学分高考 考试资料 > 知识点


发布时间: 2024-08-12 19:59:03



Why not… =Why don’t you…

go upstairs上楼 

go downstairs下楼

A moment later一会以后

study 书房 学习

in the front of the house


in front of the house


talk about+n/v-ing谈论,议论,讨论某事

talk with 与某人交谈

put them away 把他们收拾好

Look after = take care of照顾

play with “与某人一起玩”

in the tree(外物附着)在树上

on the tree 树本身长出来的花,树叶等

on the wall在墙上 

in the wall 在墙里 

on the river浮在水面上  

over the river 在河上(悬空)

tell sb about sth告诉某人关于某事 

tell sb to do sth 让某人做某事

tell sb sth告诉某人某事

want to do 想要做某事


There are two bedrooms and a small


There is a lamp, a computer, some books and so  


— Is there a computer in your study?


—Yes, there


Don't put them Put them


There are many beautiful flowers in the garden, but there aren’t any trees in  



out of sight , out of mind 眼不见,心不烦

accept 接受(指主观)  receive 收到(指客观)

be busy doing 忙着做某事

I’m on 我正在度假。  on vacation 在度假

at one’s house 在某人的家,house 可省略

Would you…? 表示“客气地请求” ,would比will更委婉

on both sides of … 在。。。的两边 = on each side of … 在……的每一边 = on either side of … 在……的任何一边(两边)

on the other side of … 在……的对面/另一边

make sure 确保,弄清楚

40 km2 读作 40 square kilometers

lie (用来表明地理位置),意为“位于”

1) to the + 方位名词 + of … 指互不接壤并互不管辖的两个地区

2) in the + 方位名词 + of … 指在某一范围之内的地区

3) on the + 方位名词 + of … 指相互接壤但互不管辖的两个地区

face south 坐北朝南,面对南面

It’s about two and a half half hours by 骑自行车(到那里)大约两个半小时。

by the way 顺便说一下   in the old days 在古代,在旧社会   at the foot of … 在……脚下

through 穿过,通过   survey(ed) the area 勘察这个地方

in the northwest of … 在……的西北   southwest 是合成的方位名词

two and a half hours = two hours and a half

“时间 + 交通方式”可以表示具体的路程长短

It’s a two-hour = It’s two hours’ = It’s two hours by bus/by bike/on

passage 长廊;一节    arrive at(小地方)/in(大地方) ……到达   walk through 穿过   take out 拿出

wonder 古物,奇迹   be surprised at 对……感到惊讶   step on one’s toes踩到某人的脚趾

push one’s way out 挤出去   out of sight 看不见   too…to… 太……以至于不能……  

not until 直到……才……   raise one’s head 抬起某人的头   

as soon as 一……就……   jump up and down 蹦起来,跳起来


①room 可作可数名词,意为“房间” ,如:The twins share a small

room也可作不可数名词,意为“空间” ,如:There is enough room for two more in the

②place意为“空地” ,其含义比较具体,且往往指座位,有时与seat 同义

place也意为“地位” ,如:The singer has a place in the history of American

③space意为“太空,宇宙” ,是不可数名词


stop要双写再 + ed , + ing (即stopped,stopping)

in all directions = in every direction ,意为“在四面八方”

in the direction of 意为“朝……方向”

in one’s direction意为“朝着某人的方向”

beat fast 跳动得很快

be surprised to do 惊奇地去做某事

can’t help doing 忍不住   be famous for 以……而著名be happy with 对……感到满意

get off 下(车、马等)   get on 上(车、马等)

have fun exploring 从考察中获得乐趣   have fun (in) doing 从……中获得乐趣,高兴地做某事,兴致勃勃地做某事

ask for help 向某人求助

There you are! 你在这啊!

at last 最后   pay attention to 注意   get up 起床   stand for 象征   take picture(s) 拍照   shout at 大声喊

look for 寻找   Thank goodness! 谢天谢地!   be lost 失踪   get lost 迷路

can’t/couldn’t help 后面接v-ing 形式时,意为“禁/忍不住做某事” ,其后面接动词不定式时,可省略to,意为“不能做某事”

here and there = everywhere 到处,处处

until 与not 连用时,主句动词常为短暂性动词,这是它可与before互换;当until 不与not 连用时,主句动词要求是延续性动词



be perfect for 对于……来说最合适   full day 整天   city tour of 城内游   Spring Festival 春节   leave for 离开某地到某地

notice to do 注意到某人做某事


die         dying   lie           lying


1) Hello! 你好

2) May I speak to … ? 我要找……(……在么?) = I’d like to speak to…?

