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发布时间: 2024-08-12 20:47:42


Unit3 Travel journal







prefer A to B 比起B,更喜欢A

prefer doing to doing 比起做…,宁愿做…

prefer to do rather than do 与其做…, 不如…

flow through 流过,流经

ever since 自从

persuade to do 说服某人做某事

be fond of 喜欢

insist on doing 坚持做某事

insist + that 从句(用should+ V原)

care about 关心

change one’s mind 改变想法

altitude 高度

attitude 态度,看法

make up one’s mind to do下定决心做某事

= decide to do = make a decision to do

give in 让步,屈服

give up 放弃

be surprised to… 对…感到惊奇

to one’s surprise 令某人惊讶的是…

at last = finally = in the end 最终

stop to do 停下来去做某事

stop doing 停止做某事

as usual 像往常一样

so…that 如此…以至于…

so + adj + a/an + + that

such + a/an + + + that

be familiar with 对…熟悉(人作主语)

be familiar to 为…所熟悉(物作主语)


My sister and I have dreamed about cycling along the Mekong River from where it begins to where it 我姐姐和我一直梦想要沿湄公河从源头到终点骑车旅行。

The man insisted that he didn’t steal anything and he (should) be set free at (陈述语气、虚拟语气)


She gave me a determined look ?C the kind that said she wouldn’t change her


He is so stubborn that no one can persuade him to do


My sister doesn’t care about


She is a determined once she determines to do something, she will do it


He recorded the important events ad his afterthoughts in his travel 在旅行日记中,他记下了重大的事件及自己的想法。

I am not familiar with this city, because this is my first


I don’t think it is necessary for us to give


The topics of a travel journal can be different from a diary, often including people, things, and events less familiar to


It was great fun to put up tents



Can you come to my party?


on Saturday afternoon 在星期六下午 have to 必须

prepare for 准备

go to the doctor 去看病

have the flu 患流感

help my parents 给父母帮忙

come to the party 参加晚会

meet my friend 见朋友

go to the party 参加晚会

too much homework 太多的家庭作业

go to the movies 去看电影

another time 下次,另外的时间,别的时间

last fall 去年秋天

hang out 闲逛

after school 放学后

on the weekend=on weekends 在周末

study for a test 备考

visit grandparents 拜访爷爷奶奶

the day before yesterday 前天

the day after tomorrow 后天

have a piano lesson 上钢琴课

look after 照看

make an invitation 制定邀请

accept an invitation 接受邀请

turn down (refuse) an invitation 拒绝邀请

take a trip to Wuhan 去武汉旅游

at the end of this month 在本月底

look forward to + doing 期望/渴望

the opening of… 开幕/开业

reply in writing 写回信

go shopping 购物

do homework 做作业

go to the concert 参加音乐会

not…until… 直到才


——Can you come to my party on Saturday afternoon?星期六下午你能参加我的晚会吗?

——Sure, I’d love / Sorry, I can’ I have to prepare for an 当然,我愿意去。/抱歉,我去不了。我必须要为考试做准备。

I’m not = I’m not 我没空。

I’m sad to see her go, and this party is the best way tosay “Thank you and ”


I already have a great idea about how to do 我已经有了一个怎样做的好主意。

Let me know if you need my


Drink lots of hot water and get lots of 多喝水,多睡觉。

What are you doing the day after tomorrow?


I’m really busy this 本周我的确很忙。

I’m afraid I can’ I’m afraid 恐怕不能。

Sam isn’t leaving until next

Sam 要直到下周四才离开。

Who are you going to the movies with?


Are you free to come to my place on Saturday?


Would you like to come to my birthday party?


As I’m sure you know by now…


Bring Steen to the party without telling her so that she can

把 Steen 来参加聚会而不要告诉她,以至于让她感到惊喜。

I look forward to hearing from you


Our favorite teacher, Steen, is leaving soon to go back to the

我们最喜爱的老师, Steen, 就要离开我们回到美国去了。

We’re very sad that she’s



prepare [pr?’per] 预备;准备

exam [?ɡ’z?m] 考试

available [?’ve?l?bl] 可得到的;有空的

hang [h??] 悬挂;(使)低垂

until [?n’t?l] 直到 的时候;直到…为止

catch [k?t?] 赶上;抓住;捕捉

invite [?n’va?t] 邀请

accept [?k’sept] 接受

refuse [r?’fju?z] 拒绝

invitation [??nv?’te??n] 邀请;邀请函

reply [r?’pla?] 回答,回复

forward [‘f??rw?rd] 转交;发送 向前的 向前地

delete [d?’li?t] 删除

preparation [?prep?’re??n] 准备,准备工作

opening [‘o?pn??] 开幕式,落成典礼

guest [ɡest] 客人

concert [‘kɑ?ns?rt] 音乐会

headmaster [?hed’m?st?r] 校长

event [?’vent] 大事,公开活动

calendar [‘k?l?nd?r] 日历,日程表


Do you want to a game show?


