The advice from grandparents have no use for their grandchildren because the world has changed a lot during the past 50 years.
Throughout the gradual changes occurring to the whole human society, the value of advice from the older generation has become one of the most controversial issues among the general public. Many youngsters are the strong supporters of the claim that the huge changes in the past half century has made the suggestions from grandparents useless. As far as I am concerned, the advice from the senior is not worth following, which is particularly true of hunting for an ideal job and receiving education.
To begin with, consider the job-hunting. With the further specification of industries, an increasing amount of new careers and job position are created, some of which are out of the understanding of the old people. For example, because of the remarkable booming of internet companies, the professional video gamers, which are considered inferior by the senior, has become a job which enjoy great popularity among the young. As a result, the standard of judging whether a job is good or not has changed a lot so that the advice from grandparents about choosing a decent job is outdated. According to a survey conducted by a newspaper titiled China Daily among 1,000 people aged over 60 about the ideal job they consider, more than 95% of the surveyed vote for the so-called iron-bowl jobs such as teachers and civil servants, which has become obsolete to some extent. Therefore, the lack of knowledge about the modern job markets makes grandparents unable to provide feasible guidance for their grandchildren.
Furthermore, the same logic can apply to the issue of getting educated. For one thing, with the advances in technology, the ways of obtaining knowledge have become diverse and various, with the result that grandparents are not accustomed to these ways. For instance, it quite common to see that pupils learn English by watching English movies played on the computers. However, grandparents may ban such behaviors of their grandchildren by claiming that using computer can do nothing but waste their time and do harm to their vision. For another, the further specification of majors in college or universities make the knowledge imparted to students today quite different from that gained by grandparents 50 years ago.Consequently, their suggestions about the major-choosing of the young people may be misleading.
Taking what has been discussed above into account, I can draw the conclusion that the advice from grandparents is not useful any more for their grandchildren for the past 50 years has witnessed so many changes especially in education and employment.
1)思想深度不用讲。如果有,把那句意味深长、富有哲理的话放到段落最后,引起人们无限的遐思。这个思路和中文写作是一样的。如果没有名人名言,可以自己写。或陈述或反问或引用。总比万年不变的“therefore, I think we should choose work in the office instead of at home.”要好得多。
2)据某大神说,结尾的段首承认一下反方观点存在一定的道理会有惊喜~大家考试可以试一试。体现我们“风度”和“critical thinking”的大好时机。
Some people think governments should spend as much money as possible exploring outer space (for example, traveling to the Moon and to other planets). Other people disagree and think governments should spend this money for our basic needs on Earth. Which of these two opinions do you agree with? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.
When we see photographs of starving children, it’s hard to say that we should spend billions of dollars on space exploration. But that’s just what we should do. Children don’t need to be starving, but we do need to explore space. Right now, we have enough money to feed every person on Earth. Children are starving because of mismanagement of resources and simple human greed. Those are problems we can solve right here on earth. That shouldn’t stop our need to find out what’s beyond our own solar system.
We may never make contact with whatever other species there may be out there in space. Even so, there are still two very practical and positive consequences of space exploration. One is a certainty and the other is a possibility. The certainty is medical research. Yes, we can conduct research here on earth. But much of the research done in space, for example, on the effects of gravity on bone marrow, is making a difference in medicine here on Earth. When we do research in space, we also learn more about space exploration. Also, many of the inventions that were developed for space travel have been adapted to good use on Earth.
The possible consequence of space exploration is finding another planet human beings can colonize. Overpopulation is a huge problem on our planet. People are living longer, more healthful lives, and that’s a good thing. But it means there are fewer people dying and more people being born. Eventually we’ll have less space, fewer resources, and major distribution problems. If we can find another planet to live on, we can relieve the problems of overpopulation on our planet.