3) This is … (speaking). 这里是……(我是……)

4) Who’s that? 你是谁?

5) Is that … (speaking)? 你是……么?

It makes me feel

How long have you felt like this = How long have you been like this?

felt/been 的现在完成时,构成是 have/has + 过去分词

hate = don’t(doesn’t) love

Good night 晚安

make do 使某人做某事   make () + 使某物(某人)处于某种状态  

let do 让某人做某事

can’t be 表示否定推测,意思是“不可能”,而must be 表示肯定推测,意思是“一定” 。

tell about 告诉某人有关某事   tell a story 告诉某人一个故事   tell a lie 说谎

tell (not) to do 告诉某人不要做某事

at the end of  在……的尽头,在……末   at the beginning (of) 在……的开始

at the middle (of) 在……的中间

take turns to do 轮流做某事   in turn 依次,逐个地

ask (not) to do 让某人(不要)做某事,命令某人(不要)做某事

instead of = in place of 代替

come over 过来

get along with = get on with 与……相处

smile at life 微笑面对人生

at the English corner 在英语角

in good health 健康状况良好

in a good mood 心情好   in a bad mood 心情坏

put on 上演; 穿上,戴上

prepare for 为。。。做准备

doesn’t(didn’t) work 无用,没用,无法工作

in bed (病倒)在床上   (no) with (没有)和某人在一起

be full of (指状态)充满   fill with (指动作)充满,把……充满

too…for to … 对某人来说太。。。以至于不能。。。

have sad thought(s) 有坏想法 ,thought 为可数名词

sun shines brightly 阳光明媚

stay in good spirits = keep in good spirits 保持好心情

such as = for example 例如

get help from … 从……得到帮助   get back to 继续某事

in high spirits 情绪高   in low spirits 情绪低

当表示“考虑”时, think about 和 think of 这两个短语通常可以互换使用,其后可接名词。当表示“想到,想起,有……的看法”时,只能用 think of 。当强调“反复、仔细地考虑”时,用 think over 这个短语,当它接名词作宾语时,名词可以放在副词前,也可以放在副词后。

a sense of … ……的感觉,如:a sense of duty 责任感   a sense of direction 方向感

bring back 使某事物恢复   get back 回到(某种状态;某事上)

follow one’s advice 遵循某人的忠告

remember doing 想起曾经做某事   forget doing 忘记曾经做某事remember to do 记得做某事



a test 测试,测验

2 .get/be nervous 紧张

a speech 做演讲

doing sth 练习做某事

sick/ill 生病

confident about 对……自信

a bad/good mood 心情差/好

in good spirits 心情好

sb a surprise

=give a surprise to sb给某人一个惊喜

proud of 为……感到骄傲

on 穿上,上映

/be ready for 为……做准备


trouble/difficulty (in) doing sth


day 有一天(将来)

one day 有一天(将来/过去)

to do sth记得要去做某事

remember doing 记得做过某事

’s+ for to do sth


over 仔细考虑

an important decision做一个重要的决定

sense of happiness一种幸福感

one’s advice 遵循某人的建议

take one’s advice 采纳某人建议

it 放松点,别紧张。

public 在公共场合

crowded with被……挤满

to 进入脑海,突然想出

with 和某人在一起



relaxed 冷静的,镇定的(修饰人)

relaxing 轻松的(修饰物)


decision [可数]决定


silence 沉默


confidence 自信


there anything wrong?


get so nervous when I give a


’s give Michael a surprise!


think the moon can affect my



I ask them to come 我要求他们来这里。

I invite them to come 我邀请他们来这里。

We children 同位语 我们孩子

none = no one = nobody = nothing

None of these pens          

None of us is/are afraid of      



go mad 发疯了

the + (the+形容词) 指什么样的人,如 the young 年轻人,the old 老年人

a ticket to The Sound of Music .  a key to the   a ticket to/for ……的票/劵/入场劵

next time下次  Beijing Opera 京剧  be able to 能够  just now 刚才

have a temperature = have a fever 发烧  go well 进展顺利  set the table 摆放餐具

later =for a while for a minute

ring up = phone = telephone = call = ring ,意为“打电话给某人”

