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发布时间: 2024-08-12 20:14:13



l)表示现在存在的习惯,经常发生的动作或存在的状态。常与every day,twice a week(每周二次),often (常,往往),usually(通常),always(总是),seldom(很少),sometimes(有时)等时间状语连用。如:

She is our English 她是我们的英语老师。

He takes a walk after supper every 他每天晚饭后散步。

The children go to school at seven every 孩子们每天早晨七点上学。


He 他工作很努力。(即:他是一个勤劳的人。)

Does she like sports?她爱好运动吗?(即:她是个运动爱好者吗?)

The children draw 这些孩子很会绘画。(表示能力)


The sun rises in the 太阳从东方升起。

Two plus two makes 二加二等于四。

Knowledge is power,知识就是力量。



When they leave school, they will go to work in 他们毕业后将到西藏去工作。

If You see him,will You tell him to ring me叩?如果你见到他,叫他给我打个电话好吗?

We'll visit the cotton mill if it is fine 如果明天天晴,



The train starts at ten o'clock in the 火车将于上午十点钟开出。

When does the Japanese Youth delegation leave for Xian? 日本青年代表团什么时候去西安?

Supper is at five 今天五点开晚饭。


Marx says that a foreign language is a weapon in the struggle of 马克思说外国语是人生斗争的武器。

The story describes how a Young scientist develops a new 故事描写一个青年科学家如何建立了一个新的理论。


Galileo insisted that the earth moves round the 伽利略坚持地球绕太阳运行的说法。

[注] 图片说明、电影说明、故事重述、戏剧的舞台说明以及报纸上的标题和故事的题目,常用现在一般时,小说一般用过去时态。但为了描写得生动,也往往用现在一般时和其他现在时态。


What time is it now? 现在是几点钟?

The patient is much better 病人现在好多了。

What is Shanghai like now? 上海现在的情况如何?


Here he 他来了。(注意here必须在句首)

There goes the 铃响了。(注意there必须在句首)


过去一般时(past indefinite tense)表示过去的动作或状态。这种动作或状态可能只限于一次,也可能是经常性的。如:

He went to town 他昨天进城了。(一次性动作)

The weather was warm last 上个月天气很暖和。

When I was Young I took cold baths 我年轻时常洗冷水浴。(经常性动作)


l)概说 过去一般时由规则或不规则动词的过去式表示;除be外,其余动词没有人称和数的变化。各种动词的否定结构和一般疑问结构,与现在一般时的否定结构和一般疑问结构相同。

2)动词be 第一人称单数和第三人称单数用was,其余用were。

3)动词have 一律用had,没有人称和数的变化。

4)行为动词 一律用过去式,没有人称和数的变化。现将过去一般时在肯定、否定、一般疑问和简略答语等四种结构。


l)表示过去的动作或状态 常带有如yesterday,two、days ago,last week,in l958等时间状语以及由when等连词引导的时间状语从句。如:

We had a good swim last 我们上星期天游泳游得真痛快。

She suddenly fell ill 昨天她突然病倒。


He got up early in the morning,fetched water,swept the yard and then went out to 他早上起得很早,打水,扫院,然后出去劳动。


When my brother was a teenager,he played table tennis almost 我弟弟十几岁时,几乎每天都打乒乓球。

[注] 表示过去经常的或反复的动作,也可以用would加动词原形或用used to加动词原形。如:

When he was a child he would go skating every 在他还是个孩子时,每年冬天都去滑冰。

Higgins used to have a big house in 黑根斯先生在市区曾经有座大房子。

My elder brother used to be in the He is now a police 我哥哥曾经是解放军,现在是警官。


They said they would let us know if they heard any news about 他们说如果听到什么关于他的消息,就通知我们。

He promised me that when he went to the bookstore he would get me a copy of the Selected Stories of Lu 他答应我去书店的时候替我买一本《鲁迅小说选》


将来一般时(future indefinite tense)表示将来某一时刻的动作或状态,或将来某一段时间内经常的动作或状态。将来一般时由助动词shall(第一人称)或will(第二、三人称)+动词原形构成。美国英语则不管什么人称,一律用will现将将来一般时在肯定、否定、一般疑问及其简略答语等四种结构中。


1)表示将来的动作或状态,常与一些表示将来的时间状语连用,如:tomorrow(明天),next week(下周),from now on(从现在开始),in a month(一个月后),in the future(将来)等。如:

