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发布时间: 2024-08-12 20:45:25


1. can't help doing sth. 禁不住做某事,不由得不做某事

She couldn't hep smiling.


(1) can't help but do 不得不……;不能不 When the streets are full of melting snow, you can't help but get your shoes wet.

(2) cannot but 不能不,只能He could not but feel disappointed.


(1) help (sb.) (to) do sth. Help me get him back to bed at once. / By helping them we are helping save ourselves.

(2) help...with sth. 帮助……做某事 In those days he used to help her mother with her gardening.

(3) help oneself / sb. to sth. 给自己 / 别人夹菜 / 拿烟

等;擅自拿用 May I help you to some more vegetables?

(4) help...in sth. 在……方面帮助某人 She offered to help Rose in the housekeeping when I am not here.

(5) help out 帮忙 (做事;克服困难等) I've often helped Bob out when he's been a bit short of money.

2. 含go的`短语

① go around 到处走/跑.(疾病)流传,(谣言)传开;go after 追求;go ahead 说吧,请吧,做吧;go away 离开,出去

② go back 走网头路,翻悔改变;go bad 变坏;go boating 去划船

③ go fishing 去钓鱼;go for a walk去 散步

④ go hiking 去徒步旅行;go home 回家

⑤ go in for 喜爱,从事于;go into 进入,加入

⑥ go mad 发疯

⑦ go off 离去,去世;go on 继续,进展,依据;go on doing 继续做;go out 出去,发出去,熄灭,不时兴;go over 研究,检查,搜查

⑧ go shopping 去商店;go skating 去滑冰;go straight along 沿着;go swimming 去游泳

⑨ go through 通过,经受,仔细检查;go to bed

⑩ go up 上升

[例句] We'll go through the items one by one. 我们要逐条研究。She has gone back to her old habits. 她又回到了已往的习惯。Come on Sunday by yourself - we can go over the house together. 星期天你要过来.我们一起检查一下房子。His speech went on for so long that people began to fall asleep. 他的演讲持续很长时间,结果人们开始想睡。That expression has gone out. Nobody Uses it today. 那个短语已经过时了,现在没有人在用它。The young fellow hasn't realized that he has gone wrong. 这个年轻人还没有意识到他已经误入歧途。Tired of going shopping with his wife,Mr. Liu pretended to have something important to do. 厌烦与妻子一起去购物,刘先生假装有重要的事情要做。


传统中国节日 traditional Chinese festival

农历 lunar calendar

腊八节 Laba Festival

小年 Little New Year

除夕 Lunar New Year's Eve

春节 the Spring Festival

正月初一 Lunar New Year's Day

元宵节 the Lantern Festival

正月 the first month of the lunar year

二月二龙抬头 Dragon Heads-raising Day





on time

best wishes

give a talk

for example

short for

a waste3 of time

go on a field5 trip

go fishing

I agree6

next week

the day after tomorrow

have a picnic

have some problems7 doing

go the wrong way

hurry up

get together

in the open air

on Mid-Autumn Day

come over

have to

get home

agree with

in the country

in town

all the same

in front of

on the left/right side

next to

up and down

keep healthy

grow up

at the same time

the day before yesterday

last Saturday

half an hour ago

a moment ago

just now

by the way

all the time

at first


have fun doing

Why don’t you…?

We’re going9 to do

start with

Why not…?

Are you going to…?

be friendly10 to

You’d better do

ask for

say goodbye to

Good luck(with sb)!


backto school!

I’m sorry I’m late, because the traffic11 is


Teachers’ Day !

’s a good

are you going to do?

are we going ?

are we going to do ?

’m good at…

’s not far from…

Are you free12 tomorrow evening?

you and Lily14 like to come over to my home for Mid-Autumn Festival?

’m glad you can

for asking

about another one?

I have a taste?

me walk with

do you have to do?

you live on a farm?

do you like better, the city or the country?

do you like best, dogs, cats or chickens?

we go at ten? Good idea!

’s make it half past

not come a little earlier? ---All

Where’s the nearest post office, please?

’s over there on the

’m sorry I don’t

’d better…

you all the

bus do I take?

along17 this

day was2 it yesterday?

’m sorry to hear

hope18 you’re better

did19 you call me?

called to tell…


going to的用法;





on the street / in the street

表示“在街上”时,on the street 和 in the street 都可以,在美国多用on the street, 在英国多用in the 例如:

We have a house in the 我们在街上有座房子。

I met him on the 我在街上遇见了他。

would like / like

would like 和 like含义不同。like 意思是“喜欢”,“爱好”,而 would like 意思是“想要”。试比较:

I like ’m fond20 of 我喜欢喝啤酒。

I’d like a glass of beer= I want a glass of 我想要一杯啤酒。

Do you like going to the cinema? 你喜欢看电影吗?

Would you like to go to the cinema tonight? 你今晚想去看电影吗?

another / the other

(1)another 通常用于三个或三个以上或不确定数量中的任意一个人或 物体。 例如:

May I have another apple, please? 请在给我一个苹果好吗?

