学分高考 留学 托福考试 > 南昌托福培训


发布时间: 2023-02-16 18:07:09











Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

Students would receive a better education if they were required to attend classes for 11 months of a year.

In 20 years from now on,students will not use printed books anymore.

Teachers should be paid according to how well their students perform.

Parents should give money to their children as a reward for their high marks at school.

Parents do not understand their children as well as parents did 50 years ago.

Children should play sports only for fun,so they should not attend competitions.


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

Having a job with a low-paying salary but that is highly secure is better than 1 having a job with a high salary but that is easy to lose.

Working at home using computers or telephones is better than working in the office.

It was easier to identify what jobs or careers were secure and successful in the past than it is now.

The most important characteristic of a good political or business leader is the ability to take responsibility for mistakes.

An effective leader will make others feel like they are a part of making decisions.

The best leaders are those who are willing to admit if they have made a bad decision.




01 good teacher

02 good parent

03 good friend

04 good leader

05 person you admire

06 leader or follower


07 an important object

08 an important invention

09 an important letter

10 most useful book

11 efficient transportation

12 miss the most


13 a place that you like most

14 favorite room

15 a school

16 together with your friends (place)

17 public place

18 plain


19 celebration event

20 most important decision

21 best time in a year

22 enjoyable event

23 most happy event

24 deep impression

25 challenging experience

26 special opportunity

27 good news

28 ask for help


29 help research

30 books and internet

31 study alone

32 study method

33 work in an office

34 studying by oneself

35 with discussions

36 big city

37 personal experience

38 most important lesson

39 choose major

40 ideal career

41 goal to fulfill

42 skill learning

43 job or career

44 job or interests

46 intern


47 restaurant

48 eat at home

49 live with others

50 by telephone

教育 类

51 attend college

52 one year break

53 college education

54 all students

55 higher education

56 music and art

57 sports courses

58 dormitory

59 uniforms

60 recycling


61 tell the truth

62 appearance

63 If I have money

64 emergencies

个人 爱好 类

65 spare time

66 relaxed life

67 relax myself

68 short vacations

69 sight‐seeing

70 fictions

71 type of movies

72 together with friends (sports)


73 TV

74 guide children TV

75 media

76 computers

77 old buildings

78 forbid cellphones

79 artistic places

80 more influence

托福口语话题汇总分类80个相关 文章 :

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★ 托福口语频率最高的14个话题及高分模板来啦~


I like honest people because they are easier to deal with. They open their heart to you, you feel safe to confide your problems to them, and they always offer their true opinion for your good.
The person who I admire should be goodtempered. They hardly get annoyed and they smile to everybody. It is easy for them to forgive others.
XX is a full of breathtaking views. There are verdant trees, blooming flowers and carpets of green grass. Take a casual walk, start some sweet chat and fresh air will get us refreshed. roam on the sidewalk, watch the water ripples in the lake, frolic near the artificial hill, sit on bench and enjoy the cool in summer.
I can relax myself,and breath the flesh air or clear my mind.
3放松类(忘记烦恼/ 减轻压力)
XXX serves as a great stress reducer for me.No matter how stressed I am,I will feel much, much better if I stay in the park,breathing that fresh air and enjoying that beautiful scenery.
Besides,…is my way of releasing my pressure. I mean, nowadays people are undera lot of pressure from work and life. So they have to do something to relax their mind. Take me for example, I will feel very relaxed and comfortable while reading it.
When I under much pressure, I read the travelling guide. I regard it as relaxation, for it's amusing and attractive pictures.
It is pretty near to my home. You probably won't believe it, but it only takes me 5 minutes to go there from my home. walking distance. bring me convenience.
It is quite near my home, and it takes me only five minutes' walk toget to the park.
It is free, you know, it is not so easy to find anything free.
I can not believe that it is so cheap that you can buy it with little money.
I could easily access to the traditions and custom in various places. Like eating habit, lifestyle, world value and traveling, and somethinglike that.
I could learn the local tradition and culture and yummy food.
My English makes a remarkable progress thanks to …,because it has many native words and expressions which cannot be learnt from the textbook. I mean, not only can I use them to improve my English, but also this book really deepens my understanding of the English culture. log on foreign websites: like wikipeida.org, Newyork times; listen to English videos, music, and movies to listen and imitate local people speaking English.
It give me a stage where I can communicate with Americans, and in this way, my English will be improved rapidly. What is more, it can also help me learn their different culture.
Yes, I think we can keep fit and healthy through doing exercises. In addition, we can get relaxed and refreshed from work and study.
Yes, definitely. In the first place, doing sports, especially some aerobics, helps you turn off the fatigue in your body. Besides, doing sports is the best stress-reliever, because playing sports takes your mind off things that bother you, and afterwards you can concentrate better.
…enable me to make friends. By exchanging our opinions,our friendship will get deeper. With communication, I could learn how to discuss, how to persuade, how to negotiate and how to compromise.
It could be a great chance for us to make friends. You know, I mean that you can meet many kind of people and learn many thing from them and even find bosom friends among them.
sense of achievement. boost my confidence. be proud of myself.
since then, I have the solid belief in myself that all difficulties, troubles and challenges would be just a piece of cake to me.
It could be a great achievement for me. Afterthat, I will not be afraid of difficult and challenges would be just a piece of cake to me.
assure the safety, protective gear, keeping safe is the number one thing that I care about.
I have to say that in this way,it can assure the safety.
efficiently, save time, it's the quickest xxx in the word I have ever seen.
It helped me gain precious experience. By working there/as a xxx,I learned sth valuable in xx, such as xxx.
whenever I feel delighted, upset, frustrated, I would…


