Many people visit museums when they travel to new places. Why do you think people visit museums?Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
People love to visit museums when traveling to new places. I think this is because museums tell them a lot about the culture of those places. Museums are also fun. It's almost impossible to get bored in a museum. Every museum will have at least one thing of interest to somebody.
When visiting someplace new,you can find out about the culture of that place in many ways. You can go to a movie or a place of worship or a nightclub. Another option is to sit in the park and listen to the people around you. The easiest way to learn about a place's culture,though,is by visiting its museums. Museums will show you the history of the place you're visiting. They'll show you what art the locals think is important.
If there aren't any museums,that tells you something,too.
Museums are fun. Even if you're not interested in art or history,there is always something to get your attention. Many museums now have what they call “hands-on” exhibits. These were originally designed to keep children occupied while their parents were looking at exhibits. However,museums have found that adults enjoy hands-on opportunities just as much as children. These exhibits have activities like pushing a button to hear more about what you're looking at,creating your own work of art,or trying on clothes like those on the models in the museum.
People also enjoy visiting museums about unusual subjects. For instance,in my hometown there's a museum devoted to the potato. This museum has art made out of potatoes. It also tells all about the history of the potato,and sells potato mementos like key chains and potato dolls.
People enjoy visiting this museum because it's different. It's not something they'd find in their hometown and the museum's curator enjoy talking about the Great Potato.
Museums are popular because they are about us. They reflect our creations,our values,and our dreams. No matter who you are or what you like,somewhere there is a museum that will amaze and interest you.
Dependingonpersonalexperience,personalitytypeandemotionalconcern,wefindthatsomepeopleholdtheideaofAmeanwhileothersprefertoB,frommypointofview,itismoreadvisabletochoseAratherthanB.Myargumentsforthispointarelistedasfollows. ThemainreasonformypropensityforAisthat___________________________.就理由进行解释_____________________.Forinstance,____________________ Anotherreasoncanbeseenbyeveryoneisthat____________________________.就理由进行解释___________________Forexample,____________________ TheargumentIsupportinthefirstparagraphisalsoinapositionofadvantagebecause_____________________________ AlthoughIagreethattheremaybeacoupleofadvantagesofB,Ifeelthatthedisadvantagesaremoreobvious.Suchas________________. Inaword,________________________________________________.So,itissagacioustosupportthestatementthatitisbettertoA. 托福作文模板推荐之二 AorB 将原题复述___________________________________________WhenfacedwiththedecisionofAofB,quiteafewwoulddeemthat______________________,butothers,incontrast,believeA/Basthepremierchoiceandthatisalsomypoint.Amongcountlessfactorswhichinfluence-A/-B,therearethreeconspicuousaspectsasfollows. Themainreasonformypropensityfo_________isthat___________________ Thesecondreasoncanbeseenbyeverypersonthat________. Inaddition,thesereasonarealsousablewhenweconsiderthat_________. Therearesomedisadvantagesin____________________另一种观点的缺点__________. Inaword,_____________重复观点句并缩写理由__________________.Takingsintosaccountofallthesefactors,wemayreachtheconclusionthat___________. 