This coat is too small for Please show me another这件外套我穿太小,请再给我拿一件看看。

(2)the other 通常指两者中的另一个。例如:

He has two One is The other is 他有两把尺子,一把短的,另一把长的。

I have two One works21 in Xi’an . The other works in 我有两个兄弟,一个在西安工作,另一个在北京工作。

have to /must

(1)have to和 must 都可以用来谈论义务,但用法略有不同。如果某人主观上觉得必须去做而又想去时,常用must。如果谈论某种来自“外界”的义务,常用have to。例如:

I must stop 我必须戒烟。(自己想戒烟)

They have to work for the


(2)have to 可用于多种时态,must 只能用于一般现在时。例如:

I’ll have to get up early tomorrow 明天早晨我必须早早起床。

We had24 to work long hours every day in order25 to get more


(3)用于否定句时,mustn’t意思是“决不能”,“禁止”,而don’t have to意思是“不必”,相当于needn’t。例如:

You mustn’t be late again next 下一次你决不能再迟到。

You don’t have to go there You can go there


hear or / herar or do

hear or 意思是“听到某人或某物在做某事”,而hear or do 意思是“听到某人或某物做过某事”。试比较:

I hear him singing an English 听见他在唱英歌曲。

I heard him sing an English 我听见他唱一首英文歌。

类似hear 这种用法的还有see, watch, listen, feel等感官动词。

any /some

any和some 都可以同不可数名词和可数名词的复数形式连用,但some一般用在肯定句中;any用在疑问句和否定句中。试比较:

I want some 我想要点钱。

Have you any money? 你有钱吗?

I don’t have any 我一点钱也没有。

some 有时也用于疑问句,表示说话人期待一个肯定回答或鼓励人家说“是”。例如:

Would you like some more beer?请你再来点啤酒好吗?

Could26 I have some rice, please?请给我来点米饭好吗?

hear /listen to

listen to 和hear 都有“听”的意思,但含义有所不同。Listen to强调“听”的动作,hear 强调“听”的结果。例如:

Listen to me ,please! I’m going to tell you a 请听我说!我给你们讲个故事。

Listen! Can you hear someone27 crying in the next room? 听!你能听见有人在隔壁房间里哭吗?

I listened, but heard 我听了听,但什么也听不见。

hear 后面如果接宾语从句,常常表示“听说”。例如:

I hear some foreign28 students will visit our 我听说一些外国学生将要访问我们学校。

I hear there is going to be a film in our school this 我听说今晚我们学校要演一场电影。

Let’s… /Let us…

Let’s… 和Let us… 都表示“让我们……”, 如果us 包括听话人在内,其含义相同,附带问句用shall 如果us 不包括听话人在内,其含义不同,Let us…的附带问句要用will you。例如:

Let’s go shopping, shall we? 我们去购物好吗?

take/ bring/ carry /get

这四个动词都有“拿”和“带”的意思,但含义有所不同。take意为“带走”,“拿走”,bring意为“带来”,“拿来”, get表示“到别的地方把某人或某物带来或拿来”,carry不强调方向,带有负重的意思。试比较:

My parents often take me there on 我父母常常带我到那里去度假。

I’m going to take you to 我准备带你去北京。

Bring me a cup of tea, 请给我端杯茶来。

I’ll bring the book to you 明天我把那本书给你带来。

The waiter carried the me to the table服务员把肉送到桌上。

The monkey carried the bag on her 猴子把那个包背在背上。

She went back to get her 他折回去拿他的手提包。

Let me get the 让我去请医生吧。

far away /faraway

(1)far away是一个副词短语,意思是“很远”。例如:

Some are far Some are 有些离得很远,有些离得近一些的。

The village is far away from 那个村子离这儿很远。


He lives in faraway mountain 他住在一个遥远的小山村。

find / look for

find和look for 都有“找”的意思,但含义不同。find 强调“找”的结果,而look for 强调“找”的过程。请看下列例句:

He is looking for his 他在找他的自行车。

I’m looking for my watch, but can’t find 我在找我的手表,但是找不到。

I hope you will soon find your lost 希望你尽快找到丢失的戒指。


I found30 a wallet31 in the 我在课桌里发现了一个钱包。

I find this book very 我觉得这本书很有意思。

in front of /in the front of

In front of 表示在某物的前面,不在某物的范围内。In the front of 表示在某物的前部,在某物的范围内。试比较:

My seat32 is in front of Mary’我的座位在玛丽座位的前面。

He is sitting in the front of the car with the 他和司机坐在小车的前部。


be going to的用法;









give a concert

fall down

go on

at the end of

go back

in ahurry

write down

come out

all the year round

later2 on

at times

ring up

Happy New Year!

have a party

hold on

hear from

be ready

at the moment

take out

same as5

turn over


put on

take a seat6

wait for

get lost

just then

first of all

go wrong

make a noise

get on

get off

stand in line

at the head of

laugh at

throw about

in fact7

at midnight

enjoy oneself

have a headache

have a cough

fall asleep8

again and again

look over

take exercise


be good for

I think …

I hope9…

I love…

I don’t like…

I’m sure…

forget to do

take a message for

give the message

help yourself10 to

be famous11 for

on one’s way to…

make one’s way to…

quarrel12 with

agree13 with

stop from doing


’s the weather like today?