* 家庭成员: great-grandfather, great-grandmother, grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, wife, husband, son, daughter, older brother, older sister, young brother, young sister, grandson, granddaughter, etc.
* 家庭类型: a nuclear / small family核心家庭a big / large/extended family大家庭a single-parent family单亲家庭
* 亲戚关系: grandaunt姑婆,姨婆;granduncle伯公,叔公,舅公,姑公,姨公; aunt 婶母,伯母,姨母,舅母; uncle 叔父,伯父,姑父,姨父; cousin堂兄弟(姐妹),表兄弟(姐妹); cousin-in-law堂姐(妹)夫,堂嫂,堂弟媳,表姐(妹)夫,表嫂,表弟媳; brother-in-law 姐夫,妹夫; sister-in-law姑,姨,嫂,弟媳; son-in-law女婿; daughter-in-law儿媳; nephew 侄儿,外甥; niece侄女,外甥女; grandnephew甥(外)孙,侄(外)孙; grandniece甥(外)孙女,侄(外)孙女; grandson-in-law孙女婿;granddaughter-in-law孙媳妇;etc.
* 常用短语: feed / raise / support a family抚养家庭; found / start a family 建立家庭;family property家产; family financial situation家境; family history家史; family tree家谱;family origin家庭出身; family responsibilities家庭责任; family function 家庭功能; family relationship 家庭关系; family planning 家庭计划; family education 家庭教育; family structure 家庭结构; family ethics 家庭伦理; family consumption 家庭消费;etc.
* 常用句型: 1. What do you want to say about your family? 2. How many people are there in your family? 3. Do you have any brothers or sisters? 4. Are you the oldest/youngest in your family?5. What do your parents do? 6. I grew up in a very close, loving family.7. I keep in touch with my family regularly. 8. I miss my family very much.
2. 实例:
Now first listen to a conversation about the family and say something about Brian’s family. Please Listen Carefully. Lin: Brian, what’s up? You look unhappy. Brian: Oh, nothing particular, Lin. Just that I miss my family terribly. Lin: Me too. How many people are there in your family? Brian: Four. My parents, my elder sister and I. Lin: What do they do? Brian: My father works in a computer company, and my mother is a nurse. My older sister studies in Beijing, and we email each other fairly often. Lin: Are your parents strict with you? Brian: Yes, I think so. When I was at home, I had to clean my own room, help with house chores, finish my homework before dinner time, get back home no later than 9:00 in the evening, and so no. Lin: That’s good for you. Do you get along well with your family? Brian: Sure. I’m lucky to live in a strict yet loving family. I love them. Narrator:
You may begin to prepare your response after the beep.
2 seconds beep] Preparation time: 15 seconds
Response time: 45 seconds
Please begin speaking after the beep.
2 seconds beep] Suggested Answer:
There are four members in Brian’s family, his father, his mother, the elder sister and him. His father works in a computer company, and his mother is a nurse in a hospital. His older sister studies in Beijing, and they get in touch with each other by email. His parents are strict with him. When he was at home, he had to clean his own room, help with house chores, finish his homework before dinner time and get back home before 9:00. In short, Brian lives in a strict yet loving family.
词汇与解析: WORDS AND expressionS
1. be strict with: 严厉的,严格的
2. house chores: 家务事,家务活
3. get along with: 进展(情况);生活地,(友好地)与……相处
4. get in touch with 保持联系 答案解析:
这是两名学生在讨论家庭的一篇对话。这篇对话传递了三个信息。我们首先了解了Brian的家庭成员(Brian: Four. My parents, my elder sister and I.);其次,了解了Brian父母亲的职业 (My father works in a computer company, and my mother is a nurse.),他的父亲在一家计算机公司工作,母亲是护士。最后,我们从对话中得知,Brian的父母亲对他要求很严格:Brian在家的时候,他得自己打扫房间,帮助父母做家务活,晚饭前必须做完家庭作业,晚上九点之前必须回家。这些具体事例有力地证明了Brian的父母对他的严格要求。
对话的语言口语化,流畅自然,句型表达地道,其中不乏我们可以模仿的好句子:1. Just that I miss my family terribly. 只是我很想家。2. Lin: Do you get along well with your family? Brian: Sure. I’m lucky to live in a strict yet loving family. 你和家人相处得好吗?当然,我非常幸运地生活在一个要求严格却充满爱心的家庭。
在讨论“家庭”这类话题时,我们应该尽量多掌握有关家庭的文化背景知识,家庭是社会的一个基本单位,理想的家庭会给家庭成员提供保护、安全、和沟通情感的机会。在不同的社会里,家庭结构,家庭成员的需要不尽相同。现代社会流行的家庭模式主要有以下三种:1)核心家庭,the nuclear family --- two adults and their children, 即父母亲和他们的孩子,这是一些国家流行的家庭模式。2)大家庭,an extended family, 由祖父母和其他亲戚组成的一个大家族,这种模式在一些发展中国家和农村非常盛行。3)单亲家庭,a single-parent family,孩子与离异的父亲或者母亲生活,或者是未婚母亲与子女。




