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发布时间: 2024-08-12 21:57:12


Unit4 Where’s my schoolbag?


my pencil box 我的铅笔盒

on the sofa 在沙发上

in your schoolbag 在你的书包里

under your bed 在你的床底下

in your grandparents’ room 在你祖父母的房间里

a tape player 一台录音机

a model plane 一个飞机模型

English books 英语书

in the bookcase 在书柜里

under the radio 在收音机下面

on the teacher’s desk 在讲台上

on your head 在你头上


—Where’s the schoolbag? 书包在哪里?

— I t ’s under the 在餐桌下。

— Where are my books?我的书在哪里?

—They’re on the 在沙发上。

is your ruler?


—Where’s my bag? 我的包在哪里?

—Is it on your desk? 在你的书桌上吗?

’s not under the


think it ’s in your grandparents’


‘m tidy,but Gina is


have a


’s books are



where /we?/ 在哪里;到哪里

table /'teibl/ 桌子

bed /bed/ 床

bookcase /'bukkeis/ 书架;书柜

sofa /'s?uf?/ 沙发

chair /t?e?/ 椅子

on /?n/ 在上

under /'?nd?/ 在下

come /k?m/ 来;来到

come on 快点儿

desk /desk/ 书桌

think /θi?k/ 认为;想;思考

room /ru:m/ 房间

their /?e?/ 他(她、它)们的

hat /h?t/ 帽子

head /hed/ 头

yeah /je?/ 是的;对

know /n?u/ 知道;了解

radio /'reidi?u/ 收音机;无线电广播

clock /kl?k/ 时钟

tape /teip/ 磁带;录音带;录像带

player /plei?/ 播放机

tape player 录音机

model /'m?dl/ 模型

plane /plein/ 飞机

model plane 飞机模型

tidy /'taidi/ 整洁的;井井有条的

but /b?t/ 但是

our /'au?/ 我们的

everywhere /'evriwe?/ 处处;到处;各地

always /'?:lweiz/ 总是


Unit3 Is this your pencil?


your schoolbag 你的书包

his green pen 他的绿色的钢笔

Anna’s books 安娜的书

her dictionary 她的字典

ask the teacher for 向老师要……

thank you for 因而谢谢你

computer games 电脑游戏

in Classroom 7E 在7 E 教室里

in the school library 在学校图书馆

call me 给我打电话

call me at 495-3539 拨4 9 5 -3 5 3 9打电话给我

e-mail me 用……给我发电子邮件

my school ID card 我的学生卡

a set of keys 一串钥匙

some keys 一些钥匙


— What’s this? 这是什么?

—It’s a 一块手表。

—How do you spell it? 你如何拼写它?


—Is this/that your pencil? 这是/那是你的铅笔吗?

—Yes, it It’s /No, it isn’ It’s 是的。它是我的。/不。它是他的。

—Excuse me,is this your pencil? 打扰一下,请问这是你的铅笔吗?

—Yes,thank 是的,谢谢你。

—Are these your books? 这些是你的书吗?

—Yes, they They are 是的。它们是我的。

一Are those your keys? 那些是你的钥匙吗?

—No,they aren’ They’re 不。它们是鲍勃的。

Thank you for your 谢谢你的帮助。

—The blue pen is 这支蓝色钢笔是他的。

—What about this dictionary? 那这本字典呢?

lost my school ID I must find



pencil /'pensl/ 铅笔

book /buk/ 书

eraser /i'reiz?/ 橡皮

box /b?ks/ 箱;盒

pencil box 铅笔盒;文具盒

schoolbag /'sku:lb?g/ 书包

dictionary /'dik??n?ri/ 词典;字典

his /hiz/ 他的

mine /main/ 我的

hers /h?:z/ 她的

excuse /ik'skju:z/ 原谅;宽恕

me /mi:/ (I的宾格)我

excuse me 劳驾;请原谅

thank /θ??k/ 感谢;谢谢

teacher /'ti:t??/ 老师;教师

about /?'baut/ 关于

What (询问消息或提出建议怎么样?