’s cold, but quite

cold it is today!

, but it’ll be warmer later

we make a snowman?

Come on!

New Year!

I speak to Ann, please??


a lot for inviting15 me to your

But I’m afraid I may be a little

I take a message for you?

’s It doesn’t

’m very sorry, but I can’t

’m sorry to hear


you like Would you like to

you think Yes, I think / No, I don't think

you agree? Yes, I / No, don't really I really can't

are a few17 / a lot of / on


'm happy you like

is the way to , please?

right/left at the

on until18 you reach19

can I get to Go down/up/along this

's the matter?

'll take you half an hour to

'd better catch a

may be in Ah1, so it is

must be more careful!

mustn't cross the road

you want to cross a street, you must wait for the green

stand in

must wait for your

you don't go soon, you'll be

don't feel very


mustn't eat anything until you see the

's the trouble20?

's the matter with…?

didn't feel like eating

a pain23 in…

this medicine25 three times a







情态动词can, may和must, have to的用法;



above/ over/ on


There is a book on the 课桌上有一本书。

I raise26 my right hand above my 我把右手高举过头。

There is a stone bridge27 over the 河面上有座石桥。

forget to do doing

forget to do 意思是“忘记做某事”,实际上还没做;forget doing sth,意思是“忘记做过某事”,实际上已经做过了。试比较:

I forgot28 to tell him the 我忘记告诉他这条消息了。

I forgot telling him the 我已经把这条消息告诉他了,我却忘了。

类似的词还有:remember, regret等。


hope和wish 在汉语中都有“希望”的意思,但其含义和用法有所不同。主要区别如下:


I wish I were 20 years 我但愿自己能年轻二十岁。

I hope you’ll be better 我希望你能很快好起来。

I wish the weather wasn’t so 但愿天气不这麽冷。

I hope he will come, 我希望他也能来。

(2)wish可以接 to do 的结构,而hope不可以。例如:

Do you wish me to come back later? 你是否希望我再来?

be sure to do be sure of/about or

(1)be sure to do 可以用来表示说话人给对方提出要求,意思是“务必”,也可以用来表示说话人做出的推断,意思是“一定”,“肯定”。例如:

Be sure to lock34 the door when you 你离开时务必把门锁好。

It’s a good You are sure to enjoy 这是一部好电影,你肯定会喜欢的。

(2)be sure of/about 可用来表示“某人对某事有把握”。例如:

I’m sure of his 我相信他会成功。

I think it was33 three years ago, but I’m not sure about 我想那是三年前的事情,但我没有把握。

hear from/hear of


I’ve heard from Xiao Wu that we’ll start out military36 training37


Listen to the tape and write out what you hear from Han


hear from还有一个意思是“收到某人的来信”(=receive a letter from )。例如:

I heard from my pen friend in the last


I heard from her last 我上周接到了她的来信。

hear of和和hear from含义不同。hear of 意思是“听说”,“得知”(某事或某人的存在),常用在疑问句和否定句里。例如:

Who is he? I’ve never heard of 他是谁?我从来没有听说过他。

I never heard of such38 a thing! 这样的事我从来没有听说过。

It’s a

It’s a pleasure这句话常用作别人向你表示致谢时的答语,意思是“那是我乐意做的”。例如:

---Thank you for helping40 谢谢你地帮助。

---It’s a 那是我乐意做的。

---Thanks a 非常感谢。 再见。

---It’s a 那是我乐意做的。再见。

类似的话还有 “Not at ” “You are ” “That’s all ”

With pleasure也用作客气的答语,主要用在别人要你做某事,而你又非常愿意去做的场合。例如:

---Will you please pass me the newspaper, please?





(1)二者都可以作“看起来”讲,但seem暗示凭借一些迹象作出的有根据的判断,这种判断往往接近事实;look着重强调由视觉得出的印象。两者都可跟(to be)+形容词和as if从句。如:

He seems41 / looks (to be) very happy 他今天看起来很高兴。

It looks (seems) as if it it is going42 to 好像要下雨了。


1)后跟不定式to do时。如:

He seems to know the 他似乎知道答案。

2)在It seems that 结构中。如:

It seems that he is happier now than 他像比昨天高兴些了。

be ready to do/be ready for/ get ready to do/get ready for

(1)be ready to do和be ready for…表示“已作好…的准备”,强调状态

(2)get ready to do和get ready for…表示“为…做准备”,强调行为。如:

I'm ready to do anything you want me to 我愿意/随时准备做一切做你要我做的事。

I'm ready for any questions you may 我愿意/随时准备回答你可能问的问题。

He's getting ready to leave for 他正准备动身去东京。

Let's get ready for the hard 我们为这一艰难时刻作好准备吧。

(3)be ready to do 通常可理解“乐于做某事”,即思想上总是有做某事的准备。be not ready to do表示


He's usually not ready to listen to 他通常不轻易听从别人。

at table/at the table

at table在吃饭,at the table在桌子旁边。例如:

The Greens are at 格林一家人在吃饭。

Black is sitting at the table and reading44 a 布莱克先生坐在桌旁读书。

reach, arrive/get to

三者都有"到达"之意。reach是及物动词,后直接加名词,get和arrive是不及物动词,不能直接加名词,须借助于介词。get to后加名词地点,若跟副词地点时,to去掉;arrive at +小地方,arrive in+大地方。如:

Lucy got29 to the zoo before 8 o' 露西8点前到了动物园。

When did21 your parents arrive in Shanghai? 你父母何时到上海的?