托福作文模板推荐之三 单一命题式 Theanswerofthisstatementdependsonyourownexperienceandlifestyle.Inmypointview,buyingcomputersisasimportantas,ifnotmoreimportantthan,buyingbooks.Soitissagaciousto____________.Amongcountlessfactorswhichinfluencethechoice,thesearethreeconspicuousaspectsasfollows. Themainreasonformypropensityfor__________isthat____________. Anotherreasoncanbeseenbyeverypersonisthat________________. Futhermore,______________. Inshort,_________________复述前文中的理由______________. 托福作文模板推荐之四 agreeordisagree Somepeopleargueasifitisageneraltruththata_____________________________.Buttobefrank,Icannotagreewiththem.TherearenumerousreasonswhyIholdnoconfidenceonthem,andIwouldexploreonlyafewprimaryoneshere. Themainproblemwiththisargumentisthatitisignorantothebasicfactthat______________解释本段中心___________. AnotherreasonwhyIdisagreewiththeabovestatementisthatIbelievethat______________. Whatismore,somestudentsareinterestedin____________. Inaword,_ SomepeopleprefertoA.othersbelieveB.WhenfacedwiththedecisionofAorB,quiteafewwouldclaimthat______________,butothers,incontrast,deemA/Basthepremierchoiceandthatisalsomypoint.Therearenumerousreasonswhy___________,andIwouldexploreonlyafewofthemostimportantoneshere.ThemainreasonwhyIagreewiththeabovestatement,however,isthat_____________________.Take___________asexample,______________.Thereisanotherfactorthatdeservessomewordshere.Suchas________________________. Similarly,thesereasonsarealsousablewhenweconsiderthat______________.(exmaples:___________). FromtheaboveyoumightgotideathatIagree______________.(repeattheabovethreereason____________).So,itissagacioustosupportthestatementthatitisbetterto_______________. 托福作文模板推荐之六 Agreeordisagree SomepeopleprefertoA,othersbelieveB,Nowadayssomemayholdtheopinionthat________________,butothershaveanegativeattitude.AsfarasIamconcerned,Iagree/disagreethat_______________.MYargumentsforthispointarelistedasfollows. Oneoftheprimarycausesisthat_______________________. Examples_______________. Butthereisafruthermoresubtlepointwemustconsider.Examples. Whatismore_______________.Examples___________ Generalspeaking,__________.Recongizingthefactthat_______________shoulddriveustoconcludethat______________. 托福作文模板推荐之七 AorB Inmypointofview,Aisasimportantas,ifnotmoreimportantthanB.SoitissagacioustochooseA.AmongcountlessfactorswhichinfluenceA.therearethreeconspicuousaspectsasfollows. TheabovepointiscertainlytrueifAisconsidered.Forexmaple,___________________ AnotherreasonwhyIagreewiththeabovestatementisthatIbelievethatAisbetterthanB.Forinstance,_______________ ItwouldprobablynotbetookindlydisposedtotheideathatBisnotimportant.B________也好_________. Inaword,tochooseAorBissomethingofadilemmatothepublicbecausetheysometimesareconfusedbytheseeminglygoodqualitiesofB,andneglecthtegenuinelygoodaspectsofA.Forthereasonspresentedabove,IstronglycommittothenotionthatA,butnotB.托福作文模板推荐之八 AorB WhenfacedwiththedecisionofAorB,quiteafewwouldclaimthatA,butothers,incontrast,deemBasthepremierchoiceandthatisalsomypoint.Thisquitedifferentviewisbasedonthepropensityoffollowingpoints.Wemaylooksintoseverypossiblereason,however,foremostreasonforBis____________________.Forexample,______________. Also,________________________. Thisis&n bsp;arbitraytojudgeBaccordingonlytotheexcuseImentionedintheaboveparagraph. Similarly,thesereasonsarealsousablewhenweconsiderthat________________.Admittedly,__________________A也有好的地方______________.Byhesametoken,however,______________B更好____________.Takingsintosaccountofallthesefactors,wemayreachtheconclusionthat_____________. 