yours /j?:z/ 你的;你们的

for /f?:/ 为了;给;对

thank you 为而感谢

help /help/ 帮助;援助

welcome /'welk?m/ 受欢迎的

You're 别客气。

baseball /'beisb?:l/ 棒球

watch /w?t?/ 表;手表

computer /k?m'pju:t?/ 计算机;电脑

game /geim/ 游戏;运动;比赛

card /kɑ:d/ 卡片

ID card 学生卡;身份证

notebook /'n?utbuk/ 笔记本

ring /ri?/ 戒指

bag /b?g/ 袋;包

in /in/ 在里

library /'laibr?ri/ 图书馆

ask /ɑ:sk/ 请求;要求;询问


find /faind/ (过去分词 found)找到;发现

some /s?m/ 一些;某些

classroom /'klɑ:sru:m/ 教室

e-mail /'emeil/ (=email)电子邮件

at /?t/ 按照;根据;在(某处、某时间时刻)

call /k?:l/ (给)打电话

lost /l?st/ (动词lose的过去式)遗失;丢失

must /m?st/ modal 必须

set /set/ 一套;一副;一组

a set of 一套;一副;一组


shop assistant 营业员

charge sb money for sth为某事向某人索价

charge sb with sth 控告某人…

take charge of 接管,控制

in charge of sth负责,掌管,

in the charge of sb 在某人的掌管下

keep calm 保持冷静 make sure 确保

set an example to sb 给某人树立榜样

rather than 而不是 …

consult sb about sth 向某人请教

quarrel with sb about sth就某事与某人争吵

make up 编造 make out 听出,看出

go into detail(s)讨论,细谈

speak up 大声的说, 大胆的说出

sit up 坐直

the instant = as soon as =the moment

=the minute / second一…就

turn up 露面, 到达

make an appointment with sb 与某人约会

believe in 信任,信仰 turn over 反转

pay off 成功, 带来好的结果, 还清借款

overcome difficulty 克服困难

inspect an illegal business 调查一个非法交易

as long as = so long as 只要

high quality reports 高质量的报道

keep up with 跟上, 赶上 in case 万一

pay attention to sth 注意

work out 计算, 找到…的答案, 做运动

the number of …的数量

according to 依据,按照

a variety of 种.种, 各种各样

leave …behind 留下,遗忘,

without doubt 毫无疑问

1). I doubt whether/ if he’ll keep his

2). I don’t doubt that he’ll keep his

3). Do you doubt that he’ll keep his

4). There is some doubt whether he’ll

5). There is no doubt that he’ll

6). Is there any doubt that he’ll

envy sb sth 羡慕,嫉妒某人某物

the envy of sb 另人羡慕的…

due to =because of = owing to= on account of 由于

in addition 此外

have a positive attitude to / towards 对…有积极的态度

frankly speaking 老实说, 说实话

lay off 裁员, 解雇 aside from 除…之外

fail to do sth 未能做, 失败

graduate from 从…毕业

get promoted 被提升, 升职

go blank 一片空白

swell with anger/ regret 充满愤怒/ 遗憾

suspect sb of (doing) sth 怀疑某人做某事

bring a lump to one’s throat 喉头哽咽

dream of 梦想做 set up 创建

go up 上升,上涨 switch off 关掉

contribute to 对…有贡献, 有助于

participate in 参加

place the importance on sth 把重点放在…

give preference to 给…以优惠, 优待

loose conduct 行为不检点,行为不端

to a certain extent 在某种程度上

catch up on sth 补做, 赶做

fall behind落后 put off 推迟

take up 拿起,开始从事,占据



By asking why, how and what if, curious minds find

new ideas and

It takes a very unusual mind to undertake the analysis

of the

There did not seem much point in working on my Phi)

-- I did not expect to survive that

Nor did he let the disease stop him from living the kind

of life he has always dreamt

Even though I have interviewed famous people, the

story I like best is about an ordinary young woman

6 it was the first time that I had written with real

The result is a better understanding of the world on all

sides, leading to a future world where people from all

countries am respected and different views and opinions


Brave and strong, the activists talked to workers outside

the factory and left a positive message about protecting


They build a theory about the way in which things

happen and the causes and

More than ninety responsible and caring citizens, made

their voices heard


undertake 着手做

analysis 分析

inspiration 灵感

within 在……的里面

curious 好奇的

debate 争辩

graduate 毕业

disable 使丧失能力

seek 寻找

observe 观察

match 和……相配

astronomer 天文学家

engage 使订婚;使从事于

intelligent 理解力强的

experient 进行实验

media 传媒

fire 解雇;开除

difficulty 难事

bum 燃烧

inform 通知

talent 天资;天赋

present 呈现;描述

effort 努力

ignore 不理;忽视

tolerate 忍受

concern 使担忧

rmire 退休

bore 使厌烦

attitude 态度;看法

update 更新


go by (时间)经过

turn out to be 结果是

on the one hand, on the other hand 一方面,另一方面

within oneself 在某人能力范围之内

dream of / about 梦想

reach one's goals 达到目标

be curious about 对……好奇

the other way around 相反地

a top university 一所的大学

be punished for 因……而受惩罚

nine out often 十分之九

a promising postgraduate 一个有前途的研究生

be addicted to 对……上瘾

bum down 烧毁

foronce 就这一次

spare no effort 不遗余力

on all sides 在各方面

adapt to 适应

be armed with 用……武装

be concerned to 担心,担忧

change one's mind 改变主意

go up 上升,增长

in an organized way 有组织地,有条理地

fall in love with 与……相爱

current affairs 时事


What do they mean?