find out 查出/发现

be ready to do 准备做…

dress up 打扮/化妆成

take one’s place 代替某人

do a good job 干的好/表演的出色

think of 想到/思考

game show 游戏节目

learn from 向…学习

talk show 访谈节目

soap opera 肥皂剧

go on 继续

watch a movie 看电影

one of… 其中之一

try one’s best to =do one’s best to 竭尽全力

a pair of 一双

as famous as 一样闻名/出名

look like 看起来像

around the world 世界各地

have a discussion about 讨论…

one day 有一天/某一天

such as 例如

a symbol of 一个象征/标志

something enjoyable 快乐的事情

interesting information 有趣的信息


Some people might ask how this cartoon animal became so


Mickey was like a common man, but he always tried to face any

象一个普通人,但是他总是努力面对任何危险。 Mickey was unlucky and had manyproblems such as losing his house or


However, he was always ready to try his


Most of them wanted to be like


On November 18, 1978, Mickey became the first cartoon character to havea star on the Hollywood Walk of


Today’s cartoons are usually not so simple as little MickeyMouse, but everyone still knows and loves

今天的卡通通常都不如Mickey Mouse那样简单,但是人人都知道他,热爱他。

Who has a pair of ears more famous than Mickey’s?


I think those movies are so


I’d like to find out what different people think of


I hope to find out what’s going on aroundthe


I hope to be a TV reporter one


I like to follow the story and see what happens



sitcom [‘s?tk?m] 情景喜剧 (= situation comedy)

news [nju?z] 新闻;消息

soap [s??p] 肥皂;肥皂剧

educational [?ed?u’ke???nl] 教育的;有教育意义的

plan [pl?n] 计划;方法打算;计划

hope [h??p] .希望;期望;盼望希望

discussion [d?’sk??n] 讨论;谈论

stand [st?nd] 站立;忍受

happen [‘h?p?n] 发生;碰巧;出现;偶遇

may [me?] 可以,能够;可能,也许

expect [?k’spekt] 预期;期待;盼望

joke [d???k] 笑话;玩笑说笑话;开玩笑

comedy [‘k?m?di] 喜剧;滑稽;幽默事件

find out 查明;弄清

meaningless [‘mi?n??l?s] 无意义的;不重要的

action [‘?k?n] 行为;活动

cartoon [kɑ?’tu?n] 卡通;漫画

culture [‘k?lt??(r)] 栽培;文化;教养

famous [‘fe?m?s] 著名的;有名的

appear [?’p??(r)] 出现;出版;显得

become [b?’k?m] 变成;成为

rich [r?t?] 富有的;富饶的;丰富的

successful [s?k’sesfl] 成功的;圆满的

might [ma?t] 可能;也许;may的过去式

main [me?n] 主要的;最重要的

reason [‘ri?zn] 原因;理由

film [f?lm] 电影

unlucky [?n’l?ki] 倒霉的;不幸的;不吉利的

lose [lu?z] 丢失;失败失败

ready [‘redi] 准备好的;乐意的

character [‘k?r?kt?(r)] 个性;品质;人物;

simple [‘s?mpl] 简单的;朴素的;单纯的;笨的

army [‘ɑ?mi] 军队;陆军;一大批

action movie 动作片


Unit 2

1、询问做什么事/活动:—What do you do …?   —I often play ping-pong…

询问星期几上什么课:—What do you have on…?   —We have English class…

2、一般疑问句的问与答:—Do you often read books?   —Yes, I    —No, I don'

3、 on+具体某一天(年月日,星期),如:on Monday/Tuesday…

课外   at+具体时刻(…点钟),如:at 12 o'clock  在十二点整

补充: in+大致时间(年月,早中晚),如:in 20XX  在20XX年    in the morning/afternoon/evening

4、play + 球类、棋类、娱乐活动,如:play football/ping-pong

补充:play + the + 乐器(第四单元知识),如:play the pipa/piano/violin…


Unit 5

1、there be(is, are)句型的单复数形式:There is a      There are lots of


(1)There be句型的动词就近原则:

例:There is a bed, a desk, two photos in my

There are two photos, a bed and a desk in my

(2)there be与have/has的异同:


不同之处:there be表示“某地有……”(无生命的),主语放在句末;

例:There is a book on the   书桌上有一本书。


例:I have a    我有一本书。

2、询问方位或地点:—Where is the ball?  —It's in front of the  

3、lots of + 可数/不可数名词= a lot of + 可数/不可数名词     “许多……”

比较:many + 可数名词复数   “许多……”   例:There are many trees in the

much + 不可数名词    “许多…”   例:I drink much water every    我每天喝很多水。

4、动词+very well   例:My father can draw very well   我爸爸画的很好

比较:be (am/is/are)+very good     例:The book is very    这本书非常好。


theater ['θ??t?] 剧场;电影院;戏院

comfortable ['k?mft?bl] 舒适的;充裕的

seat [si?t] 座位;

screen [skri?n] 屏幕;银幕

close [kl??s] 关;合拢;不开放;停业

worst [w??st] 最坏的;最差的

cheaply ['t?i?pli] 廉价地;粗俗地

song [s??] 歌曲;歌唱


choose [t?u?z] 选择;决定

carefully ['ke?f?li] 小心地,认真地

reporter [r?'p??t?(r)] 记者

fresh [fre?] 新鲜的;清新的

comfortably ['k?mft?bli] 舒服地;容易地;充裕地

worse [w??s] 更坏的;更差的

service ['s??v?s] 服务

pretty ['pr?ti] 相当地漂亮的

menu ['menju?] 菜单

act [?kt] 行动;表演

meal [mi?l] 一餐;膳食

so far到目前为止;迄今为止

no problem没什么;不客气

creative [kri'e?t?v] 创造的,创造性的;

