学分高考 留学 留学资讯


发布时间: 2023-01-16 03:54:00







1. 个人经历

题目:Students should do part-time jobs when attending university

范文:When it comes to the merits acquired from part-time jobs, I could think of
no better illustration than the following one of my personal experience. During
the summer vocation of the freshman year, I found a part-time job in McDonald’s
,serving as a waitress. From morning till night, when dealing with various
kinds of customers, I had to adjust my mentality and changed my tone in order to
react to them. Besides, to be cooperative and helpful when communicating with
colleagues and to be modest and respectful when talking with leaders are,
indeed, daily attention for me. Obviously, after a month’s part-time job, my
communication skills had been improved definitely,which provided me with
abundant experiences to adapt to the society after graduation.

2. 名人事例

题目: People should be open to new ideas and change his or her mind to be

范文:Secondly, to be successful, “stay foolish” ,sticking to a persistent
belief in mind, is also important. If someone is frequently wavered by others’
comments and easily giving up his dreams , he will not succeed. To exemplify,
Mark Zuckerberg, the co-founder and CEO of the mobile application Facebook,
created the application before he graduated from Harvard. Unfortunately, from
the very beginning, mark Zuckerberg was continually criticized by Harvard, and
got sued by his schoolmates. If Zuckerberg had abandoned his idea of creating a
social networking website easily, there would be no such a successful company
named Facebook today. With such example, to be successful, people do not
necessarily need to change his or her mind even when they are caught in a


题目:The food we eat today is much healthier than in the past.

范文:The agricultural technology advancement increases the output of the land
but also introduces other problems like the overuse of chemical pesticides that
poses a huge threat to raw food. DDT is a widely-used pesticide. It reduces the
risk of pest infestation and increases the crop yield, but also does harm to
health if accidently ingested by human. Some manufacturers and farmers want to
ensure an increasing amount of grain production, so the DDT was overused to
prevent pest. As a result, many daily foods like rice, apple, tuna, and pork
have been detected of carrying the residues of DDT. These chemical residues have
caused global food safety problems. On the contrary, traditional agriculture
applies none pesticide nor other chemical substances. Instead, crops were
fertilized with natural and organic fertilizers, which may not boost the
production, but surely ensures us healthier food.

4. 调查引言

题目:which is the most important thing for a country leader to assure the
prosperity of country: create more jobs for unemployed worker; improve the
agriculture to ensure the low price of food; increase access to affordable

范文:Secondly, the economy of the country will become healthier when the
government creates more jobs because people who once depended on the government
and had not self-respect can now live on their own labor. To exemplify,
California have enjoyed a durable prosperity because the state government
enacted numerous policies to attract investment during the past several decades.
Due to these investment, the unemployment rate dropped suddenly , and people in
California now live a harmonious life with the highest index of happiness.
According to a recent research, more than half of those questioned agreed that
it was the satisfaction from their jobs make them feel fulfilling, and they are
willing to be active in making the society more prosperity. With such example,
we can conclude that a society can enjoy healthy economy when people get
spiritual satisfaction from jobs created by the government.




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