It’s a tragedy that there are human beings suffering on Earth. However, if we wait until everyone has a perfect life, we will never explore space—and that , too, would be a kind of tragedy.
mismanagement:管理不善,经营不当,处置失当; 处置失当
marrow:骨髓; 脊髓; 滋养品; 〈英〉食用葫芦
colonize:开拓殖民地; 移居于殖民地
overpopulation:人口过剩; 生齿过剩
tragedy:悲剧,惨剧; 悲剧文学; 悲剧理论,悲剧表演艺术; 悲剧式作品
Agree or disagree: Students do not respect their teachers as much as they did in the past.
第一段: one of the greatest advances of society has been教育发展。尽管 education has become more important to society,老师社会地位没有advance,现在人们没有respect teacher as before.
论点拓展示范:Many years before, scholars 会被given credit for their contribution to society.例如 Socrates 和Confucius . 在过去,men of knowledge held 有特殊社会地位,并且被 honored. 反面论述现在并不是这样的情况了。
论点拓展示范:可以借用9日关于教师品质的文章,broaden the definition of what qualifies as a teacher. Previously,教师选拔基于were based on a strict guild system并且有a strict training system.背景化论述现在 Nowadays,很多 technology device导致上课以及教师没有那么necessary,thus influencing the value of a teacher in society.
As the leader of a city, what would you do to ensure the prosperity and success of the city?
A. Creating job opportunities for the unemployed
B. Lowering food price
C. Providing affordable housing
Nowadays, children rely too much on the technology, like computers, smartphone, video games for fun and entertainment; playing simpler toys or playing outside with friends would be better for the children's development.
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The rules that the whole societies today expect young people to follow and obey are too strict.
Taking a lot of time to make an important decision is viewed as a bad quality for a person to have. But now it’s considered as a good quality of a person. Do you agree or disagree with the statement?
话题: causes of sea star's disease
1. parasites, 附着在海星身上的寄生虫快速扩散,导致海星死亡
2. bacteria海星以贝类为食,贝类上的细菌导致海星死亡;
3. rising water temperature水温升高,导致海星的免疫力下降,从而死亡
1. 寄生虫只会在海星繁殖期对海星有害,但是海星数量全年都在减少,所以海星的死亡不是寄生虫导致的;
2. 海星可以抵御这种细菌,不会产生疾病;
3. 实际上海星死亡率较高的海域水温都很恒定。
同时注意历史人文类,可利用TPO 12,16,25练习
Some people prefer to buy technological devices as soon as they are available to the public,while other people prefer to wait. Which do you prefer?重复2014年的6月15日
In the modern world,we are bedazzled by a plethora of choices when it comes to technological gadgets as high-tech companies roll out new phones,cameras and new everything every few months to prey on our predilection for novelty. While some have a penchant for the adrenaline rush of getting hands on the newest gizmos,others have the patience to wait until the craze has abated. In my opinion,there is no point in getting a high-tech product immediately after it hits the stores.
theories in explaining why some plants fold theirleaves at night.
1. Protection against coldness (decrease the surfaceexposed)
2. Protection against infection (easy to be infected bynight rainstorm because the spread of fungi requires water)
3. elimination of night time light(植物根据白天感应的光判断什么时候开花,为了保证正确地记录时间,需要抵制夜晚的光线,如月光)
1. 实验证明闭合不可御寒,并且植物内部不储存能量,变冷的时候会迅速感觉到。温度达到冰点,植物马上就会suffer from the cold,那些合上和没合上叶子的植物都是如此
2. Folding the leaves can’t completely block the waterwhen there are night rainstorm,而且the spread of fungi 只需要很少水,所以合上叶子无法阻止感染
3. 有些植物不会接收到nighttime light,while still fold their leaves atnight,例如有些植物在高大的树阴下,还是会闭合树叶。
托福考试要求算是比较高的了,要在较少的时间里完成两篇作文,其间的难度也是可以想见,那我们要怎么好好提高写作能力呢,其实可以从范文处吸取一些经验,下面托福频道我就来帮帮你,给你带来《 托福写作范文:学生们选择出国留学的原因 》,希望对你有所帮助。
Many students choose to attend schools or universities outside their home countries. Why do some student abroad? Use specific reasons and details to explain your answer.