performer [p?'f??m?(r)] 表演者;执行者

talent ['t?l?nt] 天赋;才能,才艺;

have…in common有相同特征

common ['k?m?n] 常见的;共同的;普通的

magician [m?'d???n] 魔术师;术士

all kinds of各种各样;各种类型

beautifully ['bju?t?fli] 美丽地;完美地;

be up to是…….的职责;由…….决定

role [r??l] 作用;角色

play a role发挥作用;有影响

winner ['w?n?(r)] 获胜者

prize [pra?z] 奖品;奖金

everybody ['evrib?di] 每人;人人

make up 编造

example [?ɡ'zɑ?mpl] 例子;榜样

for example例如

poor [p??(r)] 可怜的;贫穷的

seriously ['s??ri?sli] 严重地,严肃地


give [ɡ?v] 给;赠予;送

crowded ['kra?d?d] 拥挤的

Greg 格雷格

Depp 德普

Danny 丹尼

Eliza 伊莉莎

Vera 薇拉

Dennis 丹尼斯

American Idol 美国偶像

America’s Got Talent 美国达人秀

China’s Got Talent 中国达人秀



father and mother 你的爸爸和妈妈

uncle/aunt 一位叔叔/阿姨

aunts and uncles 他的阿姨和叔叔们

four friends 我的四个朋友

parents 她的父母

family tree 我的家谱

brother/sister 你的兄弟/姐妹

two girls 这两个女孩

the first picture 在第一张图片里

the next picture 在下一张图片里

a good day 过得愉快

family photo 我的全家福

photo of my family 我家人的一张照片

cousin 她的表兄

name of my dog 我的狗的名字

my family 在我的家庭里

photos/pictures 两张照片

grandparents  我的祖父母


is my friend, 这是我的朋友,简。

are my 这些是我的兄弟们。

are my 那些是我的父母。

is my 那是我的全家。

—Are these/those your parents?


—Yes, they 是的,他们是。

—Who's he?  他是谁?

—He's my brother,


—Who're they? 他们是谁?

—They're my


are two nice photos of my


grandfather and grandmother are in the first


the next picture are my brothers, Bob and brothers, Bob and Eric, are in the next



tree 家谱


a banana tree一棵香蕉树,复数为banana trees

a man teacher一位男教师,复数为men teachers

inthe first photo 在第一张照片里


①This is the first


②This is my first


in my family 在我家里


Thefamily has a



Our family all like playing


a photo of my family



a map of China一张中国地图

a photo of his family一张他的全家福

5.my family photo 我的全家福

也可以用 a photo of my family 来表示。


This is my 这是我的父亲。

(1)This 用于初次见面时介绍他人,也可以用That ',一般不用He's/She'。如:

Jim,this is my Dad, this is my friend,


(2)These 是This 的复数句型;Those 是That 的复数句型。用复数句型时,句中应用可数名词的复数形式。如:

Those/These are my


(3)This 还可以用于电话用语中。如:

This is Jim Green


Here is a photo of my


Here 是倒装句,其正常语序为:A photo of my family is 。

在英语中,here, there表存在的句型常用倒装句式。here, there 置于句首起强调作用。其基本结构有两种。


①Here comes the 公交车来了。

②Here are two nice photos of my


(句中be动词用are,因为主语two nice photos of my family是复数)


Hereyou 给你。

Inthe next picture are my brothers, Bob and


这是一句倒装句,其正常语序为“My brothers, Bob and Eric are in the next ”。其中的be动词的单复数形式由后面的名词主语来决定。如:

In the first photo is my =My sister is in the first





(1)指示代词this 或that分别变为these 或those。




①This is a 这是一幅地图。

→These are 这些是地图。

②Who is the boy?这个男孩是谁?

→Who are the boys?这些男孩是谁?

如果主语是人称代词 I, you, he, she, it 时,它们也要变为复数形式,即 I→we, you→you, he/she/it→they。如:

①Iam a 我是一个学生。

→We are 我们是学生。

②He is my 他是我哥哥/弟弟。

→They are our



How do you feel ?


angry生气的 afraid害怕 worried担心的;发愁的 happy高兴的

see a doctor看病 more更多的 wear穿 deep深的

breath呼吸(名词) count数数(动词) sad难过的


feel angry/ill/happy/sad感觉生气/不舒服/高兴/难过 be afraid 害怕···

be angry 与···生气 take a deep breath深深吸一口气 count to ten 数到十 see a doctor看病 do more exercise做更多的运动

wear warm clothes穿暖和的衣服 chase the mice追赶老鼠

drink some drinks喝一些饮料 have some popcorn吃一些爆米花


Here you 给你。 Wait for 等我一下。 Yum!太美味了!



主语+be动词+afraid of +其他. ···害怕···。


主语+be动词+angry with+其他. ···与···生气。


问句:What’s wrong? What’s the matter(with you)? 怎么了?



某人+should +动词(短语)原形+其他. ···应该···。

take a deepbreath count to ten see a doctor do more exercise wear warm


(1). 确定与句子划线部分相应的特殊疑问词,并且特殊疑问词代替相应的划线部分。

(2). 把特殊疑问词代替划线部分后的句子变成一般疑问句。

(3). 最后再把特殊疑问词提到句首。


例如: This is a book ?