It was late when I got 我到家时天色已晚。



Li Lei was ill last (只作表语)李磊上周生病了。

He's a sick (作定语)他是病人。不能说成:He's an ill

My grandfather was sick for a month last (作表语)我祖父去年病了一个


in time/on time

in time是"及时"的意思,on time是"准时,按时"。如:

I didn't get to the bus stop in 我没有及时赶上汽车。

We'll finish our job on 我们要按时完成任务。

may be/maybe

It may be in your inside45 = Maybe it is in your inside 也许在你里边的口袋里。第一句中may be是情态动词+be 动词构成的谓语部分,意思是"也许是","可能是";第二句中的maybe是副词,意思是"可能",常位于句首,不能位于句中,相当于另一副词perhaps。再如:

Maybe you put it in that 也许你放在了那只包里。(不能说You maybe put it

in that )

It may be a 那可能是顶帽子。(不能说It maybe a 或It maybe is a )

noise/ voice47/ sound

noise 指嘈杂声,噪音大的吵杂声。voice是指说话的声音,嗓音,嗓子。sound是指耳朵能够听到的声音、闹声等。它是表示声音之意的最普通的字。有时还用作科学上的声音。例如:

Don't make so much noise! 别那么大声喧哗!

I didn't recognize48 John's voice on the 在电话里我听不出约翰的声


He spoke49 in a low50 他低声说话。

We heard a strange51 我们听到了一种奇怪的声音。

Sound travels52 fast, but light travels 声音传得快,但是光传得更快。








情态动词can, may和must, have to的用法;








on time

out of

all by oneself2

lots of

no longer

get back

sooner or later3

run away

eat up

take care4 of

turn off5

turn on

after a while6

make faces

teach oneself

fall off

play the piano

knock7 at

to one's surprise

look up

enjoy oneself

help yourself

tell a story / stories


come along8

hold a sports meeting9

be neck and neck

as10 as

not so / as as

do one's best

take part11 in

a moment late

Bad luck12!

fall behind

high jump

long jump

relay13 race

well done!

take off

as usual14

a pair of

at once

hurry off

come to oneself

after a while

knock on

take care of

at the moment

set15 off

here and there

on watch

look out

take one’s place


We’d better not do

leave oneself

find one’s way to a place

stand on one’s head

make Happy

catch up with

pass on to somebody16

spend time doing

go on doing

get on well with

be angry with

be fed up with


make room for


We’re all by

I fell18 a little

Don’t be


Can’t you hear anything?

I can’t hear anything / anybody19

Maybe it’s a

Let’s get it back before they eat the

Did20 she learn all by herself21?

Could22 she swim when she was23 …years old?

She didn’t hurt

He couldn’t buy himself24 many nice

Did he enjoy himself?


Bad luck!

Come on!

Well done! Congratulations26 (to…)!

It must be very

I don’t think you’ll like

It seems27 to be an interesting

I’m sure (that)… I’m not sure if… I’m not sure what to…

I hope28

What was he/she drawing29 when…?

I’m sorry to trouble30

Would31 you please…?

What were you doing at ten o’clock yesterday morning?

You look tired

You’d better go to bed early tonight, if you

How kind!

Let’s move the bag, or it may cause32 an

It’s really nice of

Don’t mention34

Don’t crowd35 around











Bring me the book, 把那本书给我拿来。

Take some food to the old 给那位老人带去些食物。

somebody/ anybody/nobody36


Somebody came37 to see you when you were 你出来时有人来见你。

Does anybody live on this island? 有人在这岛上住吗?

I didn't see anybody 我在那儿谁也没看见。

Don't let anybody I'm too busy to see 别让任何人进来。我太忙,谁也不想见。

There is nobody in the 房间里没人。

Nobody told me that you were ill, so I didn't know about it . 谁也没告诉我你病了。所以我不知道。

listen, listen to, hear


(1)listen 只用于不及物动词,后面接人或人物做宾语,着重于“倾听”,指的是有意识的动作,至于是否听到,并非强调的重点。如:

Listen! Someone39 is singing in the 听!有人在教室唱歌。

(2)listen to 为listen的及物形式,后面一定要接人或物做宾语,这里的to是介词。如:

Do you like listening to light music?你喜欢听轻音乐吗?

