学分高考 辅导资料


发布时间: 2022-04-27 20:06:01


第一卷 100分

一、听力 (30分)略




It'll soon be the birthday of one of my closest friends,Susie. I still cannot decide what to give her. She's a rare friend because she has been there for me all the time whenever I need a friend to talk to. I can always depend on her to be the first to arrive to give me advice when I have problems. I guess I am so lucky to have her as a friend.

It's more than seven years since I first met Susie in our school. I joined the theater group and she was a director then. At first I thought she was intimidating but in the end I realized that she needed to keep a strict image in order for her actors and actresses to take her seriously. And then during practice I got a chance to know her better. In fact,she was a friendly and warm-hearted person. Soon we become good friends.

I don't know exactly what to give my friend on her birthday as I believe she has everything. So it's really hard to buy her a gift she will appreciate. This year I want something different and special but I don't know what to give. One day I searched the internet without any purpose and to my surprise there is a really lovely site where you can buy all kinds of gifts.

I scanned(浏览) some of their items and I found cool and exciting gifts. I chose a special personalized bracelet(手镯). I'm sure that this will look perfect on her. I put our arms as part of the design of the bracelet so that it'll remind us that we'll forever be friends. I can't wait to give her my gift but I won't tell her yet. I don't want to destroy the surprise.

21. Why does the author consider Susie as a rare friend?

A. Susie is good at solving problems.

B. She and the author have lots of things to talk about.

C. Susie is a friendly and warm-heated person.

D.She can always offer help when the author is in need.

22. Finally the author found a nice gift for her friend_____

A. With the help of somebody else B. While going online

C. While doing shopping in a store D. Without difficulty

23.The author wanted to put her and her friend's names in the bracelet in order to _____.

A. give her friend a big surprise

B. make the present more special

C. remind her friend of their difference between them.

D. make her friend remember their friendship forever


Active New Zealand

Adventure tours in New Zealand and South America

phone: 1-800-661-9073

Destinations: South Pacific,New Zealand,South America,Argentina,Chile,Peru,Ecuador,Costa Rica

Activities: Bicycling,Mountain,Road,Cross-Country/Touring,Sea-kayaking,Hiking & Trekking(远足),Backpacking,Exploring,Day hiking,Family,Scuba-diving(带水肺潜水),Rainforest,Wildlife,Walking

Adventure Life

Exceptional travel in Latin America and Antarctica

phone: 1-800-344-6118

Destinations: Antarctica,South America,Argentina,Chile,Peru,Ecuador,Bolivia,Central America,Belize,Costa Rica,Panama

Activities: Kayaking,Rafting,Sea-kayaking,Hiking & Trekking,Backpacking,Exploring,Day hiking,Multisport,Cultural,Archaeologica(考古的),Historical,Scuba & Snorkeling,Nature,Rainforest,Wildlife,Eco-focused,Culture-focused,Expedition Cruising

Adventure Spirit / Travel Network

Adventure tour operator + Travel agency

phone: 800-492-0257

Destinations: Asia,Europe,South Pacific,Antarctica,Africa,South America,North America

Activities: Bicycling,Paddlesport,Snowsport,Hiking & Trekking,Caving,Family,Multisport,Cultural,Beach & Watersport,Scuba & Snorkeling,Nature,Photography,Safari,Geotourism,Fishing & Fishing Lodges,Sailing & Cruise,Other,Expedition Cruising,Space,Educational,Walking,Horseback/Dude Ranch(牧场),Self-Drive,Around the World Tours

24. Which of the following are NOT country names?

A. Bolivia & Chile B. Argentina & Costa Rica

C. Peru & New Zealand D. Safari & Scuba

25. If Jackson wants to travel around the world,he can call ___________.

A. 1-800-492-0257 B. 1-800-344-6118 C. 1-800-661-9073 D. none of the above

26. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the three advertisements?

A. Both Travel Network and Adventure Life can take you to Africa.

B.If your want to enjoy Beach & Watersport,you can call 1-800-661-9073.

C. Active New Zealand can provide you adventure tours in New Zealand and Antarctica

D.If your are interested in history,you can click for more information.

27.This text is most probably taken from the column of .

A. education B.travel C.history D.photography


Winter weather has returned to northern areas of the world. In much of the United States,winter means the return of snow.