Although students can get a good education in most subjects at their home universities, it is important to study abroad for some or part of one’s college education. Study abroad can give a student competency in a new language, familiarity with a different culture, and a chance to grow in different ways.
One cannot deny that it is important to be bilingual or even multilingual in today’s fast-paced world. We have a global economy and communication by Internet and satellite TV means we must be familiar with other languages in order to keep up with new developments.
Knowing another culture is also important today. Respect for other people and their traditions will foster cooperation and peace. We should all do our part to make sure the world is safe for our children. It will only be safe if we understand and respect other people and their culture.
When we are out of our environment, we feel freer to experiment with different ways of doing things. We are all individuals and we need time to be on our own, away from our comfortable nests. We may try different things and reject them. We might also adopt them. People can change and it is easier to change when you are away from your family surroundings.
Study abroad can be enriching. Not only can we learn a new language, understand more about a different culture, but we can learn more about ourselves too. At the same time, of course, we are getting an education in the formal sense.
My time at junior high schoolhas been mostly good. I've been at junior high schoolsince 2004. In the first year, I made some good friends, and had a lot of fun. However ,I didn't do so well at school in Grades 6 and 7. I didn't study hard enough. Fortunately, my friends showed me that education is important for my future, and I began to work harder at school.I used to be a bit shy, but my friends and teachers have helped me to be more confident. Now I know that I have the ability to do good work. My reports in Grade 8 were much better than in Grades 6 and 7. I'm very happy that I'm no longer bottom of the class. Since Grade 8, I think Ihave bee more confident. I have learned a lot at junior high school. I have worked hard and I have enjoyed these last four years. I hope to do well in the final exam. I want to make my parents and teachers proud of me。
2. 托福作文综合320字,独立写作550字亲~一般来讲托福作文分数不能完全由字数和语法错误来决定的,尤其是第一篇综合写作;
独立写作比较好估分,依据你的描述,只要没写跑题且550字大都是有效内容的话,应该是满分5分(raw score);
综合写作很大程度上由你听力细节的还原成度决定,所以有时写的再充实再有文采也没用;这一项浮动较大,就按3-5分来算(raw score);
那么你本次考试托福作文的平均分应该是4-5分(raw score),换算后为25-30分(scaled score);
3. 看图写作文400字图示两个人一个考了59.5一个考了99.5两人都说哎,今天是月考之后的课,老师高兴的面色凝重的走进教室,每次考完试,老师都是这个表情,老师手里拿着一摞试卷,说道:“同学们,我把试卷发下去,希望大家好好儿总结”。
