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小学三年级英语下册Unit 5 How old are you?检测题

发布时间: 2022-10-29 01:06:01

做练习题是学习中的非常重要的组成部分,是巩固新知识,形成新技巧,培养良好的思维品质,发展学生智力的重要途径,是学习过程中不可跨越的一环。编辑老师JYPXW.XOM小编整理了这篇小学三年级英语下册Unit 5 How old are you?检测题,希望大家练习!

A卷: 课堂点拨题

1. --Look at my new car. --______. A. It’s blue. B. You’re right. C. How lovely!

_______a nice skirt! A.What's B.What C.How

2. 【易错】How old ________he? A.is B. am C.are

--How old are you? --_________. A. I’m ten. B. It’s ten. C. I’m fine.

3. --______ --Thank you. A. This is for you. B. Is this for you? C. What is this?

--Is this your robot? --_____. A. I’m Mr Robot. B. No,it isn’t. C. No,thank you.

4. --Happy Birthday,Yang Ling. --______. A. Thank you. B. Happy Birthday. C. Happy New Year.

5. 你想要一个玩具娃娃时你不会说:A. I’d like a doll. B. I want a doll. C. I like dolls.

6. It is time ________breakfast. A.to B. for C.at

7. 你上课迟到了,老师会对你说:

A. Don’t be late for class again. B. Don’t run in class. C. Time for class.

8. ( )别人回答正确时你会说:A. You’re out. B. You’re right. C. You’re welcome.

B卷: 课后巩固题


( )1.You _______two. A.am B. is C.are

( )2.______ you John? A. Am B. Is C. Are

( )3.你想要告诉别人,你的妹妹今年五岁了,你会说:

A. My sister is four. B. Your sister is five. C. My sister is five.

( )4.A:_____ B: Thank you! A.Please open the door B.Where's the cake? C.Here you are.

( )5.【易错】This is Yang Ling. ________ is my friend. A. She B. She’s C. He’s

( )6.如果你回答问题正确了,老师会说: A. You’re out. B. You’re eight. C. You’re right.

( )7.【易错】到吃午饭的时间了你不会说:A. Time for lunch. B. Where’s your lunch? C. It’s time for lunch.

二.填入适当的词 (用is are 填空)

1._____the skirt on the bed?

2._____the apple on the table?

3._____my school bag under the chair?

4._____your bike in the bedroom?

5._____the bananas in the living room?

6._____the boys your friends?

7._____the caps in your bag?

8.____ the pies in the lunch box?


1.three lovely birds_________ 2.how old___________ 3.seven lunch boxes__________

4.10+9__________ 5.8-5________ 6.You're out__________

7.It's time for the hot dog_____________ 8.What a nice pencil case!______________


1.nice,a,cake,what (!)

2.beautiful、what、bird、a (!)

3.old、sister、is、 how、your(?)

4.nine 、my、 brother、is(.)

5.ten、 you、 what、I’m、 about ( . ? )

6.want,book,I,English,an ( . )

7.the、cake、 time、 for、 it’s (.)

8.it's 、the、for、milk、time(.)

9.pie、 time、 it’s、 the、 for ( ! )


( )1.Two and three is five. A. Here you are.

( )2.This doll is for you. B. Yes,I want a bird.

( )3.I want a pencil. C. That’s right.

( )4.How old are you? D. I’m six.

( )5.Please make a wish,Mike. E. How nice!


1.到时间该去学校了,该说: time .

2.当你想问对方妹妹多大时,该说: your ?

3.当你不知道远处的东西是什么时,该说: is ?

4.别人答对了,你该说: right。


以上是学大小编为大家提供的小学三年级英语下册Unit 5 How old are you?检测题,更多内容请关注JYPXW.XOM官网三年级英语栏目。

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