Master of Social Work (Professional Qualifying)(澳洲社工协会认证课程)
课程长度:2 Years Full-time
CRICOS Code:084828E
语言要求:An IELTS (Academic) overall score of at least 6.0 with no sub-band less than 5.5(这个可是澳洲各大学社工入学要求语言相对最低的一个了)
1. A candidate shall hold an AQF Level 7 three year undergraduate degree in a discipline other than social work from a recognised university, which includes the equivalent of one year of full-time study, 48 credit points (8 units or equivalent) in any Social Science Discipline as defined by the Academy of Social Sciences in Australia. In other words, the 48 credit points may include units in courses such as Accounting, Anthropology, Economics, Education, Geography, History, Law, Linguistics, Marketing, Management, Political Science, Social Medicine, Sociology, Statistics, etc.(会计,统计,经济学,营销,管理,教育学等,都算相关本科,录取条件挺宽松的,但是本科如果是学社工的反而不行。本科的社工学生,如果是其他国家学位,后面有解释)
2. Candidates who have not completed one year of study of social science units but have completed a health / allied health or physical science degree should complete:
(a) at least 6 credit points (1 unit or equivalent) of studies in Sociology; and
(b) at least 6 credit points (1 unit or equivalent) of studies in Social Policy.
Such candidates may be permitted to enrol and complete the pre-requisite units concurrently while enrolling in the approved units for the Master of Social Work (Professional Qualifying).(本科背景不够的话,学校可以补充一些课程,这个和塔斯马尼亚大学有点相似之处)
3. wher a candidate holds an international qualification in social work that does not meet the Australian Association of Social Workers eligibility for membership, admission may be sought to the degree through permission from the Social Work Course Coordinator. However, the candidate will be individually responsible for contacting the Australian Association of Social Workers regarding eligibility for membership based on their individual circumstances.(如果有中国等国家的社工本科学位,需要读的话,要经新英格兰大学社工院系批准,询问澳洲社工协会以后)
新英格兰大学2年制社工专业需要修满96学分,Core Units需要达到90学分,课程涉及心理健康基础实践,社会工作实践指导,社会工作互动技能等课程;Listed Units选修6个学分,学生可根据自己的兴趣,选修自己喜欢的课程。