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发布时间: 2022-12-25 22:19:06


@做人要开心: 托福课程培训费不便宜,请问必须一次都交完吗?
老师回答: 比起别的英语辅导,托福确实培训费比较贵,特别是1对1私教课或10人以下小班课,培训费基本都是在一万以上。但因为托福辅导周期短,很少会超过6个月,因此在收费方面通常都是一次性缴清,如果遇见具体情况也能够跟培训学校再商量。

On the surface, The Originals may seem to be about Klaus Mikaelson (Joseph Morgan) redeeming himself to become a good father — but we all know what the show is really about, right? Elijah Mikaelson (Daniel Gillies) being the best boyfriend ever. We haven’t had much chance to see the well-dressed Original vamp in a romantic role, but from what we have seen so far, he rocks at it. Here are five reasons why Elijah would be the best boyfriend ever!

He’s a hunk in designer suits Credit: Quantrell D. Colbert/The CW ©2011 The CW Network LLCLet’s get this one right out of the way. We don’t love Elijah for his pretty face and trademark suits – but they certainly don’t hurt the situation. Elijah is the perfect arm candy for any occasion, from bar mitzvah to barbecue. And, yes, he would be wearing a designer suit to both of those shindigs, no matter how seemingly informal. You gotta love a guy who so fearlessly rocks the suit.He’s polite Credit: Bob Mahoney/The CW © 2013 The CW Network, LLCUnlike baby brother Klaus, Elijah knows how to impress with his manners. This Original vamp is even polite when he is killing someone, calmly articulating why the murder is taking place and making it relatively painless. Hopefully, few of his dates involve killing sprees, but it’s nice to know Elijah will keep his manners no matter how dire the situation. It’s basically his superpower.He’s loyal Credit: The CWLike, unflinchingly loyal. Klaus has daggered him a bagillion times, and Elijah is still giving the guy second” chances. As he told Davina, I’ve given up on giving up.” Basically, if you get this guy to love you, he will probably love your for life. No matter how many times you piss him off (by spilling something on his suit).He keeps a journal Credit: Annette Brown/The CW © 2013 The CW NetworkThere’s nothing sexier than a man who keeps a journal. There are a few diary-keeping hunks in theTVD-verse, but Elijah definitely shows the most commitment. Not only has he not thrown his journals into the fire Amnesiac Stefan-style, but he has been keeping up the record of Mikaelson family life for centuries. That’s commitment. Someone give this guy a diary-keeping medal.He looks good whilst wetYeah, we’re still not over that pool scene in Season 1, Episode 6: Fruit of the Poisoned Tree.” When Hayley and her baby’s lives were in danger, Elijah didn’t think twice about diving into the pool with her (then holding her in his arms to keep her heart rate down). This list could just be this scene referenced five times in a row, and it would still be convincing.从表面上来看,初代吸血鬼的着眼点是Klaus将要变成一个好爸爸,但是这也一直是这部剧的主题哪家好,是么?但是我们知道的还有,Elijah Mikealson也将成为一个绝世好男友。我们并没有什么机会看到这位始祖吸血鬼身上有什么浪漫情节上演,但是其实,他是很擅长这些的。下面就是5条理由,Elijah为机构什么会是绝世好男友。一、他穿西装很帅让我们来正确的看待这点吧。我们其实并不喜欢Elijah帅气的脸蛋和满是商标的西装,可是这在一朝外大街托福培训机构哪家好切中的确占据着非常重要的作用。Elijah在任何场大街合之下都有着机构优雅的仪态,无论是在成年礼上还是在烧烤场合中。而且他还穿着西装举止优雅,无论在什么情况下,你都会爱上那么一个人的。二、他很有礼貌和他的弟弟Klaus不同,Elijah知道如何用行为举止来打动别人。这个吸血鬼始祖即使在杀人的时哪家好候都是那么的彬彬有礼,他会告诉你我要杀你的理由。并且这样可以让一切看起来外不那么血托福腥。希望他的约会对象不会牵涉到这些杀人案中,但是知道他在任何情况下举止都是那么优雅看起来是多么美好。而且一切都控制在他强大的气场下。三、他很忠诚他毫无保留的忠诚。Klaus已经封住过他好几次了,可是Elijah总是再给他机会。就像朝外大街托福培训机构哪个好他对Davina说的那样,我已经放弃了放弃。”很显然,大街如果这培训样一个人爱上你,他会矢志不渝。不管你让他生气多少次。四、他写日记一个男人写日记实在是太性感了。TVD中有好几个人的写日记,但是Elijah绝对是最与众不同的。他并不像Stefan那样写日记为了防止自己忘记,他写日记是记录下Mikealson家族几个世纪下的点点滴滴。这就是最与众不同的地方。希望有人来给他朝颁托福发了日记金牌奖。五、他湿身的时候身体很帅是的,我们还没有忘记初代吸血鬼第一季第六集毒树之果哪个好”中他和Hayley那个在游泳池里共同面对危险的镜头。Elijah毫不犹豫的朝跳入游泳池,抱住她,为了防止她心跳停止。这点只是我们的举例,但是这个例子太有说服力。以上就是听力课堂托福频道外培训哪个好为大家整理的雅思阅读材料之以叔是绝世好男友的五个理由,希望对大家有帮助,更多资讯、资料请访问听力课堂托福阅读频道
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