The event was the third extravehicular mission conducted during the construction of the country's space station and the first by the Shenzhou XIII crew. It also marks the first extravehicular activities (EVAs) in Chinese space history involving a female taikonaut.
北京时间11月7日晚18时51分,航天员翟志刚成功开启天和核心舱节点舱出舱舱门(open the hatch of Tianhe's node cabin),截至20时28分,翟志刚和航天员王亚平身着我国新一代“飞天”舱外航天服(don China-developed new-generation Feitian spacesuits),先后从天和核心舱节点舱成功出舱(be out of China's space station core module Tianhe to start EVAs),中国首位出舱航天员翟志刚时隔13年后再次进行出舱活动(this is the second time Zhai has performed EVAs,having completed China's first spacewalk 13 years ago);王亚平成为中国首位进行出舱活动的女航天员,迈出了中国女性舱外太空行走第一步(Wang's EVAs make her the country's first female astronaut to leave footprints in outer space)。北京时间11月8日1时16分,经过约6.5小时的出舱活动(after 6.5 hours of extravehicular activities),神舟十三号航天员乘组密切协同,圆满完成出舱活动全部既定任务,航天员翟志刚、王亚平安全返回天和核心舱(return to the core module),出舱活动取得圆满成功。
航天员出舱活动期间,天地间大力协同、舱内外密切配合,先后完成了机械臂悬挂装置与转接件安装(mount new components on the station's robotic arm)、舱外典型动作测试等任务,全过程顺利圆满,进一步检验了我国新一代舱外航天服的功能性能(further test the functions of the China-developed new-generation extravehicular spacesuits),检验了航天员与机械臂协同工作的能力(the coordination between the taikonauts and the mechanical arm)及出舱活动相关支持设备的可靠性与安全性(the reliability and safety of supporting equipment related to the EVAs)。
神舟十三号载人飞船于10月16日成功发射,顺利将翟志刚、王亚平、叶光富3名航天员送入太空。神舟十三号乘组将在轨驻留6个月,预计要进行2-3次的出舱行走任务。神舟十三号载人飞行任务是空间站关键技术验证阶段第六次飞行任务,也是该阶段最后一次飞行任务(Shenzhou XIII will be the last mission in the technological verification phase of the Tiangong space station program)。
出舱活动 extravehicular activities (EVAs)
载人飞船 manned spacecraft
货运飞船 cargo spacecraft
舱外航天服 extravehicular spacesuits
“太空授课” space-based lecture