will be shown 将要播放  starring 主演

spend … on 花费……在某事上

spend …. (in) doing 花费……在做某事上

cost 的主语是物, cost(s) …

pay for … = pay … for … 付款,付酬,主语一般是人

It takes(took) some time to do   某人花费了时间去做某事

take 意为“花费”时,多指花费时间。

what … for 在口语中相当于why

because of 接名词、代词或相当于名词的短语,because 接原因状语从句。

a young woman 后置定语

alone  单独的,独自的    单独地,独自地

lonely  寂寞的,偏僻的    孤独者

perform short 表演短剧  funny plays 有趣的戏剧  had a accident 发生事故   

each other 彼此  suddenly 突然地

on the night 特指某一天的晚上,要用on

用call 可以说明某物叫什么,如:He meets a boy call Xiao

be afraid of …害怕……  be afraid 恐怕

moving 感动人的:令人感动的:震撼人的

so … that …  如此……以至于……(因果状语从句)

such a + + that 从句

go(went) mad 发疯的(系动词+表语形式)

facial paintings 脸谱  wonderful gestures 优美的手势

be interested in… 对……感兴趣,而became interested in 是指以前不感兴趣,而现在感兴趣

be grateful to    be grateful for    对某人(事)很感激

be on 连续性动词,持续放映

be + well 只能表示身体健康,而be + good 可以表示好



There be 句型和方位介词短语。


There are two bedrooms and a a

Thereis a lamp, a computer, some books and so

—Is there a computer in your study? —Yes, there

Don't put them Put


1 It’s on the second



second是序数词,前面要用定冠词the, 意为第二(的)

巧辨异同 two与second



2 in 在……里面,是方位介词。in the box in the classroom

Is there…? 表示某地存在……吗?

其肯定回答是:Yes, there

否定回答No, there isn’它的复数形式为

Are there…? 其肯定回答是:Yes, there 否定回答No, there aren’

3 巧辨异同 there be与 have

(1) there be“有”,指(某地)存在“有”。

(2) have“有”,指人或某物“拥有”。The is a dog in the The dog has two big 注:there be 遵循就近原则。be 用is还是are,取决于离该动词最近的那个名词。如果该名词是单数或不可数名词就用is,如果是复数就用are。

4 have a look看看。后面接名词时要用 如have a look at your

5 talk about“谈论,议论”,后接名词或动名词。

talk with/to “与某人交谈”

6 用来询问某地有某物,其结构为:What’s+介词短语,回答时应用there be句型。

7 play with“和……玩耍”,“玩”

play with “与某人一起玩”

8 put away 把……放好

9 look after“保管,照顾”,相当于take care

look at看……

look like看起来像……

look for寻找

look the same看起来一样

10 巧辨异同in the tree与on the tree

(1) in the tree 指外来物体在树上。

(2) on the tree树木本身长出来的花、树叶等。

11 巧辨异同like doing与like to do

like doing 表示经经常性或习惯性的兴趣、爱好。与love doing相似。

like to do 表示偶尔的、一次性的喜欢。与love to do相似。

12 I’m very glad to get a letter from 我很高兴收到你的来信。

get a letter from 收到某人的来信=hear from


Unit 1


good morning/ afternoon / evening 早上/下午/晚上好

glad / nice to meet / see you 见到你很高兴

welcome to + 地点 欢迎来到……

let’s + v 让我们做……

stand up 起立

sit down 坐下

this 这是……

thanks = thank you 谢谢

see you = see you later = goodbye 再见

ID number 身份证号码

be from=come from 来自

in English 用英语


---What’s your name? ---My name is

---Where are you from? ---I’m from

---Where do you come from? ---I come from

---Where is he/ she from? ---He/She is from

---What’s this/ that in English? --- It’s a/ an…

---What’re these/ those in English? ---They’re…

---How do you spell it? ---E-R-A-S-E-R,

---Can you spell it? ---Yes, M-A-P,

—How old are you/ is he/ are they?

—I’m/ He is/ They are

—What’s your telephone number?


—What class/ grade are you in?

—I’m in Class Ten, Grade (注意大小写)

Good morning/ afternoon/

—Hello!/Hi! —Hello!/Hi!

—Nice/Glad to see/meet —Nice/Glad to see/meet you,

—Welcome to China/my —

—How do you do? —How do you do?

—How are you? —Fine, thank And you? —I’m

—See you then/ —See

— —

—Thank —You’re ’s at


元音字母: Aa Ee Ii Oo Uu


[e] Aa Hh Jj Kk

[i:] Ee Bb Cc Dd Gg Pp Tt Vv

[a?] Ii Yy

[ju:] Uu Qq Ww

[e] Ff Ll Mm Nn Ss X-x Zz



? Look!Is that Jane?