Snow is a form of frozen water. It contains many groups or very small ice particles called snow crystals(晶体). These crystals grow from water particles in cold clouds. They usually grow around a piece of dust. All snow crystals have six sides,but they grow in different shapes. The shape depends mainly on the temperature and water levels in the air. The shape of a snow crystal may change from one form to another as the crystal passes through levels of air with different temperatures. Snow contains much less water than rain. about seventy-five centimeters of snow has as much water as two and a half centimeters of rain.

Generally,the color of snow and ice appears white. This is because the light we see from the sun is white. Most natural materials take in some sunlight. However,when light travels from air to snow,some light is sent back,or reflected(反射). Snow crystals have many surfaces to reflect sunlight. It is this light that gives snow its white color.

Much of the water we use comes from snow. Melting snow gives water to rivers and crops. Snowfall helps to protect plants and some wild animals from the cold. Fresh snow is made largely of air which is kept among the snow crystals. Because the air has trouble moving,the movement of heat is greatly reduced. However,snow is responsible for the deaths of hundreds of people in the United States every year. Many people die in traffic accidents on roads that are covered with snow or ice.

28. In the center of a snow crystal there is .

A. air B.dust C. water D. sunlight

29. If fifteen centimeters of snow completely melts,the height of water will be .

A. 0.5 centimeter B. 1 centimeter C. 1.5 centimeters D. 15centimeters

30. According to the text,snow looks white because .

A. snow is actually white B. the ice particles are white

C. here is a lot of air in the snow D. the reflection of light makes it look white

31.How can snow protect plants from the cold?

A. Snow gives them much heat. B. Snow turns into water and waters them.

C. Snow makes them keep moving . D. Snow contains air which has trouble moving.


The world’s native languages are dying out at an unprecedented(空前的) rate,taking with them irreplaceable(不能替代的) knowledge about the natural world,according to a new study.

The study identified five global “hot spots” where languages are vanishing faster than anywhere else ---- eastern Siberia,northern Australia,central South America,the US state of Oklahoma and the US Pacific Northwest. “Languages are suffering a global extinction crisis that greatly goes beyond the pace of species extinction,” linguistics(语言学的) professor David Harrison noted,who said half of the world’s 7,000 languages were expected to disappear before the end of the century.

Native people had an intimate(详尽的) knowledge of their environment that was lost when their language disappeared,along with other certain things often unfamiliar to us,Harrison stressed. “Most of what we know about species and ecosystems is not written down anywhere,it’s only in people’s heads,” he said. “We are seeing in front of our eyes the loss of the human knowledge base.”

Harrison was one of a team of linguists who carried out the study. The researchers traveled to Australia this year to study native languages,some of the most endangered. According to Harrison,in Australia,they were heartened to see a woman in her 80s who was one of the only three remaining speakers of the Yawuru language passing on her knowledge to schoolchildren. He said such inter-generational exchanges were the only way native languages could survive. “The children had elected to take this course,no one forced them,” he said. “When we asked them why they were learning it,they said,‘This is a dying language,we need to learn it’.” Also,while there they found a man with knowledge of the Amurdag language,which had previously been thought extinct.

The researchers said all five of the hot spots identified were areas that had been successfully colonized and where a dominant language such as Spanish or English was threatening native tongues.

32.What does this text mainly talk about?

A.The knowledge of native languages.

B.A study on native languages endangered.

C.People’s efforts in saving native languages.

D.Harrison and his study on languages.

33.The underlined word“vanishing”in the second paragraph can be best replaced by .

A.developing B.changing C.increasing D.disappearing

34.According to Harrison,language extinction .

A.results in lots of worries

B.speeds up the pace of species extinction

C.threatens the existing of Spanish and English

D.brings about a loss of knowledge about the environment

35.According to the text,native languages were endangered partly because of .

A.few researches done on them B.the small population of native people

C.the strong influence of ruling languages D.little education native people receive at school[MVC:PAGE]



Five tips for safe running

We all know that exercise is good for our health. But some kinds of exercise may be better than others. Running ,for example,may help to protect against heart disease and other health problems.

Running is good exercise,but it can be hard on the body. 36

Take it easy. Do not run too much,too soon or too fast. Most people get running injuries when they push themselves too bad. The body needs time to get used to increase in distance or speed. 37

Listen to your body. Most running injuries do not come unexpectedly. 38

They may include body aches,sore muscles and pain that does not go away.

