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When I was 18 one morning my father told me to

发布时间: 2024-07-01 02:28:01
When I was 18,one morning,my father told me to drive him into a town,about 18 miles away. I had
just learned to drive,so I1with pleasure. First we came to the town. Then I took the car to a nearby garage
(汽车修理厂) to have it2and promised (答应) to pick Dad up at 4 P.m.. Because I had a few3to spend,
I decided to go to the4. However.I became so interested in the films that I forgot the5. When the last film
finished,it was 6 o’clock.
I was afraid Dad would be6and never let me drive again,so I drove back7to meet Dad and made an
excuse for my being late. I’ll never forget the8he gave me
"I’m disappointed (失望的) that you feel you9lie (说谎) to me,Jack. I’m angry,not with you but with
myself. I have failed10I’ve brought up (抚养) a son who can not even11the truth to his own father. I’m
going to12home now and think seriously about where I have gone wrong all these years."
Dad began walking along the road. I begged13,telling him how drove14him for 18 miles,at a speed
of 5 miles an hour. It was the most15lesson. I have never lied to him ever since.
( )1. A. said
( )2. A. repaired
( )3. A. weeks
( )4. A. restaurant
( )5. A. time
( )6. A. glad
( )7. A. slowly
( )8. A. laugh
( )9. A. will
( )10.A. though
( )11. A. talk
( )12. A. drive
( )13. A. by the way
( )14. A. behind
( )15. A. difficult
B. agreed
B. stopped
B. days
B. supermarket
B. car
B. angry
B. quietly
B. cry
B. have to
B. if
B. speak
B. walk
B. all the way
B. before
B. interesting
C. answered
C. produced
C. hours
C. cinema
C. garage
C. kind
C. easily
C. look
C. would
C. because
C. say
C. run
C. in the same way
C. with
C. forgetful
D. replied
D. locked
D. minutes
D. bookshop
D. place
D. polite
D. quickly
D. smile
D. used to
D. when
D. tell
D. ride
D. in a different way
D. in front of
D. successful

When I was 18 one morning my father told me to


1-5 BACCA 6-10 BDBBC11-15 DBBAC

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