学分高考 考试题库

初三英语作文范文【How I’ve changed】

发布时间: 2022-04-30 19:27:01

对于初三学生来说英语作文在英语考试中占有重要的地位,英语作文要想取得高分必须多阅读英语作文范文,下面JYPXW.XOM网为大家带来初三英语作文范文【How I’ve changed】,希望能够帮助大家提高英语作文写作水平。

My life changed a lot in the last few years,I used to be short and have long hair ,but now I am tall and have short hair ,I used to be quiet and shy ,now I am very outgoing .I used to be afraid of dark ,now I am not .I used to be heavy ,now I am thin and healthy .

My daily life is different and I used to like different thing when I was a child.For example,I didn't use to like tests.Now,I don't mind them.I used to hate gym class.Now it'smy favorite class.I used to walk to school.Now,I take the bus .when I was young,I used to have so much time to play with my friends ,but now I am really too busy ,I have to get up early and stay in school all day ,then I go right home and eat dinner.at night ,I used to watch TV with my parent or chat with my grandmother ,but now I can't .I love sports ,but now ,I hardly ever have time to play sport.I have to do lots of homework .I really miss the old days!

JYPXW.XOM网为大家精心准备了初三英语作文范文【How I’ve changed】,希望大家能够学会借鉴这些优秀英语作文,想要阅读更多的初三英语作文请查阅JYPXW.XOM网。

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