学分高考 招生简章


发布时间: 2022-04-29 18:57:01


起飞前 Before Take Off

安全检查Safety Check

1. 请系好安全带,将座椅靠背调整到正常位置。

Please fasten your seatbelt and adjust your seatback to the upright position.

2. 您好,我们的飞机已经开始滑行,请关闭您的手机电源。

Sir/ Madam,our plane is taxiing. Please switch off your mobile phone.

3. 先生/女士,我们飞机马上就要起飞了,为了您的安全,请您马上回到座位上坐好并系好安全。

The plane is taking off. For your safety,please return to your seat and fasten seat belt.

4. 飞机马上要起飞了,这时候使用卫生间是非常危险的!请在飞机平飞之后再使用,好吗?

The plane is taking off. It’s dangerous to leave your seat. Could you please remain in your seat until we get to cruising level?

5. 您好!根据中国民航的规定飞机上不能使用带有飞行模式的手机。也请您要全程关闭手机,谢谢!

Excuse me,I know your mobile phone has flight mode,but it is also prohibited by CAAC(Civil Aviation Administration of China). May I ask you to switch it off now. Thank you for your cooperation.

6. 先生,我知道这个电话对您非常重要。但是,为了保证飞行安全,我必须请您关闭手机电源。

Sir,I appreciate this phone call is very important for you. However,to ensure the safety of this flight I must ask you to switch your mobile off.

7. 请您把脚踏板收起;调直座椅靠背;收起小桌板,我们的飞机马上就要起飞了。

We are taking off soon,please return your seat back to the upright position,and secure your table and footrest.

8. 飞机马上要起飞了,为了您的安全(我们随时可以看到外面发生的情况)请把遮光板打开。

We’re taking off soon. For your safety,please open the sun-shade board. (so that we can see what is happening in case of emergency)

客舱准备 Cabin Ready

1. 飞机马上要起飞了,起飞后我再给您送一杯。

The aircraft is taking off immediately. So could you please wait for a moment? I’ll serve you right after take-off.

2. __先生/女士,飞机马上要起飞了,我帮您把小屏幕收起来,好吗。

Mr./Ms._,the aircraft is taking off immediately,may I help you to store your personal video.

3. 飞机马上就要起飞/落地,请乘务员回座位坐好。

Cabin attendants,please return to your seats for takeoff/landing.

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