①This is ②Is this what ? ③What is this ?



WhatShould You Do?

When you fell sad or worried,what should you do ? Let me tell should take a deep breath .Then you should listen to some youwill be won’t be so sad or you are afraid,what shouldyou do? It’s should ask your friends for you have friends withyou,you won’t feel to be happy every


一、what 什么 用来问是什么,叫什么,做什么等

What’s your name? 你叫什么名字? is in your box? 你的盒子里是什么?

What’s your father?=What does your father do? 你爸爸是干什么的?

一)What time 什么时间 用来问时间 What time is it? 几点了?

二)What colour 什么颜色 用来问颜色 Whatcolour is your bag? 你的书包是什么颜色?

三)What about 怎么样 用来征求意见或询问感受等,大多用于承接上面的同样问题。

bout this pair of shoes? 这双鞋子怎么样? about you? 你呢?

about your dad? 你爸爸呢?

四)What day 星期几 用来问星期几 What day is it today/tomorrow? 今天/明天星期几?

五)What date 什么日期 问具体的日期

’s the date today? 今天是几号? What date is tomorrow? 明天是几号?

六)What …for 为何目的 用来问目的,在一定情况下可以与why互换

What did you buy that for?=Whydid you buy that? 你为什么要买那个?

二、when 什么时候 用来问时间 When do you get up?你什么时候起床?

三、where 哪里 用来问地点

Where is my ruler? 我的尺子在哪里 Where are you going to ? 你打算去哪里?

are you from? =Wheredo you come from? 你是哪里人?

四、which 哪一个 用来问具体的哪一个

Which season do you like best? 你最喜欢哪个季节?

class are you in?你在哪一个班? one is my pen?哪一支是我的钢笔?

五、Who 谁 用来问人物是谁

is that boy?那个男孩是谁? Who are you going to with? 你打算和谁一起去?

Who is that pretty lady?那个漂亮的女士是谁?

六、whose 谁的 用来问东西是谁的

Whose bag is this? 这是谁的包? bike is yellow? 谁的自行车是黄色的?

七、 why 为什么 用来问原因

do you like spring? 你为什么喜欢春天? Why did you go there? 你为什么去那里?

八、 how 怎么样 用来询问身体等状况

How are you? 你好吗? How is your mother? 你妈妈好吗?

一)How old 几岁 用来问年龄 How old are you? 你几岁了?

二)How long 多长 用来问长度 How long are your legs? 你的腿多长?

三)How big 多大 用来问物体的大小 How big is your bedroom? 你的卧室多大?

四)How tall 多高 用来问高度 How tall is your brother? 你弟弟有多高?

五)How heavy 多重 用来问重量 How heavy are you? 你有多重?

六) How far 多远 用来问路程 2 How far is it from here? 从这儿去有多远?

七)How many 多少 用来问数量 How many apples do you have? 你有多少苹果?

八)How much 多少钱 用来问价格 how much is this dress? 这个连衣裙多少钱?

九)How about 怎么样

用来征求意见或询问感受等,大多用于承接上面的同样问题,用法与what about相同

How about you? 你呢?

How about that shirt? 那件衬衣怎么样?


Ways to go to school


by乘 bus公共汽车 on foot步行 plane飞机

taxi出租车 ship(大)船 subway地铁 train火车

slow慢的 stop停下 always 总是,一直 usually 通常

often经常 sometimes 有时候 never 从来不


by bike/bus/plane/subway/train/ship/taxi/ferry


take the bus乘57路公共汽车 on foot步行 slow down慢下来 pay attention to注意 trafficlights 交通信号灯 look right向右看

cross the road横穿马路 get off下车 at home在家 traffic rules交通规则 get to到达 get on 上车 be far from…表示离某地远


Wait!等一等! Hooray太好了! I 我明白了。Go at a green light 绿灯行

Stop at a red light 红灯停 Wait at a yellow light 黄灯等



How do you come(to)+地点? 你(们)怎么来···的?


某人+must+动词原形(+其它). ···必须···。


Don’t +动词原形(+其它). .不要/别···。


How do you go to school? 你怎么去上学?

Usually I go to school on Sometimes I go by


How can I get to Zhongshan Park ? 我怎么到达中山公园?

You can go by the 15 你可以坐15路公共汽车去。

I am far from school 我现在离学校很远。

My home is not far from My home is near our



Don’t Be Against the Traffic Rules

I go to school from Mondays to Igo to school by bike at 7:30 in the have to cross two busy the traffic rules down and stop at a yellow and waitat a red at a green always ride on the right side of am never against the traffic


I have a pen pal


studies学习(第三人称单数形式) puzzle谜 hiking远足


read stories读故事 do kungfu练功夫 fly kites放风筝 play the pipa弹琵琶

play sports进行体育活动 climb mountains爬山 listen to music听音乐

sing English songs唱英文歌 on a farm在一个农场里 live 住在···

write an email 给···写一封电子邮件 on the playground在运动场上


Me 我也是。 Really?真的吗?



问句:What are ’s hobbies? ···有什么爱好?