? He comes from Hubei,

? Wang, this is my

? —What class are you in?

—I’m in Class Ten, Grade

? On Sunday, we go to the West Hill for a


? 我用am,你用are,is用于他、她、它,单数用is,复数就用are。

? 含be动词的陈述句变否定句在be后加not,变一般疑问句将be提前。

? 一般疑问句的肯定回答:Yes, 人称代词+ be;否定回答:No, 人称代词+be + not。

如:---They are ---They are not

---Are they teachers? ---Yes, they No, they aren’


(1)不定冠词a, an的用法

a /an 都表示“一,一个”,a 用在以辅音音素开头的单词前,如:a book; a desk; an 用在以元音音素开头的单词前,如:an apple / an orange/ an English book;/ an English boy/ an old man;/an actor/ an English teacher/ an office


? We are in the same

? The girl in a pink skirt is

? Where is the book?

? This isn’t my The blue one is

(3) and的用法

? 数字相加看做单数: Two and three is

? 颜色相加也是单数: Black and white is

? 人和事物相加是复数:Lucy and Lily are The pen and the eraser are Jane’



① 一般在名词词尾加-s,如:car---cars; photo---photos; toy---toys; boy---boys

② 以s, x, ch, sh结尾的词,在词尾加--es,如:box---boxes; bus--buses

③ 以辅音字母+y结尾,变y为i再加es,如:baby--babies; family--families

4)以fe结尾,变fe为v再加es,如:knife--- knives


如:foot---feet; man---men; woman---women; snowman---snowmen;

(3)集体名词:people, clothes, police, family

(4)成双出现的名词:shoes, pants(trousers), gloves, eyes, ears

九. 一词多义:An orange(桔子)is orange(橙色的).


Unit 2


give = give to 把某物给某人

Please give it to

look the same 长相相同

look different 长相不同,看起来不一样

look like 看起来像

He looks like his = He and his father look the

next to 在……旁边

The boy next to me is my good

in +颜色 穿着……颜色的衣服

in +a/an +颜色+衣服 穿着……颜色的……

The boy in a yellow T-shirt and gray pants is my good (1) both两者都(be动词之后,实义动词之前)

They both have brown hair and black

They are both office

(2)all 三者或三者以上都

They are all kind to


two big red apples

She has short blond


Who is your favorite actor?

We are in the same school, but we are in different

What do/does +主语+look like? ……长得怎么样?

---What does he look like?

--- He is not very tall but very

We don’t look the same, but we are good

We look the same, but we are in different

---What color is/are +主语?---It’s/ They’re +颜色.

---What color is her hair? ---It’s

This is my = This cap is

Is this your cap? = Is this cap yours?

---Whose cap is this? = Whose is this cap? --- It’s Sally’

---Whose are these bananas? --- They’re their bananas/

His pants are blue and mine are (mine=my pants)

My T-shirt is green and his is (his=his T-shirt)

I have small eyes, but he has big (ones指代eyes)

My jacket is blue and That one is (one指代jacket)




① 一般情况直接加“s”,如:come---comes,meet---meets

② 动词以o,s,sh,ch, x结尾,加“es”,如:do--does; go--goes; teach--teaches

③ 以辅音字母+y结尾,变y为i,再加es, 如:study--studies, fly--flies, try--tries

④ 特殊情况:have--has


① 当主语为第三人称单数:变否定句时,在动词前加doesn’t, 动词现原形;变一般疑问句时,在句首加does,动词现原形。

一般疑问句的肯定回答:Yes, 人称代词+does;否定回答:No, 人称代词+doesn’

如:She has small

---She doesn’t have small

---Does she have small eyes?

---Yes, she /No, she doesn’

② 当主语为第一、第二人称变否定句,在动词前加don’t,变一般疑问句,在句首加do,肯定回答:Yes, 人称代词+do;否定回答:No,人称代词+don’

They have small

---They don’t have small

--- Do they have small eyes?

---Yes, they / No, they don’



形容词性物主代词 my your his her our their its

名词性物主代词 mine yours his hers ours theirs its

? --Whose is this pen? Is it yours?

