… * I wonder if you could come… * I would like you to come… * I thought you would like to… * I am writing to invite you to… * How would you like to join us in…? * Would you please drop me a line to let me know if you can come? 邀请信结尾常用双句式雅思 * I really hope you can make it. * I would like to meet you there and please let me know your decision. * My family and I would feel honored if you could come. * We would be looking forward to your participation in the party. 邀请双信常培训用词汇 Occasion decision honored appointment Participation presence party share以上就是听力井课堂双井雅思培训雅思频道为大家整理的雅思写作之邀请信范文分享,希望对大家有帮助,更多雅思资讯、资料请访问听力课堂雅思写作频道 xiezuo/
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