答语:主语+like/likes+动词-ing形式(+其它). ···喜欢···。

Singing dancing reading stories playing football doing kungfu doing word puzzles going hiking watching TV drawing cartoons listening to music going fishing



答语:Yes,主语+ /No,主语+don’t/doesn’





play—playing read—reading do—doing go—going


write—writing ride—riding make—making dance—dancing

(3)以单元音加单辅音结尾的重读闭音节,要双写最后一个辅音字母,再加ing。如:run—running swim—swimming put—putting sit—sitting







read--reads make—makes write—writes

②以字母s, x, o , sh , ch结尾的动词,在词尾加es。如:

do—does wash—washes teach—teaches go—goes pass—passes

③以y结尾的动词分为两个情况,以元音字母加y结尾的动词,在词尾直接加s。如:play—plays buy--buys


④以f , fe结尾的名词,先把f,fe变为v,再加



(5)第三人称单数的肯定句在变为否定句时,在动词的前面加doesn’ 动词恢复原形。如:he lives in doesn’t live in

(6) 第三人称单数的陈述句在变为一般疑问句时,用does开头,后面的动词也要变为原形。如:he lives in he live in Beijing?


hobby(复数形式)—hobbies have to(同义词)—must


get on(上车)---get off(下车) near(近的)—far(远的) fast(快的)—slow(慢的)

because(因为)—why(为什么) same(相同的)—different(不同的)

here(这里)---there(那里) east(东)---west(西)

north(北)---south(南) left(左)---right(右) get on (上车)---get off(下车)

近义词: see you---goodbye sure---certainly---of course


Li Ying’s Hobbies

Li Yinglikes English very works hard at reads English likes speaking English .She likes listening to the radio, TV only on Saturday

Does shelike cooking Chinese food?No, she doesn’ likes doing word ’t like playing parents love the teachers loveher, says her hobbies make her


grow up 长大;成熟;成长

computer programmer / 'pr??gr?m?(r)/计算机程序设计员;

编程人员cook /k?k/ 厨师烹饪;煮

doctor /'d?kt?(r)/,/ 'dɑ:kt?(r)/ 医生

engineer / ,end??'n??/ ,/end??'n?r/ 工程师

violinist /'va??'l?n?st/小提琴手

driver / 'dra?v?(r)/ 驾驶员;司机

pilot /'pa?l?t/ 飞行员pianist /'p??n?st/ 钢琴家scientist/'sa??nt?st/ 科学家 be sure about 确信;对……有把握

make sure 确保;查明

college /' k?l?d?/,/'kɑ:l?d?/ 学院;大学;

高等教育education /'ed?u'ke??n/ 教育

medicine /'medsn, 'med?sn / 药;医学

university /'ju:n?'v?:rs?ti/ (综合性)大学;高等学府

London / 'l?nd?n/ 伦敦

article /'ɑ:(r)t?kl/ 文章;论文

send /send/ 邮寄,发送

resolution /,rez?'lu:?n/ 决心;决定

team /ti: m/ 队;组

foreign /'f?:r?n/ 外国的able /'e?bl/ 能够

be able to 能够做某事

question / 'kwest??n/ 表示疑问;怀疑;提问;质询

meaning /' mi:n?? / 意义;意思

discuss /d?'sk?s/ 讨论,商量

promise / pr?m?s/,/ 'pr a: m?s/ 承诺;诺言;许诺;承诺

beginning / b?'g?n?? / 开头;开端

at the beginning of 在……开始

improve /?m'pruv/ 改进,改善

write down 写下;记录下

physical /'f?z?kl/ 身体的

themselves / ??m'selvz/ 他(她、它)们自己

have to do with关于;与……有关系

self-improvement/self ?mp'ru:vm?nt/ 自我改进,;自我提高

take up(尤指为消遣)学着做;开始做

hobby / 'h?bi/,/'hɑ:bi/ 业余爱好

weekly / 'wi:kli/ 每周的(地)

schoolwork /'sku:lw?:k/ 学校作业;功课

agree / ?'gri:/ 同意;赞成;允许

agree with 同意

own /o?n/ adj&pron 自己的;本人的

personal /'p?:(r)s?nl/ 个人的;私人的

relationship /r?'le??n??p/ 关系;联系Andy /'?ndi/ 安迪(男名)

Ken /ken/ 肯(男名)

Hemingway /'hem??we?/ 海明威(姓)Kelly /'keli/ 凯莉(女名)

The Old Man and the Sea 《老人与海》(美国作家海明威的小说)



father and mother 你的爸爸和妈妈

uncle/aunt 一位叔叔/阿姨

aunts and uncles 他的阿姨和叔叔们

four friends 我的四个朋友

parents 她的父母

family tree 我的家谱

brother/sister 你的兄弟/姐妹

two girls 这两个女孩

the first picture 在第一张图片里

the next picture 在下一张图片里

a good day 过得愉快

family photo 我的全家福

photo of my family 我家人的一张照片

cousin 她的表兄

name of my dog 我的狗的名字

my family 在我的家庭里

photos/pictures 两张照片

grandparents  我的祖父母


is my friend, 这是我的朋友,简。

are my 这些是我的兄弟们。

are my 那些是我的父母。

is my 那是我的全家。

—Are these/those your parents?


—Yes, they 是的,他们是。

—Who's he?  他是谁?

—He's my brother,


—Who're they? 他们是谁?