What are they known for?

What makes a scientist successful?

What do these three great minds have in common?

What are you interested in?

That's correct /

It's hard to

It's clear

There is no doubt

I would

What's your opinkm?

Maybe it would be better to



一. 定义:


二. 动词不定式的构成:to+动词原形


动词不定式作主语时,句子的谓语动词常用单数,其位置有以下两种: (1)把不定式置于句首。

如:To get there by bike will take us half an



It+be+名词+to do It's our duty to take good care of the

It takes sb+some time+to do How long did it take you to finish the work?

It+be+形容词+for sb+to do It is difficult for us to finish writing the composition in a quarter of an

It+be+形容词+of sb+to do It is stupid of you to write down everything (that) the teacher

It seems(appears)+形容词+to do It seemed impossible to save

在句型中,常用表示客观情况的形容词,如:difficult,easy,hard,important,impossible,necessary 等;

在句型中,常用careless,clever,good,foolish,honest,kind,lazy,nice,right,silly,stupid,wise等 表示赞扬或批评的词。

在不定式前的sb,可看作其逻辑主语。这一句式有时相当于Sb is+形容词+to do句式 ,如:It's kind of you to help me with my are kind to helpme with my


(1) It's easy (for me) to do 我做这事太容易了


the first,the next,the last,the best,too much,too little,not enough

1、It's so nice to hear your


2、It's necessary for you to lock the car when you do not use


(2) It's very kind of him to help 他帮助我们,他真好。



1、It was silly of us to believe 我们真愚蠢,竟然相信了他。

2、It seemed selfish of him not to give them 他不给他们任何东西,这显得太自私了。


(1) 其他系动词如,look,appear等也可用于此句型

(2) 不定式作为句子成分时,动词用单数形式。

(3) 当不定式作主语的句子中又有一个不定式作表语时,不能用It is… to…的句型

(对)To see is to 眼见为实。

(错)It is to believe to

三. 动词不定式作宾语

后面能接不定式作宾语的动词有:agree, ask, choose, decide, forget, hope, learn, want, wish, would like等。

1、We hope to get there before 我们希望天黑以前到那儿。

2、The man decided to do it 那个男人决定自己做那件事。



remember to do 记住要做某事

remember doing 记得曾经做过某事

forget to do忘记要做某事

forget doing 忘记曾经做过某事

stop to do 停下来去做某事

stop doing 停止做某事

go on to do 继续做另一件事

go on doing 继续做原来在做的事


如:He found it very difficult to get to 他发现很难入睡。


in : 在旅馆的登记入住。 Check out: 在旅馆结账离开。

①通过…方式(途径)。例:I learn English by listening to

②在…旁边。例:by the window/the door

③乘坐交通工具 例:by bus/car

④在……之前,到……为止。例:by October在10月前

⑤被 例:English is spoken by many


how通常对方式或程度提问,意思有:怎么样 如何,通常用来做状语、表语。

what通常对动作的发出者或接受者提问,意思为 什么,通常做宾语,主语。

①How is your summer holiday? It’s (how表示程度 做表语)

②How did you travel around the world? I travel by

③What do you learn at school? I learn English, math and many other

① What…think of…? How…like…?

② What…do with…? How…deal with…?

③ What…like about…? How…like…?

④ What’s the weather like today? How’s the weather today?

⑤ What to do? How to do it?

What do you think of this book?=How do you like this book?

I don’t know what I should do with the don’t know how I should deal with

What do you like about China?=How do you like China?

I don’t know what to do next step?=I don’t know how to do it next step?