? --No, it’s not My pen is


① 用于人或其他表示有生命的名词后:

? 单数或不以s结尾的复数+’s,如:Jane’s book;Women’s Day

? 以s结尾的复数+’如: Teachers’Day

? Lucy’s and Lily’s bags 分有

Lucy and Lily’s room 共有

Those are Jane’s Those shoes are Jane’

② of 表示所属关系,用于没有生命的物体,如:a map of China;a photo of my family



invite to do 邀请某人做某事

of +形容词最高级+ 名词复数

say thanks/hello/sorry/good-bye to


feel/taste/smell/look/sound/seem +

seem to do


it seems that+从句

a ticket for/to 一张……的票

lonely 孤独的

alone 独自的,一个人的

because of+ 因为,由于

cheer up使某人振作起来

care for =take care of = look after照顾

come into being 形成,产生

be full of = be filled with充满……

agree with 同意某人

make peace with 与某人和平相处

in the end =at last = finally最后,最终

be popular with 受某人欢迎



invitation 邀请


disappointment 失望,沮丧

disappoint 使失望


excited 兴奋的,激动的(修饰人)

exciting 令人兴奋的,使人激动的(修饰物)


mainly 主要地


facial 面部的


worried 担心的,担忧的


are you doing?你好吗?

--Very 非常好。

a pity!多么遗憾呀!

—How do the flowers smell?

--They smell



seems a little


did the music sound?


say thanks to your mom for




What day is it today?---It’s (在英语国家每周的第一天是星期天而不是星期一)

What class are they having? They are having a music

What time does the class begin? At ten o’

What do you think of math? = How do you like math ? 你认为数学怎么样?

----It’s difficult and

Why (为什么)do you like English ? Because(因为)it’s easy and

What subject (学科)do you like best ? I like history

At school, my teachers and classmates are very friendly to

I study Chinese, English, politics, geography and some other

(other泛指其他的,别的+ 名词复数 another 泛指又一个、再一个、另一个+名词单数

the other 两者中的另一个)

English is my favorite

I also like and = I like and music , (也)

Can you tell me something about it?


询问星期几用What day…?回答:It’s Wednesday/Sunday…。

与what有关的短语:what class什么班 what color什么颜色what time几点

What’s the date…? 是对日期(几号)的提问。

What day is it today? —It’s 问星期

What’s the date today?—It’s the May 问具体日期。

What do you do?—I’m a

What does he look like?—He is tall/He has a small 问外貌

What’s she like?—She is 问性格。

How many+可数名词的复数形式;How much+不可数名词。

How many lessons does he have every weekday?

in+时间段(in the morning/afternoon/evening

季节/月份/年份前也用in:in Spring/in October/in September,20XX)


at+时间点[钟点时(刻)(at 6 o’clock)

at noon at night at midnight at this time of the day

on+具体时间(具体日期、节日前on Sep 10th/Women’s Day/rainy Day)


What do you think of …? = How do you like…?你认为……怎么样?

What one’s favorite…? = What does like best? 某人最喜欢什么?

Which subject do you like best?你最喜欢什么科目?

Why do you like it? 你为什么喜欢它?

--Because it’s easy and 因为它简单而有趣。

用why提问必须用because回答。Why? ----Because it’s

如果表示你为什么不用 Why not…? 或Why don’t you…?

be friendly to 对某人友好 My teachers are very friendly to

注: friendly是形容词 “友好的”“友善的”,而不是副词。

a lot = much“许多”,后接宾语时要说a lot of 也可以表示“非常,十分”。

I can learn a lot from 我能从中学到很多东西。

You must like English very 你一定非常喜欢英语。must在这里表示肯定推测。

It’s time for (doing) sth= it’s time to do 该做某事了

It’s time for 上课的时间到了.







(5)Must 侧重于说话者的主观看法,认为有必要或有义务做某事,只有现在时一种形式,



There be…用法


There be 句型表示“某处存在某物或某人,表示一种客观存在,


There is a dog in the The dog has two big

当have表示“包括”、“存在”的含义时,There be 句型与其可互换。 A week has seven =There are seven days in a

肯定句:There is a computer in your

否定句--在“be”后加“not”: There isn’t a computer in your

一般疑问句--将“be”提到“there”之前: Is there a computer in your study?

----Yes, there No, there isn’

特殊疑问句:There be句型的特殊疑问句形式有以下三种变化: ① 对主语提问:当主语是人时,用"Who's+介词短语?";

当主语是物时,用"What's + 介词短语?"。

注:无论原句的主语是单数还是复数,对之提问时一般都用is(回答时却要根据实际情况来决定)。如: There are many things over →What's over there? There is a little girl in the →Who is in the room? ② 对地点状语提问:提问地点用"Where is / are+主语?"

