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发布时间: 2022-09-28 22:18:01

1. 用什么英语单词可以描写九寨沟的风景

The scenery of Jiuzhaigou is not only a chapter,depicting the distant fairy tale and the picture,it is a deep natural kingdom! Yes,Jiuzhaigou have such a treasure on earth,is a miracle,but also human lucky. Anyone who has been to Jiuzhaigou,no one is not touched by the color of the air here. Why is Jiuzhaigou so attractive? only those who love life,understand life,understand the nature of the people,it may be with their real feelings,get the real answer.。

2. 用英语描述九寨沟的景点色

Jiuzhaigou National Park (九寨沟) is a nature reserve in the north of Sichuan,a province in south western China. It is known for its many multi-level waterfalls and colorful lakes,and was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1992. It belongs to the category V (Protected Landscape) in the IUCN system of protected area categorization.Geography and climate Known in English as Jiuzhai Valley it lies at the southern end of the Minshan mountain range,330 km (205 mi) north of the provincial capital of Chengdu. It is part of the Jiuzhaigou County (formerly Nanping County) in the Aba Tibetan Qiang Autonomous Prefecture of northwestern Sichuan province,near the Gansu border.The valley covers 720 km2 (278 sq mi),with buffer zones covering an additional 600 km2 (232 sq mi). Its elevation,depending on the area considered,ranges from 1,998 to 2,140 m (at the mouth of Shuzheng Gully) to 4,558 - 4,764 m (on Mount Ganzigonggai at the top of Zechawa Gully).The climate is cool temperate with a mean annual temperature of 7.2 °C,with means of -1 °C in January and 17 °C in July. Total annual rainfall is 661 mm,80% of which occurs between May and October.History The remote region was inhabited by various Tibetan and Qiang peoples for centuries,but was not officially discovered by the government until 1972. Extensive logging took place until 1979,when the Chinese government banned such activity and made the area a national park in 1982. An Administration Bureau was established and the site officially opened to tourism in 1984; layout of facilities and regulations were completed in 1987. The site was inscribed by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site in 1992 and a World Biosphere Reserve in 1997.Since opening,tourist activity has increased every year: from 5,000 in 1984 to 170,000 in 1991,160,000 in 1995,to 200,000 in 1997,including about 3,000 foreigners. Visitors numbered 1,190,000 in 2002. As of 2004[update],the site averages 7,000 visits per day,with a quota of 12,000 being reportedly enforced during high season. The Town of Zhangzha at the exit of the valley and the nearby Songpan County feature an ever-increasing number of hotels,including several polished five-stars,such as Sheraton.Population Jiuzhaigou (literally "Nine Village Valley") takes its name from the nine Tibetan villages along its length. Seven of them are still populated today. The main agglomerations that are readily accessible to tourists are Heye,Shuzheng and Zechawa along the main paths that cater to tourists,selling various handicrafts,souvenirs and snacks. There is also Rexi in the smaller Zaru Valley and behind Heye village are Jianpan,Panya and Yana villages. The Valley's no longer populated villages are Guodu and Hejiao.Finally,the Penbu,Panxing and Yongzhu villages lie along the road that passes through the town of Jiuzhaigou/Zhangza outside the valley.In 1997,the permanent population of the valley was about 1,000,and due to the protected nature of the park,agriculture is no longer permitted so the locals now rely on tourism and local government subsidies to make a living.。

3. 九寨沟景色英语介绍

1,翠海 Water is the spirit of Jiuzhaigou,and Haizi (lake) of Jiuzhaigou is more characteristic. The lake water is blue and clear all the year round,and shows different tones and water charm with the change of light and the passage of seasons.水,是九寨沟的精灵,而九寨沟的海子(湖泊)更具特色,湖水终年碧蓝澄澈,明丽见底,而且随着光照变化、季节推移,呈现不同的色调与水韵。

Beautiful,exquisite and exquisite; vigorous,blue waves do not incline; calm,attractive,whenever the wind is calm,blue sky,white clouds,distant mountains,near trees,reflecting the lake.秀美的,玲珑剔透;雄浑的,碧波不倾;平静的,招人青睐,每当风平浪静,蓝天,白云,远山,近树,倒映湖中。2,叠瀑 Jiuzhaigou is the world of water and also the kingdom of waterfalls. There is Noirang Falls,which is the largest in the country in width. It falls suddenly on the high emerald rocks,like a huge curtain flying down in the sky,magnificent and magnificent.九寨沟是水的世界,也是瀑布王国,这里有宽度居全国之冠的诺日朗瀑布,它在高高的翠岩上急泻倾挂,似巨幅品帘凌空飞落,雄浑壮丽。