一,“点对点”的结构 “点对点”的结构指的是把综合写作中的阅读材料和听力材料的每一个对应点都单独提炼出来用一个段落加以阐述。这种结构的优点是可以把阅读文章和听力材料的对应关系更细致地进行说明,使文章层次感强,同时反映出考生提炼信息和对比信息的能力更高。比如下面的一篇范文就是ETS给出的满分作文,是一篇典型的“点对点”型的结构安排方式。 Introduction- RelationshipbetweenreadingandlectureThelecturertalksaboutresearchconductedbyafirmthatusedthegrouptohandletheirwork.Hesaysthatthetheorystatedinthepassagewasverydifferentandsomewhatinaccuratewhencomparedtowhathappenedinreality. FirstPointofContrastFirst,somemembersgotfreerides.Thatis,somedidn’tworkhardbutgotrecognitionforthesuccessnonetheless.Thisalsoindicatesthatpeoplewhohardwerenotgivenrecognitiontheyshouldhavegotten.Inotherwords,weren’tgiventheopportunityto“shine”.Thisdirectlycontradictswhatthepassageindicates. SecondPointofContrastSecond,groupswereslowinprogress.Thepassagesaysthatgroupsaremoreresponsivethanindividualsbecauseofthenumberofpeopleinvolvedandaggregatedresources.However,thespeakertalksabouthowthefirmfoundthatgroupswereslowerthanindividualsindecisionmaking.Groupsneededtimeformeetings,whicharenecessaryproceduresindecisionmaking.Thisisanotherplacewhereexperiencecontradictedtheory. ThirdPointofContrastThird,influentialpeoplemightemergeandleadthegrouptowardsgloryIftheinfluentpeoplearegoingintherightdirectiontherewouldbenoproblem.Butincaseswheretheygointhewrongdirection,thereisnobodythathasinfluencetocounterthedecisionmade.Inotherwords,thegroupmightturndictatorship,withtheinfluentialpartyastheleader,andmightbecomelessinitsthinking.Theymightbecomeone-sided,andthusfailtosucceed. 二,“面对面”的结构 “点对点”的结构指是最理想的结构安排模式,但有时候考生并不能准确地寻找到阅读和听力材料之间的对应点。这有可能是因为阅读和听力材料之间的对应点本身就不是很明显,或者由于考生自身的能力问题,没有完全听懂或看懂,则要写成“点对点”的结构安排模式,难度会比较大。遇到这种情况,朗阁海外考试研究中心则建议考生可以尝试使用“面对面”的结构安排模式。它与“点对点”的结构安排模式的区别在于,“面对面”作文的结构并不是逐条阐述对应点,而是在总得阐明听力和阅读文章之间的关系后,分别总结听力材料或阅读材料的要点,从“面”上阐述听力和阅读材料之间的联系。以下一篇范文也是根据ETS提供的一套模考题所写的范文,由于此题很难“点对点”地分析听力和阅读之间的关系,因此采取了“面对面”的写法。 Introduction- RelationshipbetweenreadingandlectureThelecturertalksaboutthenaturalprocessofcrystallizationandhowthespeedofcoolingcaninfluencesuchprocess,whichisprovedbyBowen’scrystallizationexperimentexplainedinthereadingpassage. PointsinthelectureNaturalcrystallizationhappenswhenmagma,whichisextremelyhotinitsmoltenformdeepintheearth,graduallycoolsoffwhenitmovestowardsthesurfaceoftheearth.Duringthecoolingprocess,theenergyfromheatislost,andtheatomswhichcomposethemagmabegintomovemoreslowly,formingintoanorderlypattern,whichturnsthemagmaintoasolidcrystalstructure.However,ifthecoolingprocesstakesplacetoorapidly,thenthereisnotenoughtimefortheatomstobearrangedintosuchanorderlypattern.Therefore,crystallizationcan’ttakeplace.Instead,abrittle,glass-likematerialwillform. PointsintheReadingNormanBowen’sexperimentinthe1920sprovedthistheory.Bycollectingandmeltingelementsinrocks,Normancreatedartificialmagmainhislaboratory.Hefirstcooledthemagmaslowly,asinthenaturalcrystallizationprocess,andgotmineralcrystals.Butthenhesuddenlyreplacedthisnormalcoolingwithrapidfreezing,andfoundfrozenglassmaterialssurroundingthesolidcrystalstructure. 可以看出,“点对点”和“面对面”的结构有各自的特点,但总得来说“点对点”的结构在“对比型”的新托福综合写作中要更适用一些,因为它能把矛盾点逐一呈现,更细致地体现了听力和阅读材料之间的关系。但掌握“面对面”的结构也很有必要,因为它可以适用一些听力和阅读材料之间的关系是一致、延伸或解释型的考题。此外,在考生无法寻找到所有的对应点时,用“面对面”的结构也算是一种补救措施。 附:新托福综合写作sampleanswer两篇,针对的是同一个考题,第一篇用的是“点对点”结构,第二篇用的是“面对面”的结构。 _______________________________________________________祝你成功啦!