4. 帮我写篇英语看图写作文,谢谢One day, Mary went to see a film. On the way to the cinema, she saw a person passed by and a bag fell down from his bike. Mary picked up the bag and called the man to e back. However the owner did't hear that. Mary thought for a while and decided to take a bike to catch the owner. After finding the owner, he was so glad that he wanted to thank Mary with money. Mary fefused and went to the cinema happily.。
5. 英语作文,看图写作In our technologically advanced society, new medicine and medical advancements are cropping up in the medical field every day. Breakthroughs are more than mon, but ironically, the price of health care has not decreased, but is still mounting through the years. Pharmaceutical panies are still trying to squeeze the maximum profits out of the public. Because of the mounting medical cost, many people cannot afford it and are forced to put their health at risk. Many patients are afflicted with chronic disease that create a lifelong dependency on drugs, and their families are plagued by higher and higher bills from medical cost. This is not the way health care is supposed to work, by alleviating pain from the patient, the cost is putting stress on the family and is creating more problems to be fixed. To ultimately solve this flaw in health care, the cost has to be lowered to an affordable level。
6. 三年级下册语文第一单元作文看图写话怎么写在许多人的眼中,每个人的手都是相同的。
但是,在我眼中,我爸爸的手就是一双与众不同的手,爸爸的手虽然很粗糙,但溶入了对我的爱和关心! 记得是去年冬天,天上正下着小雪,当时天气很冷,我和爸爸正在往家走,我没有戴手套,觉得很冷,就不停地搓手,我爸爸看见我在搓手,就问我怎么了?我说:“我有点冷。”爸爸听见就把他戴的一副手套给了我,我问爸爸:“你不冷吗?”爸爸说:“没事,爸爸不冷。”
他赶紧把我的衣服穿上,抱着我去了大矿医院,由于大矿医院没有儿科,爸爸把我抱出来,打车去了中心医院,连夜打了一瓶滴流,爸爸一宿没有睡,第二天又要上班,第二天下班回来,就躺在床上睡着了。 风雨中,爸爸的这双手就像一把大伞,为我遮风挡雨。
8. 看图写作文六年级四单元一个人在森林里捕猎,猎人手拿着一把枪对着在一个大森林里,一个人嘴里叼着 一根烟,拿着一把锋利的斧头砍伐一棵棵大树,而大树也在哭泣,那个人肩膀上
停了一只啄木鸟,啄木鸟看了看那个人的脑袋,说:“这段木头里一定有虫。” 不知这副漫画的含义大家看懂没有,那个人脑袋的确有“虫”,不过此虫非彼虫,这个“虫”指的是那个人破坏生态平衡的心虫,怪不不得啄木鸟说他“脑袋有 虫”,不过在我们平时的生活中、世界上,这类“脑袋有虫”的人数不胜数,可 啄木鸟却是寥寥无几。
一棵棵树木啊;洗手时,水开得挺大,这还不说,洗完手,也不关水就走了,任 凭水哗哗的流淌,要知道在干旱地区水是多么宝贵啊;平时,随手将垃圾扔在地 上,既影响环境又影响美观。。要知道,如今我们这个地球已经受到了极大的 破坏,可是那些“脑袋有虫”的人却丝毫没有醒悟,他们为了自己的利益破坏环 境:滥砍滥伐、毁坏植被;为了图方便将污水排入江河,不知有多少河流因此无 法饮用,我们的母亲河——黄河已经便得浑浊不堪;昔日的天府之国——成都的美好风景已无复存在,土地正向沙漠化进军;大气污染也越来越严重,几乎处处 是酸雨。。在如此触目惊心的事情前,人类似乎没有觉醒,而人们脑袋里那条 贪婪的虫子越来越大,人们已经被欲望迷住了双眼。自从涉及了人类的足迹,动物们便再也无安宁之日,昔日温顺自在的藏羚羊
9. 五年级下册第二单元作文看图写话的解说80字人教版五年级下册语文第二单元作文指导与范文 一、看图作文(范文1篇)----(思路:四要素,人物及特点) 精彩的足球赛 一个阳光明媚的下午,一群男孩子们高高兴兴地走到这片空地,把书包和帽 子一丢,堆成两堆,便成了简易的球门。
激烈的球赛开始了。 那位头发金黄的守门员,脸因紧张和高兴涨成了红色,虽然昨天膝盖被擦破了,但他毫不在意。
只见他把双手放在膝盖上,半蹲着身子,聚精会神地盯着足球,跃跃欲试。 站在他身后的小男孩,穿着红色的运动服,挺着肚子,有些不服气,昨天大哥哥的腿摔破时,还是他踢进了一球,取得胜利呢。
他想到这,有些洋洋得意。 过往的行人都被这场紧张的球赛吸引了。
你瞧,那个带着弟弟的小男孩,目光紧紧的琐在黄队,坐着一动不动,生怕黄队输了。 和守门员一样有着金黄色头发的小男孩,伸长了脖子,口中轻声喃喃自语:“加油!踢!好!”站在他身后的,头上系着深红色蝴蝶节的小女孩儿,索性站起来,只见她双手叉腰,眉头紧皱,好像有什么不顺心。
戴红色帽子的小女孩,弯着腰,伸头向右望去,她涨红了脸,虽说她没有上“战场”但她的心跳自己清清楚楚能听见。 一位抱着洋娃娃的女孩,一直微笑着,眼睛却繁忙了,一直盯着球,看球究竟在哪队里。