“There + be+主语+地点状语”表示“某处有某物”;

例: There is a computer on the → Where is the computer? There are four children on the →Where are the four children?


There are some pictures on the the wall, there are some

③ 对数量提问:一般有两种句型结构: How many+复数名词+are there+介词短语? How much+不可数名词+is there+介词短语?

there be 遵循就近原则。There be如果后面接两个名词作主语,那么“be”的人称和数与邻 近的名词一致。即be 用is还是are,取决于离该动词最近的那个名词。如果该名词是单数或不可数名词就用is,如果是复数就用are。

★就近原则: There is a lamp , a computer, some books and so

There are two boys and a girl under the

重点句型 There are two bedrooms and a a small

There is a lamp, a computer, some books and so

—Is there a computer in your study? —Yes, there

Don't put them Put them

There are many beautiful flowers in the garden,

but there aren’t any trees in 花园里有许多漂亮的花,但是却没有树。


’s on the second 在哪一层楼,用介词on。on表示在……上面。second是序数词,

前面要用定冠词the, 意为第二(的)。

on the first floor美式英语一楼floor地板,此处指“楼房的层”。

英式英语用the ground floor 表示一楼

巧辩异同 two与second


have a look看看。后面接名词时要用 如have a look at your

put away 把……放好

Don’t put them Put them 别把它们放在这儿,请收起来放好。

look after“保管,照顾”,相当于take care ‘’

look at看…… look like看起来像…… look for寻找 look the same看起来一样

You must look after your 你必须保管好你的东西。

like to do sth 和 like doing sth的区别 二者都表示"喜欢做某事",

like doing sth表示长时间的喜欢做某事,指兴趣爱好。

在意义上比较一般和抽象,时间观念不强,不指某一次动作;例: She likes 她喜欢游泳。(经常性的,爱好) I like eating fish .(我喜欢吃鱼,个人口味而已,一种爱好,喜欢) I love playing on the computer in the 我喜欢在书房玩电脑。

(love doing doing 喜欢做某事)

like to do sth 则常指某个具体的动作,表示偶尔一次喜欢做某事、或者突然喜欢干某事。

与love to do相似 like to do sth 想去做某事(表示有个趋向性,好像是要到某处去做某事)

如: She likes to swim this 她今天下午想游泳。(特指某一次的动作)

另外,在搭配(使用方法)上,“ like to do ”一般与 “ would ” 搭配表示意愿。 例: I would like to swim with you . 我愿意和你去游泳。

Would you like to skate ? 你愿意去滑冰吗?

get a letter from 收到某人的来信=hear from

Welcome to my new 【home作】 (对比Welcome home 欢迎回家【home作】)

so/too many+可数名词复数=many eg: There are so many books in the

so/too much+不可数名词 =much There is so much water in the

方位短语:in the center of=in the middle of在中间

in front of 在前面(外部)in the front of(内部)在前面

at the back of 在后面

on the left/right of在的左边/右边

next to 紧邻

go up”沿着“指往北走,或从小地方往大地方走

go down往南走,从大地方向小地方去

go along “沿着往前一直走”

go across 越过、穿过、横穿(go across the bridge)

a ticket for+n/ving eg: a ticket for

肯定的祈使句:(1) 实义动词原形+其他; (2) be动词原形+形容词+其他; (3) Let sb do

否定的祈使句:(1) Don’t+实义动词+原形;(2) Don’t be+形容词+其他;

(3) Don’t let sb do sth (4) No+

练:(1) My mother said to me, “Tom, _______ in ”

not read doesn’t read don’t read didn’t read

(2) Don’t __________ (fight). = No __________ (fight).

不要迟到:Don’t arrive = Don’t be (arrive = be)

上课/上学不要迟到:Don’t arrive (be) late for

主语省略(无主语):Don’t arrive late for

主语不省略(有主语):We can’t arrive ;ate for



as a result 结果

here and there 到处

in the beginning 一开始

in danger 处于危险中

cut down 砍倒

change into 把……变成……

prevent from 防止

greenhouse effect 温室效应

refer to 提到

with 处理

off 中断


As we know, none of us likes 众所周知,没有人喜欢污染。

Humans have come to realize the important of protecting 人类逐渐意识到保护动物的重要性。

Trees can also stop the wind blowing the earth 树木也能防风固土。

Cutting down trees is harmful to human beings, animals and 砍伐树木对人类、动植物都有害。

Some things we’ve done are very good for earth while some are not

我们所做的, 有些对地球很好,而有些不利。

They can also prevent the water from washing the earth 它们也能阻止水土流失。

When it rains or when the wind blows, the earth is taken 天一下雨或刮风, 土就会被冲走或刮走。



定义: 指的是那些不指明代替任何特定名词或形容词的代词。

用法: 在句中可作主语、宾语、表语、定语等。something , somebody, anything, anybody等作主语时,通常视为单数。当形容词修饰它们时,要放在其后。