—They're my


are two nice photos of my


grandfather and grandmother are in the first


the next picture are my brothers, Bob and brothers, Bob and Eric, are in the next



tree 家谱


a banana tree一棵香蕉树,复数为banana trees

a man teacher一位男教师,复数为men teachers

inthe first photo 在第一张照片里


①This is the first


②This is my first


in my family 在我家里


Thefamily has a



Our family all like playing


a photo of my family



a map of China一张中国地图

a photo of his family一张他的全家福

5.my family photo 我的全家福

也可以用 a photo of my family 来表示。


This is my 这是我的父亲。

(1)This 用于初次见面时介绍他人,也可以用That ',一般不用He's/She'。如:

Jim,this is my Dad, this is my friend,


(2)These 是This 的复数句型;Those 是That 的复数句型。用复数句型时,句中应用可数名词的复数形式。如:

Those/These are my


(3)This 还可以用于电话用语中。如:

This is Jim Green


Here is a photo of my


Here 是倒装句,其正常语序为:A photo of my family is 。

在英语中,here, there表存在的句型常用倒装句式。here, there 置于句首起强调作用。其基本结构有两种。


①Here comes the 公交车来了。

②Here are two nice photos of my


(句中be动词用are,因为主语two nice photos of my family是复数)


Hereyou 给你。

Inthe next picture are my brothers, Bob and


这是一句倒装句,其正常语序为“My brothers, Bob and Eric are in the next ”。其中的be动词的单复数形式由后面的名词主语来决定。如:

In the first photo is my =My sister is in the first





(1)指示代词this 或that分别变为these 或those。




①This is a 这是一幅地图。

→These are 这些是地图。

②Who is the boy?这个男孩是谁?

→Who are the boys?这些男孩是谁?

如果主语是人称代词 I, you, he, she, it 时,它们也要变为复数形式,即 I→we, you→you, he/she/it→they。如:

①Iam a 我是一个学生。

→We are 我们是学生。

②He is my 他是我哥哥/弟弟。

→They are our




your schoolbag 你的书包

these books  这些书本

those erasers 那些橡皮

this pencil 这支铅笔

that ruler  那把尺

his green pen 他的绿色钢笔

Anna's two pencil boxes 安娜的两个铅笔盒

her dictionary 她的字典

ask the teacher 向老师要……

thank you 为……而感谢你

a computer game 一个电脑游戏机

in Classroom 7E 在7E教室里

in the school library 在学校图书馆

excuse me 劳驾;请原谅

call me at 495-3539 拨打电话495-3539找我

e-mail me 给我发电子邮件到……

my school ID card 我的学生证

a set of keys 一串钥匙

some dictionaries 一些字典

What ……怎么样?……好吗?


—What's this? 这是什么?

—It's a 一块手表。

—Is it yours?  它是你的吗?

—No, it's 不,它是她的。

—Is this/that your pencil?


—Yes, it It's , it isn' It's


—Excuse me, is this your pencil?


—Yes, thank 是的,谢谢你。

—Are these your books? 这些是你的书吗?

—Yes, they They are


—Are those keys yours? 那些钥匙是你的吗?

—No, they aren' They're Bob'


Thank you for your 谢谢你的帮助。

You're 别客气。

—The blue pen is 这支蓝色钢笔是他的。

—What about this dictionary? 那这本字典呢?

A computer game is in the school


E-mail me at


I lost my school ID I must find


You can ask the teacher for





①I have some 我有些苹果。

②Do you have any apples? 你有苹果吗?

③I don't have any 我没有橡皮。


①Would you like some apples?


②Can I ask you some questions?


a set of keys 一串钥匙

a set of意为“一套;一串”,后面的名词用复数,但整个词组作主语时,谓语动词用单数。如:

Here is a set of The set of keys is not


call me at 685-6055



(1)call 打电话给某人


(3)call +at+电话号码


call my father打电话给我爸爸

call 680-6575 打680-6575这个电话

call my father at 680-6575


ask for 向某人要某物

ask for意为“要求;请求”。如:

I have a I ask my teacher for



—What about this dictionary?


—It's Helen' And the green pen is hers,


“What ?”意为“……怎么样?”,相当于“How ?”。后面接人称代词宾格、动名词或名词,即“What/How about 人称代词宾格/doing ?”。如:

①What/How about playing basketball with me?和我一起打篮球怎么样?

②What/How about you?你怎么样?

Thank you 谢谢你……

Thank you 是表达感谢的一种方式,相当于Thanks 。for为介词,后接名词、代词或动名词。如:

①Thank you for your birthday


②Thanks for teaching me


Excuse 与'm

Excuse 多用于麻烦、打扰、有求于人的情况;而'm 是指做错了事情,有愧于别人而向别人道歉。如:

①Excuse Where is the library?


②Sorry, I'm late



(1) Good morning, Alice! 早上好,艾丽斯!

(2) Good afternoon! 下午好!

(3) Hi, Bob! 你好,鲍勃!

(4) Hello, Frank! 你好,弗兰克!

(5) Good evening 晚上好!

(6) —How are you? 你好吗?

—I’m fine, are you? 我很好,谢谢。你好吗?