My daughter will be twelve years old 我的女儿明天整十二岁。

He will come to see you the day after 他后天要来看你。

The indoor swimming pool will be open to the public from October 室内游泳池自十月十六日起开放。

He will go to the technical training class every other 他将每隔一天到技术训练班去学习。

I shall go back to see my childhood friends in the summer 暑假我要回去看我儿时的朋友。

Today we shall have a report on the situation in 我们今天有关于非洲形势的报告。


We shall work in this factory 我们将每天在这工厂工作。


1)"be going + 动词不定式''多用于口语中,常表示打算、即将、决心去做的事或可能要发生的事。如:

We are going to visit the Museum of Chinese 我们要去参观中国历史博物馆。(表打算)

Little Wang studies very hard,he is going to try for a 小王学习非常努力,他将争取获得奖学金。(表决心)

Look at those It's going 瞧那些云,要下雨了。(表估计可能)

The wall is going to collapse! 那墙要倒塌了? (即将)

2) go, come, leave, start等表示移动的动词,可用现在进行时来表示即将发生的动作。

3)"be about + 动词不定式"表示即将发生的动作。如:

The English evening is about to 英语晚会即将开始。

We are about to leave,so there is no time to visit him 我们就要离开了,所以现在没有时间去看他。

4)"be + 动词不定式"表示安排或计划好了的动作等,(参看的3)。如:

The boys are to go to school next 这些男孩子下周要上学了。

He and I are to meet at the Shanghai Railway 他和我约定在上海火车站见面。

I'm to be home before 我午夜前回家。


过去将来一般时(future-in-the-past indefinite tense)表示对于过去某一时间而言将要发生的动作或存在的状态。




I rang up to tell my aunt that I Should leave for Los Angeles next 我打电话告诉我姑母下星期一我要到洛杉矶去。

Michael said that about twenty agronomists Would come here in a few 迈克尔说,过几天大约二十个农艺师要到这里来。

They wanted to know when you would finish the 他们想知道你什么时候写完这篇文章。

We asked him where we Should go to work next 我们问他我们下周上哪儿去干活。



[vip]"比较级 + and + 比较级"


The days are getting longer and 白天越来越长了。

He is becoming more and more interested in 他对运动越来越有兴趣了。

The more the more 的用法


The harder you work,the more you Will 你越努力,就越学得多。

The greater the mass of a body,the greater is its 物体的质量越大,它的惯性就越大。

The more you eat,the fatter you 你吃得越多,长得越胖。

The more,the 越多越好。

more than和less than


There are more than three hundred households in this 这个村子有三百多户人家。

The finished the Work in less than a 他们不到一年就完成这项工作。

Our country has established diplomatic relations with more than one hundred 我国已经和一百多个国家建立了外交关系。

no more than和not more than

no more than的意思是"只不过",not more than的意思是"不多于"。试比较:

There are no more than ten tickles 剩下不到十张票。 (有"票少"的含义)

The experiment was done by not more than 5 做这个试验的人不到五个。(没有"多"或"少"的含义,只是客观地说明数目)

This room is no bigger than 这个房间并不比那个大。 (有"两个房间都不大"的含义)

This room is not bigger than that 这个房间不比那个大。 (没有"两个房间都不大或都不小"的含义)

[注]注意not …. Any more than或no 在下面句子中的用法。如:

They cannot do the impossible any more than we 他们和我们同样不能做不可能的事情。

He is no more diligent than I 他和我同样不勤奋

no less than和not 1ess than

no less than的意思是"不亚于",not less than的意思是"不少于"。试比较:

There were no less than a thousand people at the


There were not less than one thousand people at the


This song is no less popular than that 这首歌之受欢迎不亚于那首歌。(有"两首歌都受欢迎"的含义)

This song is not less popular than that 这首歌受欢迎的程度不比那首差。(纯粹比较。不一定有"两首歌都受欢迎"的含义)

All the better和so much the better


If that is so,all the 果真如此,那就更好。

If he will come,so much the 如果他愿意来,那更好。


_____ in thought while looking at the picture, she didn’t hear the knock at the

To To be lost

about 800,000 employees were forced to stay at home without _____ during the government

being paid paid to be paid

Sometimes you see a small thing to one side of you, which seems _____ if you turn your head

in its

disappeared disappearing to be disappear to disappear

_____ in the sun for such a long time, the photo turned

Being Having exposed

Having been exposed

to the program of transforming Mars, by the year 2185 cities _____ on

will have will have been established

will will be established

is wearing a pair of glasses with a mini-camera _____ in the frame recording everything he

being which hides

doesn't have much free time and he really wants to learn something, so I suggest him _____

to to should trying

Oct 15, 20XX, China became the third country _____ a man into space, after US and

to to have having sent

Planet is a 20XX science fiction film about transforming _____ on 10 November 20XX, it was a critical and commercial