The advice from grandparents have no use for their grandchildren because the world has changed a lot during the past 50 years.
Throughout the gradual changes occurring to the whole human society, the value of advice from the older generation has become one of the most controversial issues among the general public. Many youngsters are the strong supporters of the claim that the huge changes in the past half century has made the suggestions from grandparents useless. As far as I am concerned, the advice from the senior is not worth following, which is particularly true of hunting for an ideal job and receiving education.
To begin with, consider the job-hunting. With the further specification of industries, an increasing amount of new careers and job position are created, some of which are out of the understanding of the old people. For example, because of the remarkable booming of internet companies, the professional video gamers, which are considered inferior by the senior, has become a job which enjoy great popularity among the young. As a result, the standard of judging whether a job is good or not has changed a lot so that the advice from grandparents about choosing a decent job is outdated. According to a survey conducted by a newspaper titiled China Daily among 1,000 people aged over 60 about the ideal job they consider, more than 95% of the surveyed vote for the so-called iron-bowl jobs such as teachers and civil servants, which has become obsolete to some extent. Therefore, the lack of knowledge about the modern job markets makes grandparents unable to provide feasible guidance for their grandchildren.
Furthermore, the same logic can apply to the issue of getting educated. For one thing, with the advances in technology, the ways of obtaining knowledge have become diverse and various, with the result that grandparents are not accustomed to these ways. For instance, it quite common to see that pupils learn English by watching English movies played on the computers. However, grandparents may ban such behaviors of their grandchildren by claiming that using computer can do nothing but waste their time and do harm to their vision. For another, the further specification of majors in college or universities make the knowledge imparted to students today quite different from that gained by grandparents 50 years ago.Consequently, their suggestions about the major-choosing of the young people may be misleading.
Taking what has been discussed above into account, I can draw the conclusion that the advice from grandparents is not useful any more for their grandchildren for the past 50 years has witnessed so many changes especially in education and employment.
1)思想深度不用讲。如果有,把那句意味深长、富有哲理的话放到段落最后,引起人们无限的遐思。这个思路和中文写作是一样的。如果没有名人名言,可以自己写。或陈述或反问或引用。总比万年不变的“therefore, I think we should choose work in the office instead of at home.”要好得多。
2)据某大神说,结尾的段首承认一下反方观点存在一定的道理会有惊喜~大家考试可以试一试。体现我们“风度”和“critical thinking”的大好时机。
Some people prefer to spend their free timeoutdoors. Other people prefer to spend their leisuretime indoors. Would you prefer to be outside orwould you prefer to be inside for your leisureactivities? Use specific reasons and examples tosupport your choice.
Enjoying Time with Mother Nature
If I had to choose where to spend my leisuretime, I'd rather spend it outdoors. I spend all myworking hours inside at a desk. When I have somefree time, I want to completely change my environment. Getting outdoors gives me a newperspective and helps clear my mind.
Being outdoors gives me the opportunity to try new tings, see new sights, and meet newpeople. Staying indoors means reading a book or watching television. Sometimes it involvesvisiting with friends. Those are all relatively inactive. Being outdoors means a chance tostretch my mental and physical muscles. I can go hiking in an area I've never been before. Ican go swimming or rafting on the river. I can go on a nature walk with a ranger and learnabout flowers and trees. I can visit all the outdoor monuments in my city that I've never seenbefore. In each case, I'm doing something that help me relax while also enjoying theexcitement of something new.