㊣ What good / bad weather it is today!(weather为不可数名词,其前不能加 a )

㊣ What a fine / bad day it is today! (day为可数名词,其前要加 a )

aloud, loud与loudly的用法 : 三个词都与"大声"或"响亮"有关。



如: He read the story aloud to his 他朗读那篇故事给他儿子听。

②loud可作形容词或副词。用作副词时,常与speak, talk, laugh等动词连用,多用于比较级,须放在动词之后。如:

She told us to speak a little 她让我们说大声一点。



He does not talk loudly or laugh loudly in 他不当众大声谈笑。

voice 指人的嗓音 也指鸟鸣。

sound 指人可以听到的各种声音。

noise 指噪音、吵闹声

find + 宾语 + 宾补(名词 形容词 介词短语 分词等)

例:I find him I found him working in the

We found him in He found the window

We found her


①是:am 、is、 are

②保持:keep、 stay

③ 转变:become、 get、 turn

④ ……起来 feel、 look、 smell、 taste、 sound

get + 宾语+宾补(形容词 过去分词 动词不定式) 使某种情况发生

例:Get the shoes 把鞋擦干净

Get Green to 让格林先生进来

I want to get my bike 我想去修自行车

You can’t get him 你不能让他老等着



The next train to arrive was from New He is always the first to


I have nothing to I need a pen to write

I need some paper to write I don’t have a room to live

practice , fun 做名词为不可数名词

add 补充说 又说

join 加入某团体 并成为其中一员 attend 出席参加会议或讲座

join in与take part in指参加到某项活动中去。

、 both、 always以及every复合词与not连用构成部分否定。其完全否定为:all---none, both---neither, everything---nothing,

be afraid of doing / 害怕 be afraid of being alone

be afraid to do 害怕

be afraid that恐怕担心,表示委婉语气






,an 与序数词连用表示“又一”,“再一”。

例:Please give me a second There comes a fifth

trouble/difficult/problem (in) doing… 干…遇到麻烦,困难

除非,如果不,等于“if not”本身就表示否定,引导条件状语从句,主句为将来时,条件状语从句用一般现在时表示将来。

例:My baby sister doesn’t cry unless she’s

=My baby sister doesn’t cry if she isn’t

Unless you take more care, you’ll have an



例:We have no coffee, would you like tea instead?


It will take days by car, so let’s fly


Tom was ill, so I went 汤姆病了,所以换了我去。

instead of doing 作为某人或某事物的替换

例:Let’s play cards instead of watching

We sometimes eat rice instead of

Give me the red one instead of the green

口头的,口语的。spoken English 口头英语

speaking 讲话的,说某种语言的。Speaking skills讲英语的能力


①What/ how about +doing 如:What/ How about going shopping?

②Why don’t you + do 如:Why don’t you go shopping?

③Why not + do ? 如:Why not go shopping?

④Let’s + do 如: Let’s go shopping

⑤Shall we/ I + do 如:Shall we/ I go shopping?

a lot 许多 常用于句末 如:I eat a 我吃了许多。

too…to 太…而不能 常用的句型 too+ + to do

如:I’m too tired to say 我太累了,什么都不想说。

not …at all 一点也不 根本不 如:

I like milk very I don’t like coffee at


not经常可以和助动词结合在一起,at all 则放在句尾

/ get excited about be / get excited about doing

=== be excited to do 对…感兴奋 如:

I am / get excited about going to

I am excited to go to 我对去北京感到兴奋。

① end up doing sth 终止做某事,结束做某事 如:

The party ended up 晚会以唱歌而结束。

② end up with 以…结束 如:

The party ended up with her 晚会以她的歌唱而告终。

first of all 首先

to begin with 一开始

later on 后来、随

also 也、而且(用于肯定句)常在句子的中间

either 也(用于否定句)常在句末

too 也 (用于肯定句) 常在句末=as well

make mistakes 犯错

mistake for …把……错认为……

make mistakes (in) doing 在干某事方面出错

by mistake 错误地;由于搞错


如:I often make 我经常犯错。

I mistook him for his 我错把他认成了他的哥哥。

make a mistake 犯一个错误 如: I have made a


laugh at 笑话;取笑(某人)

如:Don’t laugh at me!不要取笑我!

take notes 做笔记,做记录

enjoy doing sth . 喜欢做…乐意做… 如:

She enjoys playing 她喜欢踢足球。

enjoy oneself 过得愉快 如:He enjoyed 他过得愉快。

native speaker 说本族语的人

one of +(the+ 形容词比较级)+名词 形式 …其中之一

如: She is one of the most popular 她是欢迎的教师之一。

It’s +形容词+(for ) to do (对于某人来说)做某事…

如:It’s difficult (for me ) to study 对于我来说学习英语太难了。

句中的it 是形式主语,真正的主语是to study English

practice doing 练习做某事 如:

She often practice speaking 她经常练习说英语。

decide to do 决定做某事 如:

LiLei has decided to go to BeiJing . 李雷已经决定去北京。

deal with 处理 如:I dealt with a lot of

worry about 担心某人/ 某事

如:Mother worried about his son just 妈妈刚才担心他的儿子。

be angry with 对某人生气 如:

I was angry with 我对她生气。

perhaps === maybe 也许

go by (时间) 过去 如: Two years went 两年过去了。

see / doing 看见某人正在做某事 强调正在发生

see / do 看见某人在做某事 如:

如: She saw him drawing a picture in the 她看见他正在教室里画画。

each other 彼此

regard… as … 把…看作为…. 如:

The boys regarded Anna as a 这些男孩把安娜看成傻瓜。

too many 许多 修饰可数名词 如:too many girls

too much 许多 修饰不可数名词 如:too much milk

much too 太 修饰形容词 如:much too beautiful

change… into… 将…变为…

如:The magician changed the pen into a 这个魔术师将这本书变为一本书。

with the help of == with one’s help 在某人的帮助下

如:with the help of LiLei == with LiLei’s help 在李雷的帮助下

compare … to … 把…与…相比

如:Compare you to Anna, you are 你和安娜相比,你是幸运的。











S+V+DO 是主谓加双宾


S(主语)+V(谓语)+ I(间接宾语)+D(直接宾语)

S(主语)+V(动词)+O (宾语)+Complement(补语)

1Subject (主语) + Verb (谓语)

这种句型中的动词大多是不及物动词,这些动词常见的有:appear, apologize,arrive, come, die, disappear, exist, fall, happen, rise,等等。如:

The students work very


She apologized to me


The accident happened yesterday


2Subject (主语) + V(系动词) + Predicate(表语)


(1)表示状态的连系动词。这些词有:be, look, seem, appear, smell, taste, sound, keep, remain, 等等。如:

Several players lay flat on the


We should remain modest and prudent any time


This kind of food tastes


The picture looks more beautiful at a certain


(2)表示转变或结果的系动词。这些词有:become, get, grow, turn, go, come, prove,等等。如:

Spring It is getting warmer and


Don't have the It has gone


The facts prove


3Subject(主语) + Verb (谓语) + Object (宾语)


You can put the books in your


Farmers in our area grow lots of


She lost the chance to make her appearance on the


I prefer to make web


4Subject(主语)+Verb(谓语)+ Indirect object(间接宾语)+Direct object (直接宾语)


Yesterday her father bought her a bicycle as a birthday


The old man is telling the children stories in the Long



1)动词 + 宾语 + for ;

2)动词 + 宾语+to 。如:

Please show me your

-Please show your picture to


I'll offer you a good chance as long as you don't lose

—I'll offer a good chance for you as long as you don't lose


4Subject(主语)+Verb (动词)+Object (宾语)+Complement(补语)

这种句型中的宾语+ 补语可统称为“复合宾语”。担任补语的常常是名词、形容词、副词、介词短语、分词、动词不定式等。如:

Keep the children quiet,


He painted the wall


We found him an honest


His mother told him not to play on the


注意:动词have, make, let, see, hear, notice, feel, observe, watch等后面所接的动词不定式作宾补时,不带to。如:

The boss made him do the work all




1)陈述句(肯定、否定):He is six years She didn’t hear of you


Do they like skating? How old is he?

Is he six or seven years old?

Mary can swim, can’t she?

3)祈使句:Be careful, Don’t talk in class

4)感叹句:How clever the boy is! What a clever boy he is!



He often reads English in the Tom and Mike are American

She likes drawing and often draws pictures for the wall

2) 并列句:由并列连词(and, but, or等)或分号(;)把两个或两个以上的简单句连在一起构成。

You help him and he helps

The future is bright; the road is 前途是光明的,道路是曲折的。


The foreign visitors took a lot of pictures when they were at the Great



farmer is showing the boy how to plant a

Both Tom and Jack enjoy country

The boy who offered me his seat is called

My brother and I go to school at half past seven in the morning and come back home at

He is in Class One and I am in Class

He was fond of drawing when he was yet a

Neither has he changed his mind, nor will he do

What he said at the meeting is very important, isn’t it?