第一题:为非限制性问题,但一定和学校or日常生活有关,要答 the reason & detail,注意一定要有具体的细节支持。


第1&2题:题目在一开始就会出现在屏幕上,所以不要理会电脑中读什么,用最快的速度将题目扫一眼(中间可以挤出30秒的时间准备) 答题时间均为45'。


70% 两者的观点一致 (In the listening passage,the man expresses his opinion about the Office,he believes that…) 点题句。

30% 两者的观点不一致 (In the listening passage,the man and the woman…)as the reading passage indicates。

特例:要你说出相对于listening,reading中哪些没有(In addition to the reading passage,we also find in the listening that…) 这类题要多说些reading部分,大约20~25’。

第四题:学术类。Reading & Listening的关系要么是承接要么是驳斥。听完后70% 让你说出一个Lecture中的例子来解释…,即细节解释 (In this lecture,the professor gives two examples to illustrate the principle of…中间用However,in the reading passage…)

第3&4题:都有阅读,3题较短,4题较长,都要求45’读完,长度一般为75-120个词 (5-7行)。其中4题的内容较重要,而3题则不重要,答题时间均为1分钟。

Take下的Notes里的词最好做同意替换,并且在答题时绝对不能出现如 in the reading passage之类的词。两道题的时间分配大致为:15’说阅读,40’说男女观点,中间用点题句连接。回答应尽可能完整,但也无需面面俱到。

第五题:为学校生活类问题,有人会提出解决方案,让后让你重复他们的问题和观点,最后说Your Opinion & Why?(一两句就OK)

这也是唯一一个问Your Opinion的题,而3,4,6题都只是让你重复。但有些题目仅要求描述,而不解释或不需要给出Your Opinion,要听清20’准备 。(In the listening passage,the man and the woman discuss a problem. The man was…If I were the man,I would choose the second opinion.)

第六题:为学术话题,讲一个Lecture,让你重复professor的观点or解释一下理论。(开头句:In the listening passage,the professor introduces…)




第一题:为非限制性问题,但一定和学校or日常生活有关,要答 the reason & detail,注意一定要有具体的细节支持。
第1&2题:题目在一开始就会出现在屏幕上,所以不要理会电脑中读什么,用最快的速度将题目扫一眼(中间可以挤出30秒的时间准备) 答题时间均为45'。
第四题:学术类。Reading & Listening的关系要么是承接要么是驳斥。听完后70% 让你说出一个Lecture中的例子来解释…,即细节解释 (In this lecture,the professor gives two examples to illustrate the principle of…中间用However,in the reading passage…)
第3&4题:都有阅读,3题较短,4题较长,都要求45’读完,长度一般为75-120个词 (5-7行)。其中4题的内容较重要,而3题则不重要,答题时间均为1分钟。
第五题:为学校生活类问题,有人会提出解决方案,让后让你重复他们的问题和观点,最后说Your Opinion & Why?(一两句就OK)
这也是唯一一个问Your Opinion的题,而3,4,6题都只是让你重复。但有些题目仅要求描述,而不解释或不需要给出Your Opinion,要听清20’准备 。(In the listening passage,the man and the woman discuss a problem. The man was…If I were the man,I would choose the second opinion.)
第六题:为学术话题,讲一个Lecture,让你重复professor的观点or解释一下理论。(开头句:In the listening passage,the professor introduces…)
1)fact 摆事实。
2)statistics 列数字。
3)witness/testimony 亲身经验/别人经验。
5)example 贴切的例子。

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