Some waterfalls roar over the rocks and fall over them for several times,forming a cascade of waterfalls,like a group of silver dragons leaping unexpectedly,sounding like snow,spattering numerous small droplets,turning into confused water mist.有的瀑布从山岩上腾越呼啸,几经跌宕,形成叠瀑,似一群银龙竟跃,声若滚雪,激溅起无数小水珠,化作迷茫的水雾。3,彩林 Known as the third of the six in Jiuzhaigou,the colorful forest covers more than half of the area of the scenic spot,more than 2,000 species of plants,fighting for beauty,and exotic flowers and plants in the forest.被誉为九寨沟六绝之三的彩林,覆盖了景区一半以上的面积,2000余种植物,争奇斗艳,林中奇花异草;Colorful,bathed in the hazy mist of the leftover plants,dark green,mysterious and unpredictable,the woodland is covered with thick moss,scattered with the feathers of birds and animals.色彩绚丽,沐浴在朦胧迷离的雾霭中的孓遗植物,浓绿阴森,神秘莫测,林地上积满厚厚的苔藓,散落着鸟兽的翎毛。

4,雪峰 Jiuzhaigou Mountain is tall and straight with snow-capped peaks in winter. The ice bucket under the bright sun makes people dizzy. On Mount Garner,you can see the mountains from a far distance. The mountains are rolling and the valleys are deep.九寨沟山峰挺拔,冬季皑皑雪峰,尽收眼底。艳阳下的冰斗,让人头晕目眩,尕尔纳山上,极目远眺,山峦逶迤,深谷幽壑。

The sky is full of stars and stars. The sea of clouds and clouds stretches through the sky. The waves surge and the peaks and peaks appear from time to time.满天星斗,一览无余,云海连天,絮浪翻腾,峰峦锋锷,时隐时现。5,蓝冰 The blue ice waterfall in Jiuzhaigou National Nature Reserve,with its steep rock wall hanging huge natural ice carvings,blue as clear,from shallow to deep,clear and beautiful.九寨沟国家自然保护区内的蓝色冰瀑,凭借陡峭的岩壁挂起巨大的天然冰雕,蓝如碧晴,由浅而深,冰清玉洁,奇异多姿。

Giant icicles,ice hockey,ice hanging and ice mantle,together with the dazzling ice crystal world to build a blue and clear water resort.巨大的冰柱、冰球、冰挂和冰幔,以璀璨耀眼的冰晶世界一同构建一个幽蓝澄澈的水体胜境。参考资料:百度百科-九寨沟国家级自然保护区。

4. 求一篇介绍九寨沟的英语短文

Jiuzhaigou by the primitive ecological environment,the spotless crisp air and the snowy mountain,the forest,the lake combines wonderful,singularly varied,the serene and beautiful natural scenery,the appearance “natural America,the beautiful nature”,by the reputation is “the fairy tale world”,“the world fairyland”.Jiuzhaigou's peak,the color forest,the green jade sea,fold the waterfall and the Tibetan national minority character and style are been called “the five-character jue”.Jiuzhaigou is located south central pa Tibetan national minority Qiang national minority autonomous prefecture Naping County,the depth more than 40 kilometers,the total area more than 60,000 hectares,three main ditches form the Y shape distribution,the total length amount to 60 kilometers.Because the transportation is inconvenient,here has nearly become a secluded from the world place.Some nine Tibetan national minority stockaded village is only situated in this piece of high mountain ridge,Jiuzhaigou therefore acquires fame.Here preserves is having the primitive style natural scenery,has own special landscape. Jiuzhaigou landscape distributes in Cheng Yxing the tree,the date then,looks up in the hollow 3 main ditches,total length 50 kilometers.Mainly has the tree scenic area,the long 75 kilometers,have the bonsai beach,the tree group sea,the tree waterfall,double Longhai,fire Huahai,lie scenic spot compositions and so on Longhai; Then the date the ditch scenic area,has the promise date brightly,the pearl beach,the high waterfall three big waterfalls,has scenic spots and so on mirror sea,panda sea,fragrant grass sea,swan sea,sword crag,virgin forest,waterfall,five Huahai; Then Zha Wagou the scenic area,has scenic spots and so on length 75 kilometer Changhai and five pools of color; Grips like the scenic area,has the devil crag,grips like scenic spots and so on temple. Jiuzhaigou four seasons scenery extremely is all enchanting.When spring a shoot green,the waterfall flows livelily; The summer comes the shade to encircle the lake,the hawk flies the swallow dance; Fall to red leaves shop mountain,color forest everywhere; The winter comes the snow to bind the mountain range,ices the waterfall like jade. Has an excellent destination in addition south Jiuzhaigou: Huanglong.Huanglong is located east the Sungpan county annals in the Huanglong ditch approximately 35 kilometers place,Huanglong's strange scenery.Enable it to have " the Huanglong world certainly " laudatory name. 九寨沟以原始的生态环境,一尘不染的清新空气和雪山、森林、湖泊组合成神妙、奇幻、幽美的自然风光,显现“自然的美,美的自然”,被誉为“童话世界”、“人间仙境”。