1主语(subject): 句子说明的人或事物。

The sun rises in the (名词)

He likes (代词)

Twenty years is a short time in (数词)

Seeing is (动名词)

To see is to (不定式)

What he needs is a (主语从句)

It is very clear that the elephant is round and tall like a


附带复习一下it 作形式主语的一些用法: 当主语部分太长时为了句子平衡采用it作形式主语。所谓形式是指句子的真正主语将在句子末段出现

is+名词+从句 :It is a surprise that you give such an answer to this

it is +形容词+从句: It is certain that free medical care will be given to most people in our

It +动词+从句: It appeared that he had a taste for

It be +分词+从句:It is said that Li Tao has been to


We study

He is


He is a (名词)

Seventy-four! You don’t look (代词)

Five and five is (数词)

He is (形容词)

His father is (副词)

The picture is on the (介词短语)

My watch is gone / missing / (形容词化的分词)

To wear a flower is to say “I’m poor, I can’t buy a ” (不定式)

The question is whether they will (表语从句)


be, sound(听起来), look(看起来), fee l(摸起来),smell(闻起来),taste(尝、吃起来), remain(保持,仍是), feel(感觉) ….

It sounds a good

The sound sounds

Her voice sounds

Tom looks

The food smells

The food tastes

The door remains

Now I feel



I like (名词)

He hates (代词)

How many do you need? We need (数词)

We should help the old and the

I enjoy working with (动名词)

I hope to see you (不定式)

Did you write down what he said? (宾语从句)


Are you afraid of the snake?

Under the snow, there are many

3) 双宾语——间宾(指人)和直宾(指物)

He gave me a book

Give the poor man some


We elected him (名词)

We all think it a pity that she didn’t come (名)

We will make them (形容词)

We found nobody (副词)

Please make yourself at (介词短语)

Don’t let him do (省to不定式)

His father advised him to teach the lazy boy a (带to不定式)

Don’t keep the lights (现在分词)

I’ll have my bike (过去分词)


He was elected

She was found singing in the next

He was advised to teach the lazy boy a


Ai Yanling is a chemistry (名词)

He is our (代词)

We belong to the third (数词)

He was advised to teach the lazy boy a (形容词)

The man over there is my old (副词)

The woman with a baby in her arms is my (介词)

The boys playing football are in (现在分词)

The trees planted last year are growing well (过去分词)

I have an idea to do it (不定式)

You should do everything that I (定语从句)

8状语:用来修饰, , , or 句子。表示时间、地点、原因、目的、结果、程度、条件、方式和让步。


I will go there

The meeting will be held in the

The meat went bad because of the hot

He studies hard to learn English

He didn’t study hard so that he failed in the

I like some of you very

If you study hard, you will pathe

He goes to school by

Though he is young, he can do it


一、助动词(do, does )的用法


1)当句子为肯定句时不涉及使用助动词,只涉及“主谓一致”原则。 eg : I like English a

Michael likes Chinese food very


Kangkang likes doesn't like They like don't like


Michael likes Chinese Michael like Chinese food? Yes, he No, he doesn'

Jane and Helen like Jand and Helen like music? Yes, they No, they don'


1、Kangkang's books;Tom and Helen's desk; Ann's and Maria's bikes;

2、用of表示“的”,但要从of后往of前翻译:a book of mine(我的一本书)


have一般表示“主动拥有”,往往用于有生命的人或动物;无生命的物体一般不能“主动拥有”,表示所属关系时要用of。例如: I have a new She has two big door of the house



1、三种人称:第一人称(I, we),第二人称(you, you),第三人称(he, she, it, Maria)。

2、人称代词的主格,即人称代词位于句子主语位置时的形态:I, We, You, You, He, She, It, Maria。

3、人称代词的宾格,即人称代词位于句子宾语位置时的形态:me, us, you, you, him, her, it。

4、形容词性物主代词:my, our, your, your, his, her, its, their。

5、名词性物主代词:mine, ours, yours, yours, his, hers, its, theirs。

6、反身代词:myself, ourselves, yourself, yourselves, himself, herself, itself, themselves。

二、基数词(表示数量多少的词,大致相当于代数里的自然数) zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen,

seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, twenty-one, twenty-two, twenty-three,twenty-four, twenty-five, twenty-six,

twenty-seven, twenty-eight, twenty-nine, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty,seventy, eighty, ninety, one hundred,one hundred and one。



一. 定义:


二. 动词不定式的构成:to+动词原形


动词不定式作主语时,句子的谓语动词常用单数,其位置有以下两种: (1)把不定式置于句首。

如:To get there by bike will take us half an



It+be+名词+to do It's our duty to take good care of the

It takes sb+some time+to do How long did it take you to finish the work?

