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发布时间: 2023-01-26 21:48:20


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Learning in our life, everyone will encounter many difficulties, I am no exception, however, difficulties do not matter, the key is we must be brave to face the difficulties and find a way to overcome the difficulty. The sixth grade in my time, I met a difficult, but the difficulty is that I still can't forget. That is when the physical examination, we are testing the high jump. The test began, several rows in front of my classmates one by one to jump shot away, and then leap, easily over the railing. Soon it was my turn, my heart leap to jump straight, very nervous, think: "this is what to do next! I jump is always very bad, plus I recently, long 3, 4 pounds, if I do not jump in the past, my sports performance can be D, ah! This is terrible!" But no matter how, have to jump, ah! I plucked up the courage, out of my greatest effort to rush to the railing, but the result was the railings knocked over, although the teacher gave me a two chance, the result is still the same. I'm extremely depressed, because sports fail means that can't get "three good" student. I waited the teacher announced the results, to my surprise the teacher announced that "failed the exam today, students can resit tomorrow". When the teacher said this sentence, I was full of energy, I thought: "tomorrow I will be a good test". That night, I will think of a way to practice high jump a homework. The approach has been, I use the sofa when the upright rod, the mop when bar, ground mat, a high jump training field and so build up. Preparation activities done, I began to practice, from low to high jump, the first, second times, third times, although the bar is not high, but every time I skipped, it gives me confidence. But when the height up to the bar exam, I actually went to the bar before suddenly stopped, because the bar is too high, I dare not jump! When the mother to me play, she said: "note the take-off point, than you just jump seat a little further; pay attention to the speed, is more than just a little faster; courage again big point, believe they will succeed". So I carefully thought about her mother's words, back to the starting point, the accident is, this time I can jump in the past, even I also feel strange, I review just after, repeated practice, the success rate was more than 80%, it is a method, the confidence and courage of the question! The very next day the make-up exam results do not have to say. From this event, I get the reason is: first we must bravely face the difficulties, dare to defy difficulties, and then to find the way to solve the problem. Since then, whenever I encounter difficulties and setbacks when they often think of this matter, whenever I think of this thing is the confidence to face the difficulties, I think, as long as we work hard, our brains, we can certainly overcome all difficulties!


Dear Peter,
How is going?It is 1months since you go back your country.I miss you so much.When do you go back China?Do you

假如你是李华 在准备出国留学时遇到了困难.打算求助英语助教的英语作文



Dear Wang Ping,
How are you? Hope this finds you well.
I am glad that you can come to UK for your study. Before you come here, please learn more about the western culture. if you are - 字数有限制

英语作文 假如你叫李华你的朋友要去英国留学写信告诉他留学可能会遇到得困难

Dear wangping,
How's everything going with you ? it's 2years since I left for studying abroad in England.
I was told that you would like to further your study in Britain and I'd like to introduce the situation here ,which will be helpful for you .
on the one hand , you must improve language skill ,othrerwise there would be difficulities in communication. on the other hand , you may not be used to the western food at first .However there are chinatowns. certainly you weill be very homesick for a certain while .but take it easy ,I will accompany you on weekends .
expecting to see you soon and i am willing to give you a hand .
best regards .


看来是写英语初中的作文...... 前3楼有点搞笑啊...4楼的写的有问题....
Dear xxxx,
Welcome to America! But I have something to advice you.
First, make sure you give your priority to studying. Being a student, you should devote yourself to all the subjects. Handing in assignments on time, obeying the rules of classrooms are all necessary.
Secondly, join the natives and you will find your life will be much more different than now. You need to take part in some sports teams, which you really love, and you also can join some clubs, which can help you build relationship with the Americans.
Finally, you need to have a proper transportation. Owing a car is a nice choice. Hanging around with your friends can undoubtedly exhilarate youself.


Dear Li hua,
1’m glad to hear from you. You asked me about the difficulties you may meet with when you get here in UK. Now,I’d like to tell you something about it.
First,you may have the problem about the language you think you ale well prepared. You may find it difficult to communication with the natives. because many of them have a strong accent. Besides,you may not get used to the western food here or even hate to have it. What’s more,you may feel lonely and miss your family mad friends,especially in the very beginning.
However,you needn’t worry about it. Several weeks later,you will get used to everything here and love the place,and I’ll also try my best to help you when necessary.
Best wishes!

假如你是李华 准备出国留学


信誉作文,假如你是李华,作为一名交换生在美国 已经学习了两周,但是在生活和学习上你遇到了一些困难,

Directions: You are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Studying Abroad. You should write at least 120 words and you must base your composition on the following instruction.
Nowadays many Chinese students are interested in studying abroad. They spend much more time, energy and money on the preparation for studying abroad than on their own majors in college. And some of them even begin to prepare for GRE and TOFEL at the beginning of their college life.
Why are they so over-enthusiastic about studying abroad? One of the reasons may be that they prefer a different style of life, which can open a new world to them and help enrich their experiences. Moreover, he or she will become a multi-cultural person.Secondly, they can improve their foreign language quickly, and thus they are likely to get a good job. Lastly, better laboratory equipment and large amounts of information may be another attraction for many students.
However, as everything has two sides, there are also some problems in attending a foreign university such as language barrier, lack of knowledge of the local culture, etc. Therefore, misunderstandings often arise, in addition, the cost of living is so high that the students have to find part-time jobs in order to help support themselves. This may cause them not to pay full attention to their studies and fail in their courses and learn little.
As for met, I would like to study abroad in the future. But the cost is too high for me to afford, so I will work for several years in China after graduation, Then I think I will be better prepared not only in finance but also in experiences, so that I may catch an opportunity to study abroad.

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