(3)hear 可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词,意思是“听到、听见”,指用耳朵听到了某个声音,表示无意识的动作,着重于听的能力和结果。如:

We hear with our 我们用耳朵听。

She listens but hears 她听了听,但是什么也没有听见。

many/ much/ a few40/ a little/ few/ little


He has many 他有许多书。

He drank much 他喝了许多牛奶。

(2)a few和a little都表示"有一点儿",侧重于肯定,相当于"some",但a few修

饰可数名词,a little修饰不可数名词,例如:

He has a few friends in 他在伦敦有一些朋友。

Would you like some coffee? Yes, just a 喝点咖啡好吗?好的,只要一点。


He is a strange42 He has few 他是个怪人,他几乎不说什么话。

Hurry up, there is little time 赶快,没什么时间了。

either43/ neither44/ both

either可作形容词,一般指"两者中的任何一个"。有时也可表示"两个都……"的意思,后跟名词的单数形式;neither: 指两者中没有一个,全否定;both: 指两者都,肯定。句中可作主语、宾语和定语,both后面应跟名词的复数形式。如:

Neither of the films is 两部电影都不好。(没有一部是好的)

Either of the films is 两部电影都不错。(谓语动词用单数)

Both the teachers often answer the 这两个老师都常常解答问题。

take part in/join

take part in参加某种活动; join参加,加入某一政党或组织。例如:

Can you take part in my 你能来参加我的派对吗?

We often take part in many school 我们经常参加学校里的一些活动。

He joined the party in 他1963年入的党。

My little brother joined the army46 last 我小弟去年参的军。

quite/ rather47/ very

(1)quite 表示程度“很,十分,完全地”,“相当”。如:

She is quite 她对极了。

That's not quite what I want . 那并不完全是我所要的。

(2)rather 表示程度上的“相当”,比预想地程度要大,通常用在不喜欢的情况下。如:It's rather cold 今天的天气相当冷。

(3)very表示程度“很,甚,极其,非常”,用于修饰形容词或副词,既可用在喜欢的情况下,也可用于不喜欢的情况下。应注意“a very +形容词+可数名词的单数”结构中,"a"应置于"very"之前,该结构相当“quite a/an +形容词+名词”的结构。如:

Two months is quite a long / a very long 两个月是一段很长的时间。

It's a very nice day / quite a nice 今天天气很好。













A New Year greeting to cheer you, my good


Take your passion and make it come


Best of luck in the year to


All the best wishes for


Best wishes for the holidays and the coming


Wishing you all the blessings of a beautiful


May its blessings lead into a wonderful year for you and all whom you hold


To wish you special joy at the holidays and all



Unit1 Cultural Relics


survive 幸免,生存,生还

in search of 寻找

select 挑选

design 设计,图案,构思

fancy 奇特的,异样的,想象

decorate 装饰,装潢

belong to 属于

in return 作为回报

at war 处于交战中

remove 移动,搬动

less than 少于

doubt 怀疑

worth 值得的,相当于…的价值

take apart 拆开

explode 爆炸

sink 下沉,沉下

think highly of 高度评价


There is no doubt that… 毫无疑问…


was/were doing…when… 正在做某事…这时

was/were about to do… when…. 将要做某事…这时

had just done…when… 刚做完某事…这时

China is larger than any other country in the (同一范围内的比较)

She runs faster than any man in (不同范围内的比较)

the way的用法

The way___ he explained to us was quite (that/which/省略)

The way ___ he explained the sentence to us was not (that/in which/省略)


be (well) worth doing sth (很)值得做某事

be worthy to be done = be worthy of being done

It’s worthwhile to do sth = it’s worthwhile doing sth

“疑问词+ to do” 结构,在句中做主语、宾语、表语

How to do it is a

I don’t know what to do


It has been proved that pride goes before a


what 引导主语从句,在从句中作主语

What he has said is of great

What happened to him remained









People who take physical exercise live 进行体育锻炼的人活得长些。(若把从句去掉句子就失去意义)

His daughter, who is in Boston now, is coming home next 他女儿现在在波士顿,下星期回来。(若把从句去句子意义仍然完整)



He is the man whose car was 他就是汽车被窃的那个人。

I’ve invited Jim, who lives in the next 我邀请了吉姆,他就住在隔壁。



I have a sister who is a 我有一个医生的姐姐。(姐姐不止一个)

I have a sister, who is a 我有一个姐姐,她是当医生的。(只有一个姐姐)



Peter drove too fast, which was 彼得开车很快,这是很危险的。(which指drive too fast)

He changed his mind, which made me very 他改变了主意,这使我很生气。(which指整个主句)



Unit2 The Olympic Games


compete 比赛,竞争

take part in 参加,参与

stand for 代表,象征,表示

admit 容许,接纳,承认

as well 也,又,还

host 做东,招待,主人

replace 代替

charge 收费,控诉

in charge 主管,看管

advertise I做广告,登广告

bargain 讨价还价,讲条件,便宜货

one after another 一个接一个地

deserve 应受(报答或惩罚)


deserve to do sth 应该做/值得做

deserve doing = deserve to be done 值得… (doing 表被动意义)

Your suggestion deserves to be considered = deserves

( 用法相似的动词:need/want/require doing= need/want/require to be done 需要….)