It+be+形容词+for sb+to do It is difficult for us to finish writing the composition in a quarter of an

It+be+形容词+of sb+to do It is stupid of you to write down everything (that) the teacher

It seems(appears)+形容词+to do It seemed impossible to save

在句型中,常用表示客观情况的形容词,如:difficult,easy,hard,important,impossible,necessary 等;

在句型中,常用careless,clever,good,foolish,honest,kind,lazy,nice,right,silly,stupid,wise等 表示赞扬或批评的词。

在不定式前的sb,可看作其逻辑主语。这一句式有时相当于Sb is+形容词+to do句式 ,如:It's kind of you to help me with my are kind to helpme with my


(1) It's easy (for me) to do 我做这事太容易了


the first,the next,the last,the best,too much,too little,not enough

1、It's so nice to hear your


2、It's necessary for you to lock the car when you do not use


(2) It's very kind of him to help 他帮助我们,他真好。



1、It was silly of us to believe 我们真愚蠢,竟然相信了他。

2、It seemed selfish of him not to give them 他不给他们任何东西,这显得太自私了。


(1) 其他系动词如,look,appear等也可用于此句型

(2) 不定式作为句子成分时,动词用单数形式。

(3) 当不定式作主语的句子中又有一个不定式作表语时,不能用It is… to…的句型

(对)To see is to 眼见为实。

(错)It is to believe to

三. 动词不定式作宾语

后面能接不定式作宾语的动词有:agree, ask, choose, decide, forget, hope, learn, want, wish, would like等。

1、We hope to get there before 我们希望天黑以前到那儿。

2、The man decided to do it 那个男人决定自己做那件事。



remember to do 记住要做某事

remember doing 记得曾经做过某事

forget to do忘记要做某事

forget doing 忘记曾经做过某事

stop to do 停下来去做某事

stop doing 停止做某事

go on to do 继续做另一件事

go on doing 继续做原来在做的事


如:He found it very difficult to get to 他发现很难入睡。


疑问词是疑问代词“who, whom, what, which, whose”和疑问副词“when, where, how, why ”。此外,连接词“whether”也适用。



When to hold the meeting has not yet been

Where to live is a

How to cope with the rising cost of living becomes a daily discussion


We must know what to say at a

He could not tell whom to

Do you know how to play bridge?


The problem is where to find the financial

The question is who to


Tom had no idea which book to read

Do you have a rough impression how to do it?


Jim is not sure whose to

Mary and John are not certain whether to get married or

适用于“疑问词+不定式动词”的动词包括:“know, see, decide, tell, ask, consider, discover, explain, forget, guess, hear, imagine, inquire, learn, remember, think, wonder, understand”等。


I could not decide which dictonary to / I could not decide which dictionary I should

Jack did not know where to find such a good Jack did not know where he could find such a good

有些动词,如“ask, show, tell, advise, inform, teach”等,可以先有个宾语,然后才接着加上适当的“疑问词+不定式动词” 结构。例如:

The chief technician showed the apprentice how to repair the

Have you told him where to get the application form?


Unit4 Where’s my schoolbag?


my pencil box 我的铅笔盒

on the sofa 在沙发上

in your schoolbag 在你的书包里

under your bed 在你的床底下

in your grandparents’ room 在你祖父母的房间里

a tape player 一台录音机

a model plane 一个飞机模型

English books 英语书

in the bookcase 在书柜里

under the radio 在收音机下面

on the teacher’s desk 在讲台上

on your head 在你头上


—Where’s the schoolbag? 书包在哪里?

— I t ’s under the 在餐桌下。

— Where are my books?我的书在哪里?

—They’re on the 在沙发上。

is your ruler?


—Where’s my bag? 我的包在哪里?

—Is it on your desk? 在你的书桌上吗?

’s not under the


think it ’s in your grandparents’


‘m tidy,but Gina is


have a


’s books are



where /we?/ 在哪里;到哪里

table /'teibl/ 桌子

bed /bed/ 床

bookcase /'bukkeis/ 书架;书柜

sofa /'s?uf?/ 沙发

chair /t?e?/ 椅子

on /?n/ 在上

under /'?nd?/ 在下

come /k?m/ 来;来到

come on 快点儿

desk /desk/ 书桌

think /θi?k/ 认为;想;思考

room /ru:m/ 房间

their /?e?/ 他(她、它)们的

hat /h?t/ 帽子

head /hed/ 头

yeah /je?/ 是的;对

know /n?u/ 知道;了解

radio /'reidi?u/ 收音机;无线电广播

clock /kl?k/ 时钟

tape /teip/ 磁带;录音带;录像带

player /plei?/ 播放机

tape player 录音机

model /'m?dl/ 模型

plane /plein/ 飞机

model plane 飞机模型

tidy /'taidi/ 整洁的;井井有条的

but /b?t/ 但是

our /'au?/ 我们的

everywhere /'evriwe?/ 处处;到处;各地

always /'?:lweiz/ 总是


Unit1 Hello!