5. 英语作文九寨沟景点80个单词组成的

636f70797a6431333335333063 The Ravine boasts a number of unique features. The mountains,lakes,natural primeval forest,beautiful flowers all make Jiuzhaigou a fairyland. Mountains ranging 1,980 to about 3,100 meters in height are covered by a variety of trees and plants such as green conifers,luxuriant broadleaf trees and colorful rare flowers and grasses. Scenes change according to the season and the area is particularly colorful in autumn when the wind makes kilometers of tree belt along the lake undulate like a sea wave. Waterfalls,lakes,springs,rivers and shoals add to color and the green trees,red leaves,snowy peaks and blue skies are reflected from lakes and rivers. Trees grow in the water and flowers blossom in the middle of lakes。

6. 描写九寨沟风景的句子















7. 九寨沟英语作文

Jiu Zhai Gou Locate in Sichuan Province North Chengdu around 400kilometers. It is one of the most famouse of interest in China.

Has been listed on the << World Natural Heritage List>> .Since the natural scenery include the amazing lake ,waterfall,jokul and forest. Jiu Zhai Gou has the reputation of "tale kingdom".and lot of films has viewfinded here ,such as "Dive Eagle Gallant Knight","Crouching Tiger,Hidden Dragon"


8. 四川九寨沟英文导游词

四川-九寨沟英文导游词 Not far from Rizegou Guesthouse is the Swan Lake. It is said that swans used to reside here. At the present time,the lake remains semi-marsh land eith waterweeds fully covered on the surface. In spring the lake resembles a carpet of green grass; in summer the lake is splendidly decorated with blossomed flowers; in autumn the yelliwness in the lake meets the eye in every side; in winter the lake remains a world of ice and snow. Near the upper end of the lake is an another lake called Fangchaohai. The lake leads to hills where the hill peaks raise one higher than another. However,among the hills there is a pealk that obviously towers. It is named the Sword Rock because it looks sharp on the top and wide at lower part. Passing the foot of the towering peak,you start to walk into a dense primeval forwst,where you find yourselves deep in the boundless expanse of trdds and plants,feeling as light as if you had left the world of men and became immortal beings. There are an abundance of trees that looking up you hardly see the sunshine. Some of the trees curves down like awnings; some loom up like obelisks; some stand erect like men; some recline like dragons. Beneath your feet are soft mosses that grow in a thick furry mass on wet soil. When you walk through the forest,cool greenery rests your eyes,gentle breeze sooths your ears and the utter quietness refreshes your heart. Wucaichi,100.8m in length and 56m in width,is the smallest lake in Jiuzhaigou. However,it is commonly believed that it is richest in color. Someone says that it looks like an emerald inlaid inside the hills. Many visitors usually stop to sit by the lake and seem to feel ease at heart. The water is ruffled,and its azure translucence below the water stretches to the bottom before your eyes. you may look in amaziment at multi-colored clusters displayed at the bottow like inexhaustible treasures supplied by the Greator. Some visitors even doubt whether it is painted by the local peoplw. The water from Wucaichi neither increases nor diminishes. It soaks into the lake from Changhai Lake. As the sun xasts lights on the water,sekiments at the bottom act on the sense of algae and bryophyte plants and give rise to the multi-colorful clusters as it occurs in Wuhuaihai Lake. After passing a col from Wucaichi Lake,you arrive at Changhai Lake which is licated at the top of Zechawa gully at 3,100m above sea level. There are several questeins related to the lake. Hoe did the lake take shape? Why soes the lake have no exit? Is any fish in the lake? How long is the lake? Hoe deep is it? The first question still remains a mystery. It is uncertain if it took shape due to esrthquakes,landslides or mud-rock flow. The source of the water comes from springs from the forests and snow on the mountains around. The way of draining off water in the lake is to evaporate and permeate into the ground. In the lake the water never overflows in summer,and it never dried up in winter. The lake has no fish probably because it is too cold in the lake. a legend says that a monster had eaten yp all the fish a long time ago. The lake is 7.5km in aength,and in some parts it is 103m i9n depth. 中文 九寨沟位于阿坝藏族羌族自治州南坪县中南部,纵深40多公里,总面积6万多公顷,三条主沟形成Y形分布,总长达60余公里。









9. 求去九寨沟旅游的英语作文,是暑假旅游,60字左右

Summer,mom took me to visit the beautiful scenery there,a charming scenery,theclear waters that not only beautiful and cool,there are four spots,there are the multi-colored pools waterfall tree the sea and the peaks of the big four spots I most like snowy peaks。

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