take part in : 参加有组织的、重大的活动

join in 参加正在进行的活动

join: 参加团体,党派和组织,成为其中的一员(join the army; join the party)

attend: 出席,参加,后跟 meeting,wedding,class, course等


nor/neither + 助动词/be/情态动词 + 主语:表示“…也不这样”

I have never been abroad, and neither/nor has

If you don’t go to the party, nor will

So+情态动词/助动词/be动词+主语 :表示“也是的一样的”, 强调后者同前者肯定情况一样。

So+主语+情态动词/助动词/be动词:表示 “的确如此”,对前面情况的肯定。

not only…but (also)… 不但而且

Women are not only allowed, but play a very important role in

(1) 引导并列结构:引导主语时,谓语动词 就近原则。

(2) 引导并列句时,not only句倒装,即前倒后不倒。

Not only did they take photos, but also they had a bid



一. 概念:主动语态表示主语是动作的执行者,被动语态表示主语是动作的承受者。

二. 各种时态被动语态的形式

一般现在时的被动语态 am/is/are + done

一般过去时的被动语态 was/were + done

一般将来时的被动语态 ⑴will be done is/am/are going to be done

现在进行时的被动语态 is/am/are + being + done

表示说话人说话时或现阶段正在进行的动作,经常和时间副词now (现在), right now (现在, 此刻), at present (现在,目前), at this moment (此刻)连用。

现在完成时的被动 have/has been done

现在完成时常与already, always, often, ever, never, yet, , just等不表示明确的时间副词连用, 还可以和表示时间一直延续到目前的带(ever )since, for的状语及包括现在在内的词连用。如: now, today, this month, this year, recently, these days,many times, so far, by now, in the past/last few days/years… 等。 过去完成时的被动 had been done

过去将来时的被动 would be done

过去进行时的被动 was/were being done

带情态动词的被动语态 情态动词 + be done

动词不定式的被动式 to be done

It is an honor for me to be asked to speak

三. 注意事项


happen, take place, break out, belong to, cost, last等不及物动词或词组无被动语态。


Time should be made full use


Mother will buy me an → I will be bought an iphone5 (by my mother) .

→ An iphone5 will be bought for me (by my mother) .


Unit 5

You look 你看起来兴奋|生气|失望烦躁|惊恐。

感官系动词:look 看起来 smell闻起来 taste尝起来 sound 听起来 feel 摸|感觉起来

系表结构:系动词+形容词 go mad get wet get angry turn green

fall asleep

feel alittle more(confident comfortable) belost=get lost

go to the movies=go to thecinema=watchsee a film 看电影

one of + 可数的复数形式 It’s one of

prepare…for…为……做准备 thanks to 向某人致谢

be popular with 受……欢迎 对某人友好|

… ……的入场券 the table 摆放餐具

seem + do It’s seems that


be proud of

be pleased with

be worried about

be excited about at

be sorry for

be interested in

be grateful to

be strict with

be strict aboutin

be angry withat

be angry

be nervous about

betired of bored with

be surprised at

be surprised to do

be afraid of(doing) sth

can (not)=be(not) able to will be able to(其将来时)

have a temperature fever发烧 up=call 给某人打电话

care for=take care of=lookafter 照顾

the way to …… 在去……的路上

feel lonely live alone 前者形容词修饰系动词,后者副词修饰动词

because of +代词|名词短语 because+句子

on+具体描述的时间段 into 掉入 fall down 倒塌

in the end=at last=finally 最后 into being 形成、成立于(一般为过去式came)

be full of=be filled with 充满了,被填满了

make peace with 与某人和


1、 到目前为止,我们学过的be动词包括三个词 am ,is, are 这三个词的汉语意思相同,都是"是"的意思,但怎么运用


2、我是 am( eg:I am a )

你是 are (eg:You are a )

Is 用在他、她、它(eg:He is a Chinese boy,She is an English teather,It is a 见到复数就用)

3、记住:am ,is 的复数是;these 这些 ;those 那些(这两个词都表示复数)


Much joy to you in the upcoming


Thank you for your hard work and patience on this holiday


May happiness follow you everywhere …just like we


Wish you and your family to have a very happy new



1、 到目前为止,我们学过的be动词包括三个词 am ,is, are 这三个词的汉语意思相同,都是"是"的意思,但怎么运用


2、我是 am( eg:I am a )

你是 are (eg:You are a )

Is 用在他、她、它(eg:He is a Chinese boy,She is an English teather,It is a 见到复数就用)

3、记住:am ,is 的复数是;these 这些 ;those 那些(这两个词都表示复数)