hello你好 hi你好 Miss小姐 class同学们

I 我 I’m=I am我是


good morning 早上好 good afternoon 下午好


morning, Miss 早上好,李老师。

, 你好,麦克。

afternoon, 下午好,同学们。

, I’m 你好,我是波比。


Helen海伦 Mike 麦克 Tim 蒂姆 Sam 萨姆 Bobby波比

和afternoon 的区分。

Morning, 12点之前。

Afternoon, 12点之后。



( )当你看到新朋友,想打招呼时,可以说:

’s your name? Nice to meet

( )早上起床,对准备早餐的妈妈说:

Good Good

( )下午老师进班上课,对同学们说:

morning, Good afternoon, Good evening,

( )当你介绍自己是迈克时,你说:

Hello, Hi, I’m Hi, my name is


hi, I’m,Bobby (.) ___________________________________

morning, Mike, good (, .)___________________________________



By asking why, how and what if, curious minds find

new ideas and

It takes a very unusual mind to undertake the analysis

of the

There did not seem much point in working on my Phi)

-- I did not expect to survive that

Nor did he let the disease stop him from living the kind

of life he has always dreamt

Even though I have interviewed famous people, the

story I like best is about an ordinary young woman

6 it was the first time that I had written with real

The result is a better understanding of the world on all

sides, leading to a future world where people from all

countries am respected and different views and opinions


Brave and strong, the activists talked to workers outside

the factory and left a positive message about protecting


They build a theory about the way in which things

happen and the causes and

More than ninety responsible and caring citizens, made

their voices heard


undertake 着手做

analysis 分析

inspiration 灵感

within 在……的里面

curious 好奇的

debate 争辩

graduate 毕业

disable 使丧失能力

seek 寻找

observe 观察

match 和……相配

astronomer 天文学家

engage 使订婚;使从事于

intelligent 理解力强的

experient 进行实验

media 传媒

fire 解雇;开除

difficulty 难事

bum 燃烧

inform 通知

talent 天资;天赋

present 呈现;描述

effort 努力

ignore 不理;忽视

tolerate 忍受

concern 使担忧

rmire 退休

bore 使厌烦

attitude 态度;看法

update 更新


go by (时间)经过

turn out to be 结果是

on the one hand, on the other hand 一方面,另一方面

within oneself 在某人能力范围之内

dream of / about 梦想

reach one's goals 达到目标

be curious about 对……好奇

the other way around 相反地

a top university 一所的大学

be punished for 因……而受惩罚

nine out often 十分之九

a promising postgraduate 一个有前途的研究生

be addicted to 对……上瘾

bum down 烧毁

foronce 就这一次

spare no effort 不遗余力

on all sides 在各方面

adapt to 适应

be armed with 用……武装

be concerned to 担心,担忧

change one's mind 改变主意

go up 上升,增长

in an organized way 有组织地,有条理地

fall in love with 与……相爱

current affairs 时事


What do they mean?

What are they known for?

What makes a scientist successful?

What do these three great minds have in common?

What are you interested in?

That's correct /

It's hard to

It's clear

There is no doubt

I would

What's your opinkm?

Maybe it would be better to



my ---your I ---you our---your this --- that

here ----there yes----no come----go teacher----student boy----girl his---her


1、表示在几楼上,要用介词on,如on the first 在一楼。 The first表示第一的,序数词在使用时前面一定要加the,表示事物的排列顺序。

2、介绍离自己近的事物时用this is , 介绍离自己比较远的事物时用that is? 如:This is my 这是我的计算机。

Thatis your 那是你的计算机。

3、how many??多少?用来询问物品的数量有多少,后面只能跟名词的复数形式。如Howmany books do you have?你有多少本书?

4、当表示有一个时,名词的前面可以用a或者元音前用an , 辅音前用如 an apple 一个苹果 an orange 一个橙子

apear 一个梨 a dog 一只狗

5、当用Is this?? Is that??提问时,一般用肯定回答是:Yes, it

否定是: No , it isn’


1、This is the teacher’s 这是老师办公室。

2、That is my 那是我的教室。

3、Go to the Read a 去图书馆。读故事书。

4、Is this the library? Yes, it 这是图书馆吗?是的。

5Isthat the art room? The art room is on the second


6Whereis the canteen? Its on the first



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