Of course, weather is a factor. I have a hard time functioning in extremely hot or coldweather and like to stay indoors when it's below freezing or the heat is scorching. At times likethat, it's fun to sit inside with a good book or a good friend looking out at the weather andenjoying the comforts of home. But if the weather cooperates, it's fun to read that book outsideon a park bench or go swimming with that friend.
Enjoying leisure time outdoors can also mean making new friends. Getting outside my ownenvironment gives me the opportunity to meet new people. All in all, leisure time Is betterwhen it's spent with Mother Nature rather that a television set.
When students move to a new school, they sometimes face problems. How can schools help these students with their problems? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your answer.
Students moving into a new community and attending a new school can face a lot of problems. Their biggest worry is usually fitting in. The school counselor, the school’s administration and the students’ teachers can all help the students come through this experience successfully. They can engage other students to become involved with the new students, too.
New students in a school need to feel like part of the school community as quickly as possible. A school administrator should begin by giving students a complete orientation to their new school. They should take them on a tour of the school and show them the classrooms, gym, computer lab, band room, and cafeteria. They should tell them about the history of the school, its academic achievements, and its athletic and debating teams. The administrator can talk to the students about what’s expected of them in the classroom and what rules the school has.
The school counselor should talk to the students what they’re most interested in studying. If these are older students, the counselor can ask them about career interests. If these are younger students, the counselor can ask them about their favorite subjects at their old school. The counselor can tell the students about all the extracurricular activities there are at the school. For example, the school might offer things like sports, art, music, and working on a school newspaper.
The teachers have the most important job when it comes to new students. It’s up to them to help the students meet other students in class. They can also help them learn how classes are conducted in their new school. They can encourage other students to make friends with new people and help them learn the system. Since they’re with the students the most, they can keep an eye on them and make sure they’re adapting well.
for the following reasons 不如放在最后,直接写for the above xxx reasons,I strongly recomend that。
1、如果写,做好能用一到两句话概括 下面的分论点。
affect(derogatory sense)—>influence
people are easier to find a job——>it is easier for people to find a job,
he or she was graduated, "was" should be expunged
are->is they->he etc
a university student is more possible the same question with the aforementioned one
Businesses are not wanted ???make no sense
loyal to their cause what do you mean by saying "cause"
are accepted->accept->receive
overall, your argument is somehow too unconditional, which is not appreciated in the Toefl Writing. better to include some restrictions.
to be honest, you won't be able to earn a decent score with such an article.
advise: take some basic exercise such as reading some model essays before commencing on writing.
Some universities require students to choose a variety of subjects; others only require students to specialize in one subject. I deem the first one as the premier choice. Among countless factors, there are three conspicuous aspects as follows.
The main reason for my propensity that students should take classes in many subjects is that they can make full use of the abundant resources that a university has to offer. A university has plenty of educational and research resources. It is a very good idea to make full use of these valuable assets while studying in the university. The best way to achieve this is to take a variety of subjects as much as possible. Through learning these courses, a student can get access to knowledge and resources in different areas. On the contrary, if a student only specializes in one subject, he will not have a chance to get access to other resources offered by the university.
Another reason can be seen by every person is that by choosing many subjects students can broaden their knowledge and make a solid foundation for their future concentrated study. Whatever the student will concentrate on in his senior years in college, it is necessary that he choose a wide range of subjects to build the knowledge oundation. Take the field of Business Management for example, the student has to acquire knowledge in writing, accounting, economics and human resource management before he can successfully start his major concentration study.
The argument I support in the first paragraph is also in a position of advantage because students can be more adaptable in their future career if they choose a variety of subjects during their university study. It is obvious that the development of modern society requires people with interdisciplinary and comprehensive knowledge. If a student chooses a variety of subjects in his university study, and gained a breath and width of knowledge, he will be more adaptable to the requirement of the society, and be able to easily adjust to many kinds of jobs. This will benefit his future career.
In a word, taking into account of all these factors, we may reach the conclusion that students should take classes in many subjects in a university.