But the government has done something useful to protect the


Making New Friends


good morning/ afternoon / evening 早上/下午/晚上好

glad / nice to meet / see you 见到你很高兴

welcome to + 地点 欢迎来到……

let’s + v 让我们做……

stand up 起立

sit down 坐下

this 这是……

thanks = thank you 谢谢

see you = see you later = goodbye 再见

ID number 身份证号码

be from=come from 来自

in English 用英语


---What’s your name? ---My name is

---Where are you from? ---I’m from

---Where do you come from? ---I come from

---Where is he/ she from? ---He/She is from

---What’s this/ that in English? --- It’s a/ an…

---What’re these/ those in English? ---They’re…

---How do you spell it? ---E-R-A-S-E-R,

---Can you spell it? ---Yes, M-A-P,

—How old are you/ is he/ are they?

—I’m/ He is/ They are

—What’s your telephone number?


—What class/ grade are you in?

—I’m in Class Ten, Grade (注意大小写)

Good morning/ afternoon/

—Hello!/Hi! —Hello!/Hi!

—Nice/Glad to see/meet —Nice/Glad to see/meet you,

—Welcome to China/my —

—How do you do? —How do you do?

—How are you? —Fine, thank And you? —I’m

—See you then/ —See

— —

—Thank —You’re ’s at


元音字母:Aa Ee Ii Oo Uu


[e] Aa Hh Jj Kk

[i:] Ee Bb Cc Dd Gg Pp Tt Vv

[a?] Ii Yy

[ju:] Uu Qq Ww

[e] Ff Ll Mm Nn Ss X-x Zz



? Look!Is that Jane?

? He comes from Hubei,

? Wang, this is my

? —What class are you in?

—I’m in Class Ten, Grade

? On Sunday, we go to the West Hill for a


? 我用am,你用are,is用于他、她、它,单数用is,复数就用are。

? 含be动词的陈述句变否定句在be后加not,变一般疑问句将be提前。

? 一般疑问句的肯定回答:Yes, 人称代词+ be;否定回答:No, 人称代词+be + not。

如:---They are ---They are not

---Are they teachers? ---Yes, they No, they aren’


(1)不定冠词a, an的用法

a /an 都表示“一,一个”,a 用在以辅音音素开头的单词前,如:a book; a desk; an 用在以元音音素开头的单词前,如:an apple / an orange/ an English book;/ an English boy/ an old man;/an actor/ an English teacher/ an office


? We are in the same

? The girl in a pink skirt is

? Where is the book?

? This isn’t my The blue one is

(3) and的用法

? 数字相加看做单数:Two and three is

? 颜色相加也是单数: Black and white is

? 人和事物相加是复数:Lucy and Lily are The pen and the eraser are Jane’



① 一般在名词词尾加-s,如:car---cars; photo---photos; toy---toys; boy---boys

② 以s, x, ch, sh结尾的词,在词尾加--es,如:box---boxes; bus--buses

③ 以辅音字母+y结尾,变y为i再加es,如:baby--babies; family--families

4)以fe结尾,变fe为v再加es,如:knife--- knives


如:foot---feet; man---men; woman---women; snowman---snowmen;

(3)集体名词:people, clothes, police, family

(4)成双出现的名词:shoes, pants(trousers), gloves, eyes, ears

九. 一词多义:An orange(桔子)is orange(橙色的).


















Why not… =Why don’t you…

go upstairs上楼 

go downstairs下楼

A moment later一会以后

study 书房 学习

in the front of the house


in front of the house


talk about+n/v-ing谈论,议论,讨论某事

talk with 与某人交谈

put them away 把他们收拾好

Look after = take care of照顾

play with “与某人一起玩”

in the tree(外物附着)在树上

on the tree 树本身长出来的花,树叶等

on the wall在墙上 

in the wall 在墙里 

on the river浮在水面上  

over the river 在河上(悬空)

tell sb about sth告诉某人关于某事 

tell sb to do sth 让某人做某事

tell sb sth告诉某人某事

want to do 想要做某事


There are two bedrooms and a small


There is a lamp, a computer, some books and so  


— Is there a computer in your study?