39 There is no single best shoe for every runner. You should find the shoe that offers the best fit and support for your feet. More importantly,you should replace your shoes every 500 to 800 kilometers.

Take good notes. Take time after each run to write down what you did and how you felt. Look for patterns,things that happen over again. These notes will help you find the best exercise for you.

Cross train. As we said earlier,running is hard on your body. So physical fitness experts suggest some form of cross training to improve muscle balance and to help you stay injury free. They say swimming,yoga,and riding a bicycle are good exercises to combine with running. 40

A. Get good running shoes.

B. Usually,there are warning signs.

C. Running may also help you live longer

D. These exercises are easier on the body.

E. Muscles and joints(关节) need time to recover.

F. As advertisements for the running shoe Nike say,”just do it.”

G. Here are five ideas to reduce the risk of injury.



Monty was a hard-working man who sold bread for a living. He spent all his evenings after work 41 classes,hoping that he could one day find a better-paid job. Except for Sundays,Monty 42 ate a meal together with his family. He wanted to 43 his family with the best things money could buy.

44 the family complained(抱怨)that he was not spending 45 time with them,he 46 that he was doing all this for them.

The day came when the 47 results came out. Monty passed with a high score! Soon after,he was 48 a good job. Like a dream coming true,Monty could now 49 to buy nice clothing and fine food for his family.

50 ,the family still did not get to see Monty for most of the week. He 51 to work very hard,hoping to get a more 52 job as a manager. So he went to study in the Open University.

Monty’s hard work 53 . He decided to hire(雇佣) a housekeeper to 54 his wife from housework. Having experienced the 55 of his work many times before,Monty decided to 56 his studies and work once more. The family still did not get to see much of him. In fact,to please his 57 ,sometimes Monty had to work on Sundays.

As 58 ,Monty’s hard work achieved a big success and he bought a beautiful flat near the seacoast. On the first Sunday evening at their new home,Monty declared to his family that he decided not to take any more 59 . From then on he was going to spend more time with his family.

But Monty did not 60 the next day.

41.A. teaching B. taking C. choosing D. preparing

12.A. often B. hardly C. ever D. sometimes

43.A. provide B. help C. share D. combine

44.A. Unless B. Whenever C. Before D. Wherever

45. A. some B. certain C. enough D. full

46. A. lied B. added C. explained D. realized

47. A. game B. competition C. research D. examination

48. A. told B. shown C. offered D. promised

49.A. decided B. afford C. manage D. remember

50. A. Besides B. Also C. However D. Instead

51.A. continued B. used C. hated D. stopped

52. A. better B. more interesting C. busier D. more useful

53. A. turned back B. got away C. paid off D. broke down

54. A. keep B. free C. carry D. protect

55. A. skills B. troubles C. rewards D. difficulties

56. A. review B. drop C. complete D. improve

57. A. children B. customers C. friends D. parents

58. A. expected B. suggested C. reported D. planned

59. A. trips B. chances C. course D. jobs

60.A. call back B. wake up C. come in D. stay up




Earthquakes are among the most____61____( power) events on earth,and their results can be frightening. In a very period of time,earthquakes can cause great damage and loss. Large earthquakes beneath the ocean can create a series of huge,destructive waves called tsunamis ____62_____flood coasts for many miles.

Earthquakes almost never kill people directly. Instead,many deaths and _____63___(injury) in earthquakes result ____64___ falling objects and the collapse of buildings,bridges,and other structures. Fire____65____ (arise) from broken gas or power lines is another major danger during a quake.

Japan is a country ___66_____earthquakes happen ___67___(frequent). A magnitude 9.0 earthquake,the largest in Japanese history,____68____(hit) northern Japan at 2:46 pm on March 11,2011. A tsunami followed,___69___(cause) flooding in many areas,as well as many strong aftershocks. The earthquake left the coastal area in __70_____.

六、 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)






Dear Peter,

I’m glad to receive your letter ask for my advice on how to learn Chinese well. Here are few suggestions.

First,it is important for you to take a Chinese course,as you can be able to learn from the teacher and practice with your fellow students. Then,it also help you to watch TV and read books,magazines and newspaper in Chinese whenever possible. However,it should be a good idea to learn and sing Chinese songs,because by doing so you’ll learn or remember Chinese

words more easy. You can also make more Chinese friends,that will tell you a lot about China and help you learn Chinese.

Try and write to me in Chinese in next time.

Best wishes.

Yours sincerely,










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