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Most people have a general lis

发布时间: 2022-12-27 15:48:25


【题目】Most people have a general list before a job interview—updating a resume (简历 ),ironing a professional suit, rehearsing an explanation for those two years spent after college. However, if tidying up the Facebook profile isn't on that list, maybe it should be.

According to a new study conducted by Harris Interactive for CareerBuilder. com45 percent of employers questioned are using social networks to screen people looking for jobs this year—more than double from a year earlier, when a similar survey found that just 22 percent of employers were researc-hing potential hires on social networking sites like Facebook, MySpace, Twitter and linkedln.

The study, which questioned 2,667 managers and human resource workers, found that 35 percent of employers decided not to offer a job to a candidate based on the content uncovered on a social net-working site.

The report showed that Facebook was the most popular online destination for employers to do their online sleuthing(侦查),followed by linkedln and MySpace. In addition,7 percent followed job applicants on Twitter. More than half of the employers who participated in the survey said that provocative(挑衅的)photos were the biggest factor contributing to a decision not to hire a potential employee, while 44 percent of employers aimed at references to drinking and drug use as red flags. Other warning signs included bad-mouthing of previous employers and colleagues and poor online communication skills.

While most of these may seem like obvious blocks, what consists of alarming behavior to a particular employer? Would photographs of a trip to the beach be considered inappropriate? To be on the safe side, it's probably wise to use the new privacy settings offered by Facebook to keep everything but the most innocuous(无害的)content away from the public eye.

【1】 Your general list before a job interview should include all the following EXCEPT __________.

A. a written form of your education and previous jobs

B. preparing appropriate clothes

C. tidying up your information on social net-works

D. rehearsing what the employer would say to you

【2】 What can we learn from the passage?

A. Social networks are not important in job hunting.

B. online information about job hunters is not reliable.

C. We should be careful while sending photos to social networks.

D. Facebook is not so popular as it used to be.

【3】 Why should the job seekers use the new privacy settings offered by Facebook?

A. Because they can keep everything from being seen by others.

B. Because they can keep the employers from seeing the inappropriate content.

C. Because they can only allow a particular employer to see their data online.

D. Because they can allow their friends to see their trips to the beach.

【4】 The passage is mainly intended for __________.

A. employers

B. employees

C. people work for Facebook

D. job applicants

【答案】【1】 D

【2】 C

【3】 B

【4】 D

【解析】【1】 细节理解题. A项与文中的updating a résumé(简历)时应;B项与ironing a professional suit对应;C项与tidying up the Facebook profile对应;D项从文中找不到对应信息。

【2】 细节理解题。由第四段中的“More than half of the employers who participated in the survey said that provocative(挑衅的) photos were the biggest factor contributing to a decision not to hire a potential employee. . . ”可知应选C项。

【3】 推理判断题. 文章最后谈到:为了安全起见,使用Facebook提供的新隐私设置保护或许是明智的,这样除了一些无害的内容外,别人看不到其他内容. 故正确答案为B项。

【4】 推理判断题。本文主要提醒找工作的人在找工作之前不要忘记在网络上更新资料. 由此推知本文主要为那些找工作的人而写。

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