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发布时间: 2022-12-25 22:20:52


getting a man’s haircut男士理发It’s been almost three months since I got a haircut and I went to the barbershop where I always get it cut.我差不多有三个月没有理发了,我于是去我经常理发的那家店。But when I got there, the barbershop had been replaced by a hair salon.可当我到那时桥,才发现已经变成一个美发沙龙了。Dialog英语情景对话Shinobu: Hi, I used to get my hair cut at the barbershop that was here. 男:嘿,我以前常在这里的一个理发店理发的Nicole: Yeah, they closed. We’ve been open for about a month. I can cut your hair.女:是的,可他们关张了。我们开张有一个月了,我们可以给您理呀Shinobu: Uh...I guess that’s okay. 男:啊。。。那好吧Nicole: Why don’t you come over here and sit down. What do you have in mind?女:请坐在这里,您有什么要求Shinobu: Well, as you can see, my hair is pretty curly. When it’s long, it looks like an Afro. I want it to be a lot shorter, but I don’t want a buzz cut.男:噢,你看我的头发有点卷,要是留长了,象非洲人。所以我想剃短点,不过我可不想弄个寸头Nicole: Are you sure you want to cut it? If you keep it long, you could have great dreadlocks.女:你真的想剪短吗,如果你留下来,你将来可马驹以有一头披肩卷发Shinobu: Uh, I’m not sure that that style would work for me. 男:噢,我不觉得那种发型适合我Nicole: Okay, then. How about if I cut it short on the sides, leave the bangs medium length, and then keep the back long?女:那好吧,你觉得这样剪是否合适:我将边上剪短,前面留个中等的流海,然后将后面头发留长?Shinobu: No, I don’t think that would work, either. I’d like it an inch off the collar in back, above the ears, no sideburns, with a part down the right side. I really just need a trim.男:不,那样我也不觉得好。我只喜欢剪成后面离领子只有一寸,耳边没有侧须,右边托福多留一点推荐。我需要的只是简单修理Nicole: Hmm…how about if I shave your head? You’d look great bald.女:要不我给你培训剃秃了如何,你光头也许挺好看的Shinobu: No! I definitely don’t want that. You know what, I just remembered that I’m supposed to be somewhere else right now.男:桥不,机构决不名单。对了我想起来了我这会有点事要去办Nicole: Oh, are you sure? I’m sure I know exactly what you want.女:这么急吗,我想我现在已经很清楚你要理什么样的发了Shinobu: I’m sure you do, but I really have to go.男:我相信你明白了,不过我真的要走了I left that hair salon as quickly as I could.我很快马驹桥托福培训机构推荐地从那个美发沙龙抽身而退。Who knows what would have happened if I’d stayed there?天晓得我要呆在那会发生什么?She may have given me a Mohawk!也许她会给我理一个非常古怪的发型。以上就是听力课堂托福频道为托福大家机构整理马驹培训推荐的托马驹桥托福培训机构推荐名单福常用生活口语之男士理发,希望对大家有帮助,更多资讯、资料请访问听力课堂名单托福口语频道
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