Being Having It was released

10 ______ that he was in great danger, Eric walked deeper into the

Not realize Not to realize

Not realizing Not having realized

Fishing boats with huge nets sometimes take too many of the same species of fish from a small area, ______ some ocean waters to be

caused to have caused

to causing

Having lost her job and not having any children to care about her, the poor old lady was reduced ____________ to make a

to beg to begging begging and begged


[vip]"比较级 + and + 比较级"


The days are getting longer and 白天越来越长了。

He is becoming more and more interested in 他对运动越来越有兴趣了。

The more the more 的用法


The harder you work,the more you Will 你越努力,就越学得多。

The greater the mass of a body,the greater is its 物体的质量越大,它的惯性就越大。

The more you eat,the fatter you 你吃得越多,长得越胖。

The more,the 越多越好。

more than和less than


There are more than three hundred households in this 这个村子有三百多户人家。

The finished the Work in less than a 他们不到一年就完成这项工作。

Our country has established diplomatic relations with more than one hundred 我国已经和一百多个国家建立了外交关系。

no more than和not more than

no more than的意思是"只不过",not more than的意思是"不多于"。试比较:

There are no more than ten tickles 剩下不到十张票。 (有"票少"的含义)

The experiment was done by not more than 5 做这个试验的人不到五个。(没有"多"或"少"的含义,只是客观地说明数目)

This room is no bigger than 这个房间并不比那个大。 (有"两个房间都不大"的含义)

This room is not bigger than that 这个房间不比那个大。 (没有"两个房间都不大或都不小"的含义)

[注]注意not …. Any more than或no 在下面句子中的用法。如:

They cannot do the impossible any more than we 他们和我们同样不能做不可能的事情。

He is no more diligent than I 他和我同样不勤奋

no less than和not 1ess than

no less than的意思是"不亚于",not less than的意思是"不少于"。试比较:

There were no less than a thousand people at the


There were not less than one thousand people at the


This song is no less popular than that 这首歌之受欢迎不亚于那首歌。(有"两首歌都受欢迎"的含义)

This song is not less popular than that 这首歌受欢迎的程度不比那首差。(纯粹比较。不一定有"两首歌都受欢迎"的含义)

All the better和so much the better


If that is so,all the 果真如此,那就更好。

If he will come,so much the 如果他愿意来,那更好。


_____ in thought while looking at the picture, she didn’t hear the knock at the

To To be lost

about 800,000 employees were forced to stay at home without _____ during the government

being paid paid to be paid

Sometimes you see a small thing to one side of you, which seems _____ if you turn your head

in its

disappeared disappearing to be disappear to disappear

_____ in the sun for such a long time, the photo turned

Being Having exposed

Having been exposed

to the program of transforming Mars, by the year 2185 cities _____ on

will have will have been established

will will be established

is wearing a pair of glasses with a mini-camera _____ in the frame recording everything he

being which hides

doesn't have much free time and he really wants to learn something, so I suggest him _____

to to should trying

Oct 15, 20XX, China became the third country _____ a man into space, after US and

to to have having sent

Planet is a 20XX science fiction film about transforming _____ on 10 November 20XX, it was a critical and commercial

Being Having It was released

10 ______ that he was in great danger, Eric walked deeper into the

Not realize Not to realize

Not realizing Not having realized

Fishing boats with huge nets sometimes take too many of the same species of fish from a small area, ______ some ocean waters to be

caused to have caused

to causing

Having lost her job and not having any children to care about her, the poor old lady was reduced ____________ to make a

to beg to begging begging and begged


Chengdu has dozens of new millionaires, Asia’s biggest building, fancy new But for tourists like me, pandas are (it) top (attract).

So it was a great honour (invite) backstage at the not-for-profit Panda base, where ticket money (help) pay for research, I (allow)to get up close these cute animals at the 600-acre From tomorrow, I will be their UK The title will be (official)given to me at

ceremony in But my connection pandas goes my days on a TV show in the mid-1980s, I was the first Western TV reporter (permit)to film a special unit (care) for pandas (rescue) from (starve) in the My ambassadorial duties will (introduce)British visitors to the 120-plus pandas at Chengdu others at a research in the misty mountains of

my recent visit, I help lively three-month-old twin

had been rejected by (it) The nursery team

(switch) him every few (day) with his sister so that

one is being bottle-fed, other is with mum-she never



be invited




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