1、名词(): 表示人、事物、地点或抽象概念的名称。如:boy, morning, bag, ball, class, orange。

2、代词(): 主要用来代替名词。如:who, she, you, it 。

3、形容词():表示人或事物的性质或特征。如:good, right, white, orange 。

4、数词(): 表示数目或事物的顺序。如:one, two, three, first, second, third, fourth。

5、动词(): 表示动作或状态。如:am, is,are,have,see 。

6、副词(): 修饰动词、形容词或其他副词,说明时间、地点、程度等。如:now, very, here, often, quietly, slowly。

7、冠词():用在名词前,帮助说明名词。如:a, an, the。

8、介词(): 表示它后面的名词或代词与其他句子成分的关系。如in, on, from, above, behind。

9、连词(): 用来连接词、短语或句子。如and, but, before 。

10、感叹词()表示喜、怒、哀、乐等感情。如:oh, well, hi, hello。




①用and连接的并列名词的所有格要分两种情况,即表示各自的所有关系时,要分别在并列名词后加-’s 或’;表示共同的所有关系时,只在最后一个名词后加-’s或’。

Tom’s and Jim’s 汤姆和吉姆(各自)的房间。

Tom and Jim’s 汤姆和吉姆(共同)的房间。


at the barber’s在理发店

at the teacher’s在老师办公室



the content of the novel小说的内容

the name of the girl over there那边那位女孩的名字



a play of Shakespeare’s(莎士比亚的一个戏剧)

a friend of mine(我的一个朋友)


opccupation 居住、占用;职业

occupational adj 与职业有关的

occupier 居住者, 房客, 占领者

occupy 占, 占用, 占领, 占据

记者, 新闻通讯员

=journalist 新闻记者, 从事新闻杂志业的人

职业, 专业,

professional 专业的、职业的/ 专业人员

习惯用语:allied health professional 保健辅助人员

照片/ 给照相

Photographer 摄影师

Eager 渴望的;热切的

eagerness 热心

concentrate 集中;聚集

concentration 集中;集合

concentration camp 集中营

concentrate on 集中;全神贯注于

例句:1)How can you concentrate on your work with so much noise going on?


2)I tried to concentrate my thoughts on the


=Attentively 注意地, 留意地

= pay attention to 注意

过程, 经过, 进程, 方针, 路线, 跑道, 课程, 一道菜

a course in/on sth 课程

a course of sth 疗程


acquisition 获得;获得物

其间, 其时 accuse 控告, 谴责,

accuse of 因某事指责或控告某人

例句:1)I accused her of 我指责她作弊。

2)He was accused of murder and sent for 他被控告谋杀并已送交审判。

Accusation 指责;控告;谴责

deliberately 故意地

= on purpose

so as to(do sth) 为了做某事/以便作某事

=in order to do sth

例句:We went early so as to get good 我们提早去了,以便占到好位置。

bribe 向行贿 贿赂

bribery 行贿, 受贿, 贿赂

guilty 犯罪的, 有罪的, 心虚的

guilt 罪行, 内疚

想象的, 虚构的

image 图象, 肖像, 偶像, 形象化的比喻, 极为相象, 映像, 典型

imagine 想象, 设想

technical 技术的, 技术上的, 技巧方面的

technic 技术, 手法

technica 技术性细节,技术,技巧,技能

technically 技术上, 学术上, 工艺上

defend 防护, 辩护, 防卫,

defence 防卫, 防卫设备

defend against防卫以免于

crime 犯罪, 犯罪行为, 罪行, 罪恶

criminal 罪犯, 犯罪者 犯罪的, 犯法的, 罪恶的

criminally 刑法上, 犯了罪地

edition 版本, 版

edit 编辑, 校订, 剪辑 编辑工作

editor 编辑, 编辑器, 编者

雇用, 用, 使用

employer 雇主, 老板

employee 职工, 雇员, 店员

employment 雇用, 使用, 利用, 工作, 职业

polish 擦亮, 发亮, 磨光, 推敲

Polish 波兰(Poland)的

首领, 领袖, 酋长, 长官, 主要的, 首要的, 首席的, 主任的

Chief Executive Officer 执行总裁,首席执行官

intention 意图, 目的

intent 意图, 目的, 意向 专心的, 决心的, 热心的

intentional 有意图的, 故意的


everyday things=daily things日用品

find out查明;弄清

go on a vacation=take vacation去度假

paper cutting剪纸

such as=for example例如


be covered with被…覆盖

rise into上升到;升入

have a point有道理

at that time在那时

by accident偶然;意外地

by mistake错误地;无意中

go past=pass by经过;路过

come on来吧,加油

on one’s way to在某人去…的路上

pardon me抱歉;对不起;请再说一遍

from time to time时常;有时

such a great idea如此好的一个主意


I would rather watch TV shows than sports 我宁愿看电视剧而不愿看运动节目.

would rather…than…表 “宁愿……而不愿”, 与prefer…to…同义,但它们在结构上不同.

前者是 would rather do than do ,= would do rather than do …;后者是 prefer doing to doing =prefer to do rather than do

eg: I would rather stay at home than go = I prefer staying at home to going I would stay at home rather than go prefer to stay at home rather go 我宁愿呆在家中而不愿出去.

Was his wife still alive? 他的妻子还活着吗?

alive 表 “活着的”, 常修饰人,而不修饰物. 一般作表语或宾补.

living 同义, 既可修饰人, 也可修饰物. 在句中既可作定语也可作表语.

eg: The old woman is still (作表语) 那个老人还活着.

The king wanted to keep Gulliver (作宾补) 国王想让格利佛活着.

There is no living things on (作定语) 火星上没有生物.