—Yes, there


Don't put them Put them


There are many beautiful flowers in the garden, but there aren’t any trees in  




change to变成            

no parking禁止停车   

get/be hurt受伤     

obey the traffic rules


keep on the right of the road 


at the foot of  在…的脚下  

hold sth in one’s hand


make +


t’s good to do




①Where is the bookstore?

②Is there a bookstore near here? 

③Excuse me, is there a bank near here? 打扰了,请问附近有银行吗?

④Which is the way to the bookstore?

⑤How can I get to the bookstore?

⑥Could you tell me the way to the bookstore?

= Could you tell me how I can get to the bookstore?

= Could you tell me how to get to the bookstore? 

= Could you tell me Where the bookstore is?  


①Go along/down this road until……

Go up (Go along)this street to the end ,and you will find it on your


②Turn left at the first turning

﹦Take the first turning on the

③Go straight ahead and you will see……

④It’s about 15 kilometres away from

Thank you all the same .

﹦Thanks 仍然谢谢你。

You can’t miss 你不能错过它。

You need to take bus ……


How far is it from here?


Everybody must be careful and obey the traffic


We must stop and look both ways before we cross the


Be careful! Don't play on the


Wait for your turn when the lights are


--How far is it from here? (问距离) 离这有多远?

 --It’s about ten kilometers away from  


How can we make the roads safe? 


We must never play on the 我们绝对不能在街上玩耍。

  = We must not play the

It’s good to help children and old people to cross the  




1、Welcome back to+地点名词 欢迎回到

2、here 这有

3、Thank you 的几种回答:You are 不用谢

That's all 's /Not at /It's my pleasure! /My

4、look at 看(强调动作) look at the blackboard 看黑板

see 看见 see do 看到某人做过某事

see doing 看到某人正在做某事

watch 观看,仔细地看(比赛、电视等) read 看、阅读(书、报纸、杂志等)

5、be careful with 注意小心(对待)

6、from now on从现在开始 from then on从那时开始

7、talk to sb 和某人说话(侧重主动说)talk with sb 和某人说话(侧重两人都说)

talk about sth 谈论某事

8、look for 寻找(强调过程,不一定找到) find 找到 (强调结果)

9、get on the bus 上公交车 getoff the bus 下公交车

10、in a hurry 匆匆忙忙 hurry up=come on 快点儿,赶紧

11、hundreds of 成百的,数以百记的(大约数加s,加of)

hundred、thousand、 million、billion的用法:

(1).前面有具体数词时,不变复数: two thousand mobilephones

(2).后面加of时,本身变复数: hundreds of people

12、every day 每天 时间状语 everyday 每天的,日常的(形容词,后面接名词)

13、at the moment=at this moment=now 此时此刻,现在

atthat moment=then 在那时


1, 谢谢你的全家福Thanks for the photo of your

你的全家福 photo of your family = your family photo

2 谢谢你帮了我 Thanks for helping me =Thanks for your help

2 here be 句型和there be 句型一样 ,临近原则 Here is a cup of tea and two apples .

语法: 初中英语语法基础知识,也是初中英语考试的复习重点,河南中招英语考试。

1)单数名词加s: students, apples, bags, trees, books,

2)以s、x、sh、ch结尾的名词加es: glasses, boxes, brushes,

3)以辅音字母加y结尾的名词,变y为i加es: cities, babies, )以f或fe结尾的名词,多数变f为v加es: wives, 但有些词只加s: roofs, proof s,

5)以o结尾的名词,有生命的加es: Negroes, heroes, tomatoes, 无生命的加s: radio s, zoos, pianos,

6)不规则名词:foot→feet, goose→geese, tooth→teeth, child→children, man→me n, woman→women, sheep→sheep, deer→deer, mouse→mice

7)集体名词,以单数形式出现,但实为复数。例如: peoplepolicecattle 等本身就是复数,不能说 a people,a police,a cattle,但可以说a person,a policeman


1 policeman- policemen 2 woman doctor- women doctors 3 thief-thieves


◎ policeman和policewoman的复数形式是policemen和policewo-men,postman 和post woman也是如此


原句:I want to be an


want sth 想要某物

Eg: He wants a want to do sth 想要做某事

Eg: She wants to go want sb to do sth 想让某人做某事

want to be …想成为……

Eg:I want to be an

ask sb question 问某人问题

go out to dinners 出去吃饭

work for sb as a/an…


work late 工作到很晚

work hard 工作很努力

call sb at…



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