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发布时间: 2023-02-13 13:35:02


最官方的是叫TOEFL WRITING (TWE) TOPICS AND MODEL ESSAYS,里面是185篇官方满分范文。个人觉得比那些什么李笑来的作文书写的好,毕竟这是ETS官方的,李笑来那本书里面有太多中国式的表达,句式和例子。
还有一本叫Answers to all TOEFL Essay Questions,也是美国人写的,全部是6分范文。这本也特别好,里面的文章很值得学习,不仅是思路,结构,还是语言,都是很不错的。


想要提高托福写作成绩,最权威的官方范文请参考托福考试机构 ETS 出版的托福官方指南(official guide,简称 OG),OG 上明确了托福写作的评分要求和应对策略,并且给出了独立写作和综合写作各个分数段的范文和考官评价。OG 比其它写作教材更有针对性,也更具权威性。

熟读 OG 上关于写作的评分要求,认真研读官方的满分范文。

做一套 TPO 写作题目(包括独立写作和综合写作),找到自己的作文和满分作文的差距。



做阶段性的能力测试(比如每周做一套 TPO),实时掌握自己的能力提高情况,并对计划作出调整。  



The professor in the lecture totally disagrees with the three solutions mentioned in the reading passage. In fact, she believes that these solutions won’t lead to

satisfactory consequences at all.

Firstly, the professor mentions that help the Torreya reestablish in its original habitat is unlikely to success. She claims that the coolest and dampest area of the microclimate is strongly influenced by many worldwide climate effects such as the global warming, thus it is impossible for Torreya to thrive again in the same place. This strongly opposes the first method in the reading passage.

Secondly, the professor claims that moving Torreya to a totally different location is also unrealistic. She takes Black Locus as an example. Black Locus thrives quickly after entering a new habitat and endangers many scarce species. The professor points out the disastrous consequence and opposes the second method raised in the reading passage.

Last but not least, the professor claims that keeping Terroya in research center won’t be a good method either. Trees preserved in the center cannot resist diseases in the long run. The professor again opposes the last method in the reading passage.


In the 1950s Torreya Taxifolia, a type of evergreen tree once very common in the state of Florida started to die out. No one is sure exactly what caused the decline, but chances are good that if nothing is done, Torreya will soon become extinct. Experts are considering three ways to address the decline of Torreya.


The first option is to reestablish Torreya in the same location in which it thrived for thousands of years. Torreya used to be found in abundance in the northern part of Florida, which has a specific microclimate. A microclimate exists when weather conditions inside a relatively small area differs from the region of which that area is a part. Northern Florida’s microclimate is very favorable to Torreya’s growth. This microclimate is wetter and cooler than the surrounding region’s relatively dry, warm climate. Scientists have been working to plant Torreya seeds in the coolest, dampest areas of the microclimate.


The second option is to move Torreya to an entirely different location, far from its Florida microclimate. Torrey seeds and saplings have been successfully plated and growth in forests further north, where the temperature is significantly cooler. Some scientists believe that Torreya probably thrived in areas much further north in the distant past, so by relocating it now, in a process known as assisted migration, humans would simply be helping Torreya return to an environment that is more suited to its survival.


The third option is to preserve Torreya in research centers. Seeds and saplings can be moved from the wild and preserved in a closely monitored environment where it will be easier for scientists both to protect the species and conduct research on Torreya. This research can then be used to ensure the continued survival of the species.



You’ve just read about three ways to save Torreya Taxifolia. Unfortunately, none of these three options provides a satisfactory solution.


about the first solution – reestablishing Torreya in the same location – that’s unlikely to be successful, because of what’s happening to the coolest dampest areas within Torreya’s micro-climate. These areas are being strongly affected by changes in the climate of the larger region. This could be because global warming has contributed to an increase in overall temperatures in the region or because wetlands throughout Florida have been drained. Either way, many areas across the region are becoming dries, so it’s unlikely that Torrey would have the conditions it needs to survive anywhere within its original Florida micro-climate.


Now about the second solution, relocating Torreya far from where it currently grows. Well, let’s look at what happened when humans helped another tree, the black locust tree, move north to a new environment. When they did this, some of these plants and trees were themselves already in danger of becoming extinct.


Third, research centers are probably not a solution either. That’s because the population of Torreya trees that can be kept in the centers will probably not be able to resist diseases. For a population of trees to survive a disease, it needs to be relatively large and it needs to be genetically diverse. Tree populations in the wild usually satisfy those criteria, but research centers would simply not have enough capacity to keep a large and diverse population of Torreya trees. So, trees in such centers will not be capable of surviving diseases in the long term.




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