She ordered a scorpion to hide in the dark to attack

order to do 命令/要求某人去做某事

order sth for 为某人/ 某物订购某物

eg: The doctor ordered me to stay in 医生命令我好好呆在床上休息.

He often orders books for his 他经常为他的儿子订书.

She ordered a suit for her 她为她的狗订购了一套衣服.

However, sometimes you do not forgive 然而, 你有时不会原谅别人.

forgive 原谅某人某事

forgive for doing 请求别人原谅所做的事

eg: She could forgive him 她会原谅他的任何事.

Please forgive me for disturbing 请原谅我打扰你了.

But in western countries, dogs are considered honest and good friends of humans

但是在西方国家, 狗被认为是诚实的, 是人类的好朋友.

honest 用作形容词, 表 “诚实的; 正直的” . 在句中可作定语, 表语或宾补.

He is an honest = The man is


固定搭配: be honest with 对某人坦诚相待

to be honest 说实话, 老实说


talk to sb 和某人交谈

give sb sth/give sth to sb 给某人某物

police station 警察局

school play 校园剧

go out 出去

ask sb sth 问某人某事

get sth from sb 从某人处得到某物

do homework 做家庭作业

watch TV 看电视

eat/have dinner 吃晚饭

talk on the phone 打电话

TV show 电视节目

wait for 等待

talk about 谈论

play basketball 打篮球

at school 在学校

read books 看书

not bad 不错

take photos 拍照

look cool 看上去很酷

have a good time 玩得开心

thank sb for doing sth 感谢某人做了某事

play computer games 打电脑游戏

pretty good 好极了

play beach volleyball 打沙滩排球

look for 寻找

lie on the beach 躺在沙滩上

short/long hair 短/长发

curly/straight hair 卷/直发

medium build/height 中等身材/个子

look like 看起来像

the captain of… …的队长/首领




(一) 引导状语从句的从属连词


此类连词主要有:when, while, after, before, as, as soon as , now(that), until, till, once, since, whenever, no , ,every time, each time, next time, the last time, the moment等。

When I got to the theatre, I found that they had sold all the 当到达剧院时,我发现票已售完。

We should strike while the iron is


Since he entered the university, he has made great progress in his


They kept on working until it became


once you begin , you must go


You seem to have a ready-made answer, whenever I ask you a

每逢我问你问题, 你总好象有现成的答案。

Now (that) you are here, you'd better


No sooner had they got to the field than it began to


Hardly had he set foot on his native land when he felt


She felt a thrill the moment she got into the


Every time he got to Beijing, he came to see


注意:no sooner, hardly等位于句首时需用倒装语序。


此类连词主要有because, as, since, now(that),等。because引导的从句表示产生某种结果的必然的因果关系,语气较重,可回答why问句;since语气较轻,常位于句首;as则语气最轻。

We couldn't cross the river because the water had


Since everyone is here ,let's begin .


I must stop writing now, as I have rather a lot of work to


Now that  you've got a chance, you might as well make full use of  


Why use wood when you can use plastic?

既然能用塑料, 为什么还要用木料?


此类连词主要有although, though, as, even if, even though, no matter what等。

Though my father is old,yet he wants to do something for our


Even if there are difficulties, we must do it


Young as I am,I know some of the family


Nobody believed him no matter what he



此类连词主要有if, unless, as/so long as, supposing等。

If we go on polluting the world ,it won't be fit for to live


You will fail unless you work


You can go out as/so long as you promise to be back


What shall we do supposing he won't agree?


The WTO cannot live up to its name if it does not include a country that is home to one fifth of mankind.如果世贸组织不能容纳占世界人口五分之一的国家,那它就名不符实。


表示行为方式的从属连词主要有as,as if/though等。

When a pencil is partly in a glass of water, it looks as if it were


We did as he told


He spoke as though he knew the question very


注意:以as if引导的状语从句,其谓语动词常用虚拟语气。与现在相反的情况用过去时,与过去相反的情况用过去完成时。

I remember the whole thing as if it happened



表示目的的从属连词主要有that, so that,in order that等。

I hurried so that I wouldn't be late for


John saved his money in order that he might buy a


Bring it nearer that I may see it

把它拿近一些, 以便使我看得比较清楚。


表示结果的从属连词,主要有that,,so that,等。

They were so pleased to see each other that they forgot everything


It was such a cold day that there was nobody on the

天气非常寒冷, 以至于街上没有任何人。

So cold is it that all the water pipes have




I think Chinese is more popular than any other


Do you think that art is as interesting as music?




Leave her where she 把她留在原地。

You can take it with you wherever you 你不论去哪里,都可随身携带它。


引导名词性从句的词多是连接代词和连接副词,从属边词主要有that,whether, if。



We all know that the earth moves around the


I want to know whether/if he will come back



连接代词除了可以起连接作用外,还可以在从句中作主语、宾语、定语等。连接代词主要有who,whom,whose,which,what, whatever,  whoever, whomever等。

Do what he or she tells you to


Can you tell me who that gentleman is?


Whoever comes will be




I remember when this used to be a quiet


Would you please tell me how I can get to the airport?


I don't know where we are going to have this


Do you know why he was late?



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