—I’m 我很好。



have a soccer game 进行一场足球赛

fall ill 病倒了

be a little far from… 离……有点远

right away = at once 立刻;马上

miss a good chance 错过一个好机会

get/miss a goal 得到/失去一分

shame on 为某人感到羞耻

do one’s best 尽某人的力

say sorry to 对某人说抱歉

be sure to do 确定做某事

be angry with… 生某人的气

with one’s help= with the help of 在某人的帮助下

serve food 上菜

turn up/down… 调高/低(音量)

keep doing 让某人一直做某事

in a minute 一分钟后;马上

on the phone 在电话中

take a seat 就坐

never mind 不要紧

a lot of traveling 一系列旅行


一、 v+ do

1. Let sb do sth 让某人做某事

Let sb not do sth 让某人不做某事

2.why not do sth = why don’t you do sth 做什么怎么样 为什么不做、、、

Why not put on a raincoat, its raining outside. 外面在下雨,为什么不穿个雨衣呢?

3. Make sb do sth 使某人做某事

I will do my best to make my dream come true. 我会尽我所能去使我的梦想实现。

Make sb + adj 使某人。

The story makes us happy。

二 v+ doing

1. practice doing sth 练习做某事 our English teacher told us to practice speaking English

every day。英语老师叫我们每天练习说英语。

2. finish doing sth 完成做某事 my mum asks me to finishing cleaning up my room before

she come from work。 妈妈要求我在她下班回来之前打扫干净我的房间。

3. Enjoy doing sth 享受做某事

The boys are enjoying playing basketball 孩子们正在操场上享受打篮球。 4. stand doing sth 忍受做某事


5. mind doing sth 介意做某事


6. keep doing sth. 继续做某事

She will keep fighting in this new semester. 在新学期,她将继续努力奋斗

7. miss 想念 I miss you very much

Miss sth 错过。 he got up late this morning,so he missed the bus

Miss doing sth 错过做某事。He missed having the class,because he got up late。 8. Sb spend time with sb 与某人共度时间

I spend the weekend with my grandparents。

Sb spend (time/ money) 某人在某事花费时间,金钱

Sb spend (time/money)(in)doing sth 某人花费时间、金钱做某事 (人作主语)

I spent two hours (in)reading the novel last night.

It takes sb (time/ money) 某事花费某人多少时间,金钱 (it 作主语)

It took me two hours to read the novel last night。

Sb pay sth money= pay money for sth 为、、、付多少钱。 (人作主语)

I paid ten dollars for that book

Sth cost sb money 某物花费某人多少钱 (物作主语)

That book cost me ten dollars。

9、succeed in doing sth 成功做某事

He succeeds in giving up the smoking 他成功地戒了烟。

10. play a role in doing sth 发挥作用,有影响

computers play a role in people’s life 计算机在人们的生活中发挥作用。

. 人与人的交流。


11. Have fun (in)doing sth 玩得高兴

They had fun playing basketball. 他们打篮球玩得很高兴。

12. be good at doing/ sth 擅长 she is very good at dancing。 他擅长跳舞

13. be talented in doing sth/ sth 在某方面有天赋

she is talented in drawing。 她在画画方面有天赋

三 v+ to do

1. it's a good/ great way to do sth 做....的好方法.

He likes joining some activities because it’s a good way to make friends 他喜欢参加一些活


The best way to do sth 做某事的最佳方式

I think the best way to learn English is through English。学英语的最佳方式就是朗读。

2. It’s one’s first time to do sth 第一次做某事

It’s my first time to speak English with foreigners. 这是我第一次和外国人说英语。

3. want to do sth = would like to do sth 想做某事

4. decide to do sth 决定做某事

He decides to have a travel in this winter vacation. 他决定在这个寒假去旅行。

5. be determined to do sth 下定决心做某事

She determined to get good grades in this final examination. 她下定决心要在这次的期末


6. Invite sb to do sth 邀请某人做某事

He didn’t invite me to have dinner with them 他没有邀请我和他们共进晚餐。

Invite sb to a place 邀请某人到某处

He wants to invite the girl to his birthday party。 他想邀请那个女孩参加他的生日宴会。

7. help sb(to)do sth= help(sb)with sth 帮助某人做某事

he helped me with my English。= he helped me to study English.

8. order sb to do sth 命令某人做某事

the boss ordered him to finish the work before 5 o’clock 老板命令他五点之前完成工作

9. plan to do sth 计划做某事

I plan to have a vacation in this summer 我计划这个暑假去度假

10. choose to do sth 选择做某事

He chooses to stay at home because of the cold weather. 因为寒冷的天气,他选择呆在家里。

11. Do one’s best to do sth = try one’s best to do sth 尽某人做大努力做某事

I will try my best to make my dream come true.

12. Need to do sth 需要做某事

She needs to wash her dirty clothes now。 现在她需要去洗她的脏衣服。

13. be ready to do sth 准备好做某事 She is ready to go out 她准备好出去了。

14. seem + 形容词 看起来….. You seem happy today. 你看起来很高兴

seem + to do sth. 似乎、好像做某事 I seem to have a cold 我似乎感冒了。

15. tell sb. to do sth. 告诉某人做某事

Her mum tells her to sleep early. 她的妈妈告诉她早睡。

Tell sb not to sth 告诉某人不要做某事


16. expect to do sth 期待做某事


17. wish sb to do sth 希望某人做某事

I wish you to be good. 我希望你好好的。

Hope to do sth 希望做某事

I hope to have a good job in the future. 我希望将来有一份好工作。

18. it’s + adj for sb to do sth 做某件事 对某人来说怎么样

It’s good for you to sleep early. 早睡对你有好处。

四 v+ to do/ doing

1. try to do sth 尽量做某事, 努力做某事 he tries to finish his homework

Try not to do sth 尽量不做某事 he tries not to hurt his friends’ feelings。

Try doing sth 尝试做某事。 He tried washing his hair with a new shampoo。

2. mean to do sth 有意做某事 I didn’t mean to hurt you 我不是有意伤害你的。

Mean doing sth 意味着、、、、 being good to her doesn’t mean loving her 对她好并不意


3. start doing sth. 开始做某事= start to do sth (begin)

He usually starts cooking at 6 in the evening when his mother is not at home.当他妈妈不在家


4. 停止做某事 the teacher is coming,lets stop talking. 停下来做某事 if yo

第一文库网 u are tired, you can stop to rest.


