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发布时间: 2024-07-07 23:02:48



-侧田 - 无言无语: Kanss Meet Better ReMix;Photo Edition;LY Vs Cky'z Remix Kanss Meet Better ReMix 水晶dj网 为DJ交流互动平台,这首DJ音乐侧田 - 无言无语(Kanss Meet Better ReMix) 是由本站会员上传提供试听或下载,音乐版权为DJ及所属公司拥有。基于11个网页 - 搜索相关网页 Photo Edition 侧田 - 无言无语(Photo Edition) 侧田 - 无言无语基于2个网页 - 搜索相关网页 LY Vs Cky'z Remix 方便你下次试听侧田 - 无言无语(LY Vs Cky'z Remix),点此加入到你的音乐合或点此加入本地收藏夹基于2个网页 - 搜索相关网页 -无言无语-侧田: Hmc Vs AZ ReMix Hmc Vs AZ ReMix 方便你下次试听无言无语-侧田(Hmc Vs AZ ReMix),点此加入到你的音乐合或点此本地收藏 本站的免费MP3舞曲下载速度限制为100K/s,收费MP3歌曲下载不限制下载速度基于38个网页 - 搜索相关网页 -上帝的普遍启示是从上而下的,从上帝而来(罗1:

18-20),是“无言无语,也无声音可听”(诗19)。人对普遍启示的回应(包括心理学)是从下而上的: it comes from God (Rom 1:18-20)It is “without words” (Psalm 19)Man’s response to revelation (culture, which includes psychology) is bottom-up;it comes from man The two are not the same!;God’s general revelation is top-down it comes from God (Rom 1:18-20)It is “without words” (Psalm 19)Man’s response to revelation (culture, which includes psychology) is bottom-up It ain't over till the fat lady sings 不见棺材不掉泪It cost an arm and a leg 花费很多钱It cost the earth 天价,昂贵 基于1个网页 - 搜索相关网页 it comes from man The two are not the same! 圣经-Bible-Alkitab 7 神的选民昼夜呼吁他,他纵然为他们忍耐着,岂不终久给他们伸冤么? And will not God by all means carry out the avenging of His chosen ones, who cry to Him day and night, though He is long-suffering over them Tidakkah Allah akan membenarkan orang-orang pilihan-Nya yang siang malam berseru kepada-Nya Dan adakah Ia mengulur-ulur waktu sebelum menolong mereka 8 我告诉你们,他要快快的给他们伸冤了。然而,人子来的时候,在地上找得到信心么? I tell you that He will carry out their avenging quickly Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth Aku berkata kepadamu: Ia akan segera membenarkan mereka Akan tetapi, jika Anak Manusia itu datang, adakah Ia mendapati iman di bumi"" 9 耶稣也向那些仗着自己是义人,藐视别人的,说了这个比喻: And He told this parable also to certain ones who trusted in themselves that they were righteous and despised the rest: Dan kepada beberapa orang yang menganggap dirinya benar dan memandang rendah semua orang lain, Yesus mengatakan perumpamaan ini: 基于1个网页 - 搜索相关网页 God’s general revelation is top-down 一切的文化:哲学,心理学,艺术,科学,宗教等,都是(有罪的)人类对上帝普遍启示的回应。文化不是启示!连脚印(影子)都不是!All “culture” –philosophy, psychology, art, science, and religion, etc– is the response by (sinful) men and women to God’s general revelationCulture is not revelation!Not even a footprint/shadow of it! 上帝的普遍启示是从上而下的,从上帝而来(罗1:

18-20),是“无言无语,也无声音可听”(诗19)。人对普遍启示的回应(包括心理学)是从下而上的;从人发出。两者不可混为一谈!God’s general revelation is top-down; it comes from God (Rom 1:18-20)It is “without words” (Psalm 19)Man’s response to revelation (culture, which includes psychology) is bottom-up; it comes from man The two are not the same! 人类既已堕落,这回应(文化)就在核心坚持人的自主,坚持“一元论”,就是保罗所称的“世上的小学”。世俗的文化(包括心理学)必然与上帝的启示斗争。Since mankind has fallen, this response is what Paul calls “the elementary things of this world”It is committed to autonomy of man, and to monismSecular culture (including psychology) inevitably battles against God’s Word基于1个网页 - 搜索相关网页 ~ Q:















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