1.offer sb sth = offer sth for sb (双宾) 提供某人某物

Make sb sth = make sth for sb 为某人制作某物

Buy sb sth = buy sth for sb 为某人买某 I want to buy my mother a present买一个礼物

Give sb sth = give sth to sb 给某人某物

Show sb sth = show sth to sb 像某人展示某物

Send sb sth = send sth to sb 给某人送某物

Return sb sth = return sth to sb 归还某物给某人

Pass sb sth = pass sth to sb 传递某物给某人

2. look for 寻找 she is looking for his eraser under the desk.

look like 看起来像 she looks like her mother.

look after 照看 =take care of I need to look after my dog.

look up 查字典 if you don’t know this new word, you can look it up in the dictionary。 如


3. work as 作为、、、工作 they work on the farm as volunteers. 他们在农场上作为自愿者工作。

work with sb 和某人一起工作

work for sb 为某人工作

work in/ at 在、、哪儿工作

4. Be famous/ well-known for、、因、、而出名 Chongqing is famous for hot- pot

Be famous / well-known as、、 作为、、而出名 she is famous as a singer.

Be popular with sb 受、、的欢迎 this magazine is popular with the young people 。这本杂


5. Be good at sth / doing sth 擅长

Be good with sb 和某人相处友好 she is very good with the kids(孩子)

Be good to sb/ sth 对、、很仁慈 you should be good to the animals

Be good for、、 对、、有好处 sleeping early is good for our health.

6. get on 上车 get on the bus

Get off 下车

Get up 起床

7.arrive at / in = get to = reach 到达。

Arrive at home 到家 arrive in Chongqing 到达重庆

Get to the park 到达公园 = reach the park

注意: there , here, home 这三个词前不能加to 所以

Get home get there get here √

但是如果home 前面有物主代词则可加to

Get to my home √ get to his home √

Get to home ×

8. Be interested in sth / doing sth 对、、 感兴趣

She is interested in dancing. / music.

9. a little = a bit = a little bit = kind of +形容词

a little =

+ 不可数名词 一点点

This book is kind of interesting. 这本书有点趣。

too many 太多,后接可数名词复数: Mother bought too many eggs yesterday.

too much 太多,修饰不可数名词。 We have too much work to do.

much too 太,修饰形容词或副词。

The hat is much too big for me. You’re walking much too fast.

10、.be the same as…… 与。相同

Is her lifestyle the same as yours? 她的生活方式和你的一样吗?

be different from。与。不同

Her lifestyle is different from mine. 她的生活方式和我的不同。

11、make a difference to sth 对……有影响

I want to try my best to make a difference to my poor life. 我想尽我最大的.努


12、care about sb./sth. 关心,在意某人/某事:Our parents always care about their children.

Everybody cares about his future. 每个人都很关系自己的未来。

13. as long as=so long as只要,引导条件状语从句;也可意为“既然”

We would like to go to the mountains as long as the weather is good. 只要天气


与??相像/ 类似 Your problem is similar to mine. 你的问题同我的一样。

My best friend is very similar to me. 我最好的朋友和我相似。

.be similar in sth.在某方面相似, His father and he are similar in height. (高度)

23. go on vacation 去度假

Kaikou is a beautiful city. Let’s go on vacation there 开口是一个美丽的城市,让


24.Turn on 打开电视,收音机 , 开关。

Turn off 关电视机,收音机

Turn up 把电视机,收音机的声音调大。

Turn down。 关小

On,off,up,down 是副词,所以如果后面加介词要放在中间。

I cant hear the radio clearly,would you please turn it up? 我听不清收音机,你能把声音调大


复合名词 a banana tree 香蕉树 two banana trees

A boy student 一个男学生 two boy students 两个男学生

A man teacher 一个男教师 两个你那教师

A woman doctor 一个女医生 两个女医生

25. Fill sth with sth 用某物填充某物

She fills the bottle with water。 她用水装满瓶子。

Be filled with sth 充满、、、、、、、 = be full of

The bottle is filled with water. 瓶子装满了水。

26. Put sth on ..... 将某物放在。上

Put on 穿上, 戴上

Put on the coat 穿上外套 put on the coat 戴上帽子

27. Mix sth up 。把。混合在一起、、、

She mixes them up. 她把她们混合在一起。

28. Take one’s place 代替,替代

She dresses up like a boy and takes her father’s place to fight in the army. 她打扮得像个男孩一样并且代替她的爸爸在军队里打仗。

29. too 。 to 太而不能

the water is too hot to drink. 水太烫而不能喝。










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